Insurance and Insurance Markets
In: Handbook of the Economics of Risk and Uncertainty, 1st Edition, W.K. Viscusi and M. Machina (Eds.), North Holland, Amsterdam, 203-261, 2014
9086 Ergebnisse
In: Handbook of the Economics of Risk and Uncertainty, 1st Edition, W.K. Viscusi and M. Machina (Eds.), North Holland, Amsterdam, 203-261, 2014
In: The Geneva papers on risk and insurance - issues and practice, Band 23, Heft 4, S. 479-489
ISSN: 1468-0440
Working paper
Working paper
In: Journal of Risk and Insurance (forthcoming)
Working paper
Anahtar Kelimeler : Sigorta, Avrupa Tek Sigorta Piyasası, Türk Sigorta Piyasası, Finansal EntegrasyonÖZETTÜRK SİGORTA PİYASASININ AVRUPA TEK SİGORTA PİYASASIYLAENTEGRASYONUÖzellikle Ekonomik ve Parasal Birliğin kurulmasından bu yana Avrupa Birliği finansal piyasalarının entegrasyon süreci hızlanarak devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı ise, Avrupa Ekonomik Alanında (AEA) finansal piyasaların önemli bir parçası olan hayat ve hayat-dışı sigorta piyasalarının entegrasyon seviyesini ve Türk sigorta piyasasının Avrupa tek sigorta piyasasıyla entegrasyon olasılığını araştırmaktır. Çalışmanın sonuçları, tüm AEA üyesi ülkelerdeki tüketicilerin ve sigorta/reasürans şirketlerinin eşit şartlarda faaliyet göstermesine karşın, sigorta piyasası göstergelerinin birbiriyle yakınsamadığı, sigorta şirketlerinin hizmetlerin serbest sunumu ve yerleşme serbestisinden yararlanmadığı ve sigorta piyasalarının entegre olmaktan henüz oldukça uzak olduğunu göstermiştir. AEA'da yabancı sigorta piyasalarına girmek için kullanılan esas yöntem hala birleşme ve satın almalardır. Bu çalışmada Türk sigorta sektörüne ilişkin olarak ise, AB ile üyelik müzakerelerine devam eden Türkiye'nin sigorta mevzuatını AB sigorta müktesebatıyla büyük ölçüde uyumlu hale getirdiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Türk sigorta sektörünün uyum seviyesi ve entegrasyon olasılığına ilişkin algıları ve beklentileri ise anket yöntemiyle araştırılmıştır. Buna göre, Türk sigorta sektörü, sigorta mevzuatının AB sigorta müktesebatıyla hali hazırda uyumlu hale geldiğini ve Türkiye'nin AB üyeliğinin Türk sigorta piyasasına faydalı olacağını, ancak üyeliğin AB sigorta piyasalarıyla entegrasyona yol açmayacağını düşünmektedir.Keywords : Insurance, European Single Insurance Market, Turkish Insurance Market, Financial IntegrationABSTRACTINTEGRATION OF THE TURKISH INSURANCE MARKET WITH THEEUROPEAN SINGLE INSURANCE MARKETThere has been a continuing process of integration in the EU financial markets especially since the establishment of EMU. The aim of this study is to analyze the extent of the integration of the EU/EEA life and non-life insurance markets which occupy an important place in the financial markets and the integration prospect of the Turkish insurance market with the European single insurance market. The results revealed that even though consumers and re/insurers situated in any one of the Member States are completely free to operate throughout the European Economic Area (EEA) under the same conditions with local companies and consumers, insurance market indicators do not converge, insurers do not make use of freedom of services and freedom of establishment and thus insurance markets of the EEA Member States are still far from being integrated markets. Mergers and acquisitions are still the dominant strategy to access a foreign insurance market in the EEA. As far as the Turkish insurance market is concerned, it is argued in this study that Turkey, an acceding country to the EU, harmonized its insurance legislation with the EU insurance acquis to a great extent. Perceptions and expectations of the Turkish insurance market on the current level of harmonization and the integration prospect are investigated by a survey. The sector believes that Turkish insurance legislation is already harmonized with the EU insurance acquis and that the EU membership of Turkey would be beneficial for the Turkish insurance market but would not result in the integration of the market with the insurance markets of the EEA Member States.
In: Garcia , D & Tsur , M 2021 , ' Information Design in Competitive Insurance Markets ' , Journal of Economic Theory , vol. 191 , 105160 .
This paper characterizes the optimal information structure in competitive insurance markets with adverse selection. We consider a regulator that assigns ratings to individuals according to their expected costs. Insurers observe these ratings and compete as in Akerlof (1970). The optimal rating system minimizes ex-ante risk subject to participation constraints. We prove that in any such market there exists a unique optimal system under which all individuals trade and the ratings match low-cost types with high-cost types negative assortatively. We provide a simple algorithm that yields the optimal system and examine implications for government regulations of insurance markets.
In: American economic review, Band 113, Heft 10, S. 2546-2580
ISSN: 1944-7981
Regulators often impose rules that constrain the behavior of market participants. We study the design of regulatory policy in an insurance market as a delegation problem. A regulator restricts the menus of contracts an informed firm is permitted to offer, the firm offers a permitted menu to each consumer, and consumers choose contracts from offered menus. If consumer types and firm signals are ordered in a way that reflects coverage need, the regulator can leverage the firm's information by forcing the firm to offer specified additional options on each menu. Several extensions illustrate the practical application of our results. (JEL D21, D43, D82, D86, G22, G28, L51)
In: The Geneva risk and insurance review, Band 49, Heft 1, S. 36-58
ISSN: 1554-9658
Working paper
In: The Geneva papers on risk and insurance - issues and practice, Band 8, Heft 3, S. 280-285
ISSN: 1468-0440
Working paper
In: The Geneva papers on risk and insurance theory, Band 24, Heft 1, S. 55-68
ISSN: 1573-6954
In: SourceOECD
In: Policy issues in insurance 10
This book presents an in-depth historical and analytical review of the reform process in the Russian insurance sector. The report examines the state of the Russian insurance industry, analyses market dynamics and structure, and assesses the major reform initiatives that have occurred in the sector over the past years. Of crucial importance in the reform process was the revision of the organisational structure of the Russian insurance business, improvement of solvency and capitalization requirements for insurance companies, liberalization of the market, and enhancement of supervisory oversight with the establishment of the Federal Service for Insurance Supervision. . The report concludes with a series of policy recommendations for policymakers and insurance market players. They are designed to further improve the legal and regulatory framework and to strengthen the insurance industry management structure, operational mechanisms and competitive capacity.
In: Handbook of International Insurance; Huebner International Series on Risk, Insurance and Economic Security, S. 679-741