Dynamic Berth Allocation Problem for a Novel Hybrid Berth System in Container Terminal
In: CAIE-D-22-02445
569708 Ergebnisse
In: CAIE-D-22-02445
Sommer 1923: Während Hungersnot und Inflation schlägt sich die junge Bertha Merkle in Stuttgart durchs Leben. Es gelingt ihr, eine Anstellung als Hausmädchen bei dem Romanistik-Professor Fabricius zu erhalten. Er nennt sie Berthe und lehrt sie, Frankreich und seine Kultur aus einer ganz anderen Perspektive wahrzunehmen als ihre Zeitgenossen. Aber die Sorge um ihren Bruder lässt ihr keine Ruhe. Nach einem schrecklichen Unglück zieht sie nach Gengenbach, um ihn zu finden. Dabei verliebt sie sich Hals über Kopf in Armand und folgt ihm über die Grenze. Doch der 2. Weltkrieg steht bevor und Hitler marschiert in Paris ein. Von der neuen Familie ungeliebt, von den Dorfbewohnern als Deutsche nicht akzeptiert hat das Paar einen schweren Lebensweg zwischen beiden verfeindeten Nationen zu meistern. - Der Autorin gelingt es, durch fundierte Kenntnis der Zeitgeschichte den Leser einfühlend und tief gehend zu führen und ihn das Leben in dieser Zeit besser verstehen zu lassen. Ein fesselnder historischer Jugendroman, der auch für Erwachsene zu empfehlen ist. Ab 13
World Affairs Online
In: Bulletin of the International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, Band 8, Heft 3, S. 196-204
ISSN: 1873-0841
In: Archipel: études interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 97-101
ISSN: 2104-3655
4) Christian Pelras telah menulis beberapa halaman untuk menge- nang seorang Perantjis, achli ilmu bangsa2, Louis Berthe jang djuga telah mendjadi guru dan temannja. Kepergiannja kealam baka pada tahun 1968 betul2 dirasakan sangat berat oleh semua jang mempeladjari dunia Nusantara.
In: 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne 21-26 October 2018 (GHGT-14)
Working paper
Increasing legislative and societal pressures are requiring manufacturers to operate more sustainably and to take responsibility for the fate of their goods after they have been used by consumers. This paper models a hybrid system in which new goods are produced and used goods are remanufactured. Newly produced goods and remanufactured goods are sold on separate markets, but can also act substitutes for each other. A semi-Markov Decision Process formulation of this problem is presented and is used to obtain an optimal policy, which specifies production, recovery and substitution decisions. The model is used explore the properties of this hybrid remanufacturing system, and in particular, the managerial implications associated with upward and downward substitution strategies are investigated.
In: Women: a cultural review, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 191-199
ISSN: 1470-1367
In: The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics, Band 34, S. 35-50
ISSN: 2541-8785
We consider the linear hybrid system with constant coefficients that is not resolved with respect to the derivative of the continuous component of the unknown function. In Russian literature such systems are also called discrete-continuous. Hybrid systems usually appear as mathematical models of a various technical processes. For example, they describe digital control and switching systems, heating and cooling systems, the functioning of a automobile transmissions, dynamical systems with collisions or Coulomb friction, and many others. There are many papers devoted to the qualitative theory of such systems, but most of them deal with nonsingular cases in various directions. The analysis of the note is essentially based on the methodology for studying singular systems of ordinary differential equations and is carried out under the assumptions of the existence of an equivalent structural form. This structural form is equivalent to the nominal system in the sense of solutions, and the operator which transformes the investigated system into the structural form possesses the left inverse operator. The finding of the structural form is constructive and do not use a change of variables. In addition the problem of consistency of the initial data is solved automatically. Necessary and sufficient conditions for R–controllability (controllability in the reachable set) of the hybrid systems are obtained.
Working paper
In: Osteuropa
ISSN: 0030-6428
World Affairs Online
In: Human factors: the journal of the Human Factors Society, Band 22, Heft 3, S. 313-317
ISSN: 1547-8181
The maximum length, width, and height of 239 truck and bus drivers assuming three sleep postures were measured. The Federal government sets minimum dimensions for sleeper berths in trucks. A sleeper berth of minimum width (0.61 m) would be too narrow for over 40% of the drivers as measured in this study. A minimum width of 0.84 m is recommended to accommodate 90% of the driver population.
In: International journal of enterprise information systems: IJEIS ; an official publication of the Information Resources Management Association, Band 12, Heft 3, S. 1-16
ISSN: 1548-1123
Search engines are crucial for information gathering systems (IGS). New challenges face search engines concerning automatic learning from user requests. In this paper, a new hybrid intelligent system is proposed to enhance the search process. Based on a Multilayer Fuzzy Inference System (MFIS), the first step is to implement a scalable system to relay logical rules in order to produce three classifications for search behavior, user profiles, and query characteristics from analysis of navigation log files. These three outputs from the MFIS are used as inputs for the second step, an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). The training process of the ANFIS replaced the rules by adjusting the weights in order to find the most relevant result for the search query. This proposed system, called MFIS-ANFIS, is implemented as an experimental system. The system performance is evaluated using quantitative and comparative analysis. MFIS-ANFIS aimed to be the core of intelligent and reliable search process.
In: Staff report 61
In: PACS file Nr 2600
"In this paper I describe a "monetary" system in which backing is provided for the government's liabilities by way of contingent resort to taxes. The system has some of the features of a commodity money system with a large seignorage spread between bid and ask prices. It is studied within the context of a one-good, pure exchange model of two-period-lived overlapping generations in which, aside from various uniform boundedness assumptions, considerable diversity is allowed both within and across generations. Two results are established: (i) the existence of at least one perfect foresight competitive equilibrium, and (ii) the Pareto optimality of any such equilibrium"--Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis web site
In: Revue française d'histoire des idées politiques: revue semestrielle, Heft 17, S. 149-160
ISSN: 1266-7862