Intro -- FrontMatter -- Special Acknowledgments -- Foreword -- Contents -- Boxes and Figures -- Summary -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The State of the Science -- 3 Potential Applications of Heritable Human Genome Editing -- 4 A Translational Pathway to Limited and Controlled Clinical Applications of Heritable Human Genome Editing -- 5 National and International Governance of Heritable Human Genome Editing -- References -- Appendix A: Information Sources and Methods -- Appendix B: Commissioner Biographies -- Appendix C: Glossary -- Appendix D: Acronyms and Abbreviations -- Acknowledgment of Reviewers.
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La metàfora en el discurs del genoma humà Les metàfores d'origen terminològic implicades en la creació de termes i les metàfores útils per explicar a experts i a no experts com funciona el sistema genètic s'han identificat i classificat segons els supòsits de la teoria de la metàfora conceptual de Lakoff i Johnson (1980) i des de la perspectiva de la teoria comunicativa de la terminologia (Cabré, 1999), d'acord amb els pressupòsits de la lingüística de corpus (Parodi, 2007 i 2008). Les unitats analitzades s'han extret d'un corpus de genoma humà, compost per diversos textos de diferents nivells d'especialització. S'ha aplicat una eina d'extracció automàtica de terminologia per seleccionar els termes més rellevants basats en metàfores. A més, també s'ha utilitzat un sistema d'anàlisi sintàctica amb l'objectiu de cercar contextos que subministressin metàfores explicatives. Es va concloure que les metàfores d'origen lèxic i les metàfores explicatives mostren la mateixa tendència cap a la selecció d'accions i estats (o atributs). Ambdós tipus coincideixen, bàsicament, en la metàfora militar (freqü.ncia baixa) i en la metàfora de les ciències del llenguatge (la més abundant). ; Metaphors of terminological origin involved in term creation, and metaphors useful for explaining to experts and/or non-experts how the genetics system works, were identified and classified according to assumptions based on the conceptual metaphor theory of Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and on the communicative terminology theory (Cabré, 1999), and also considering corpus linguistics (Parodi, 2007, 2008). The metaphors were taken from a textual corpus composed of several texts of different specialization level. A terminology extraction tool was applied to select the most relevant metaphor-based terms. In addition, a syntax analysis system was applied with the goal of searching contexts that supply explicative metaphors. It was concluded that metaphors of lexical origin and explicative metaphors show the same trend towards the selection of actions and states (or attributes). Both agree, basically, on the military metaphor (low frequency) and on the metaphor of language sciences (the most common).
The Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) is an international membership organization (with 965 current members in 50 countries) whose goal is to coordinate and enhance efforts in the Human Genome Project (HGP). Formally established in 1989 by a group of the world's leading scientists in order to promote genome activities internationally, HUGO operates as a global coordinating organization to create the networks and channels through which genome information, initiatives, and ideas can flow and be disseminated.
In closing, with the new revelations of the Human Genome Project, notions on whether land-based race identity or ethnicity with genetic markers has been proven valid, with few exceptions. This has caused me to revisit the attempted effort to discard concepts on race, especially in medicine. Obviously there are outliers to this new work. But contrary to popular belief, and to some, the unthinkable, there may be, in fact, a biologic basis for our human distinctions. And I for one do not feel shame or seem perplexed by it. Moreover, it appears that Dr. Welsing in her earlier work was onto something, and was indeed ahead of her time. The problem African Americans, and other persons of color face, to some extent, has to do with the social political context of racism, and the biologic impact it has and is often expressed in the form of stress and injuries, simply put. Therefore, and more importantly, eliminating the nomenclature of how we classify ourselves in our intellectual interchange in science and other areas, will not correct our problems, but may in fact, if abandon, spell our doom. Because what we are murderously burdened by has to do with racism and its effects. Which are in effect, based on physical features, not mere classification. Further, the current thought on racism and why it is practiced by some is that racism serves an evolutionary drive to survive by humans, by forming alliances in among similar groups of people. Therefore, if that is the case, we had better be ready for the long haul in this battle as our history and ongoing struggles tell us. Besides, if not for racism, "we would not have had all of these problems over all these years." The National Medical Association and its publishing instruments must remain vigilant and stay focused.
The Human Genome Project is an expensive, ambitious, and controversial attempt to locate and map every one of the approximately 100,000 genes in the human body. If it works, and we are able, for instance, to identify markers for genetic diseases long before they develop, who will have the right to obtain such information? What will be the consequences for health care, health insurance, employability, and research priorities? And, more broadly, how will attitudes toward human differences be affected, morally and socially, by the setting of a genetic "standard"?The compatibility of individual rights and genetic fairness is challenged by the technological possibilities of the future, making it difficult to create an agenda for a "just genetics." Beginning with an account of the utopian dreams and authoritarian tendencies of historical eugenics movements, this book's nine essays probe the potential social uses and abuses of detailed genetic information. Lucid and wide-ranging, these contributions will provoke discussion among bioethicists, legal scholars, and policy makers
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