The Causal Economic Effects of Olympic Games on Host Regions
In: WIFO Working Papers 591/2019
6806468 Ergebnisse
In: WIFO Working Papers 591/2019
Working paper
In: The new presence: the Prague journal of Central European affairs, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 8
ISSN: 1211-8303
In: Europe: magazine of the European Community, Heft 370, S. 8-10
ISSN: 0279-9790, 0191-4545
In: Villanova Sports and Entertainment Law Journal, Band 23, Heft 1
The aim of the present article is an analysis of the consequences of using the Olympic Games by host cities to build their own image. The article presents the issues related to the image of a territorial unit and an analysis of political and economic results of the sport events organized in Berlin (1936) and Beijng (2008). ; The aim of the present article is an analysis of the consequences of using the Olympic Games by host cities to build their own image. The article presents the issues related to the image of a territorial unit and an analysis of political and economic results of the sport events organized in Berlin (1936) and Beijng (2008).
The aim of the present article is an analysis of the consequences of using the Olympic Games by host cities to build their own image. The article presents the issues related to the image of a territorial unit and an analysis of political and economic results of the sport events organized in Berlin (1936) and Beijng (2008). ; The aim of the present article is an analysis of the consequences of using the Olympic Games by host cities to build their own image. The article presents the issues related to the image of a territorial unit and an analysis of political and economic results of the sport events organized in Berlin (1936) and Beijng (2008).
In: Sociology: the journal of the British Sociological Association, Band 45, Heft 5, S. 883-899
ISSN: 1469-8684
Olympic analyses typically depend heavily on perspectives built from macro processes characteristically rooted in political economy. Using survey data of city residents gathered at six different points in time during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, this article proposes a focus on what happens within the host city during the Games. While the Olympics were the centre of much debate and controversy before the Games, the data show that attitudes towards the Games became much more favorable thereby providing hard evidence that the Olympics had an experiential urban impact. Regression models revealed that attending free unticketed events and supporting the Liberal party in the last provincial election were the best predictors of positive attitudes towards the Games. It is concluded that the Olympics represent a form of public policy which generates responses related to socio-political factors while also being an interactional event transforming local attitudes towards the Games.
In: Journal of hospitality marketing & management, Band 27, Heft 5, S. 544-560
ISSN: 1936-8631
In: DIW Berlin Discussion Paper No. 1599
Working paper
In: Loisir & société: Society and leisure, Band 39, Heft 2, S. 195-209
ISSN: 1705-0154
In: The new presence: the Prague journal of Central European affairs, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 9
ISSN: 1211-8303
В статье рассматривается прямая и представительная формы демократии и их проявлениев Олимпийском движении. Авторы подробно анализируют процесс выбора столицы очередных Олимпийских игр, его слабые стороны. Особое внимание уделено выборам Сочи столицы зимних Олимпийских игр2014 года.Авторы дают анализ издержек и выгод на разных этапах олимпийского делового цикла, рассматривают особенности экономической и политической деловой активности и факторов, от которых они зависят. Статья также посвящена анализу влияния Олимпийских игр на экономику страны их проведения. Выделены модели управления и финансирования Олимпийских игр и дан анализ их применения в странах, проводивших Олимпийские игры в 1992-2008 гг.The purpose of the article is to analyze how IOC voting process modifies the Olympic ideals and sport development in host countries. The authors analyze a representative democracy within the Olympic Movement (the features of the functioning of the IOC, NOCs and other public organizations in the process of Olympic Games preparation). The article discusses the features of the decision making process at different stages of the hosting country selection. Candidature Acceptance Procedure includes 11 indicators. The authors describe these indicators and analyze the importance of each of them for final score. A special attention is paid to the voting procedure in the final part of the decision. The authors investigate the factors contributing to the developmentof principal-agent problem, logrolling and bureaucracy. Features of voting and logrolling are based on the choice of 2014 Olympic Winter Games capital (Sochi, Russia).Influence of Olympic Games on the host country's economy is investigated on the base of major macroeconomic factors. Authors show the dependence between chosen model of administration and financing and economy and sport development in SR and LR.The authors draw conclusions on how to improve the constitutional framework for the reduction of the prerequisites for the emergence of informal relations in the decision to host sports mega events.
In: Historia i Polityka, Heft 16 (23), S. 43
This resource guide examines the increasing importance of Olympic governance and argues that it is reflected in its visions, structures and operations as well as its relations with global political issues. In spite of this, it suggests that it is still an under-researched area. The bibliography contains a number of sources not necessarily listed in other governance related publications and presents them in three categories: academic texts; reports; and web-based resources.
In: Far Eastern affairs: a Russian journal on China, Japan and Asia-Pacific Region ; a quarterly publication of the Institute for Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Band 37, Heft 1, S. 30-43
ISSN: 0206-149X