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10151 Ergebnisse
In: Environment and planning. A, Band 32, Heft 11, S. 1901-1904
ISSN: 1472-3409
"Human Geography explores how human behaviour affects the earth's surface, initiating a process of discovery that engages with subjects such as globalization, politics, biology, economics, philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, and climate change. Illustrated with a well-balanced mix of international and Canadian examples, it offers a comprehensive introduction to the discipline's essential concepts and methods. It also traces the evolution of the field, emphasizing how human geography continues to develop in response to changing human needs. The ninth edition has been completely updated and includes the most current statistics and data and new coverage of urban issues, climate change, aging populations, deindustrialization, as well as much more. In addition, the ninth edition introduces a more streamlined approach to the content, presenting a comprehensive introduction to human geography in 13 chapters, making the text a perfect fit for one-semester courses."--
In: Routledge contemporary human geography series
In: Horizons in Geography
This study contains 20 specially commissioned essays which attempt to present a critical challenge to the philosophical positivism of the "New Geography". The work attempts to shed light on the relationship between human agency and social and spatial structures
This book cogently examines how human geography has developed from a field with limited self-awareness regarding method and theory to the vibrant study of society and space that it is today. Kevin R. Cox provides an interpretive, critical perspective on Anglo-American geographic thought in the 20th and 21st centuries. He probes the impact of the spatial-quantitative revolution and geography's engagement with other social sciences, particularly in social theory. Key concepts and theories in the field are explained and illustrated with instructive research examples. Cox explores both how new ap
Includes bibliographical references and index