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5635 Ergebnisse
In: Issues That Concern You Ser
Cover Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Introduction -- 1: An Overview of Homelessness -- 2: Tent Cities Can Help Solve the Homelessness Problem -- 3: Housing First Approaches Are the Best Solution to Homelessness -- 4: Housing First Approaches Are Not a Long-Term Solution to Homelessness -- 5: Giving Money to Panhandlers Helps the Chronically Homeless -- 6: Giving Money to Panhandlers Does Not Help the Chronically Homeless -- 7: More than PositiveThinking Is Needed to Deal with Homelessness -- 8: Homeless People Need Compassion and Empathy -- 9: Blind Compassion Does Not Help the Homeless -- 10: Some Homeless People Are Taking Advantage of Support Systems -- 11: Promoting Access to Technology Can Help the Homeless -- 12: Homelessness Has a Serious Impact on Families and Children -- 13: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Homeless Youth Face Special Challenges -- 14: It Is Important to Speak Out About Homelessness -- 15: A Homeless Teen Talks About Her Experience -- Appendix -- What You Should Know About Homelessness -- What You Should Do About Homelessness -- Organizations to Contact -- Bibliography -- Index -- Picture Credits -- Back Cover
In: Opposing viewpoints series
Is homelessness a serious problem? Homelessness is a serious problem nationwide / Christine Vestal -- Homelessness is a growing problem among older and middle-class Americans / Carole Fleck -- Rural homelessness is a serious problem / Myers Reece -- Homelessness is a serious problem among foster youth / Elizabeth Calvin -- Homelessness is a serious problem for LGBT youth / Nicholas Ray -- What factors contribute to homelessness? Multiple factors contribute to homelessness / National Coalition for the Homeless -- Substance abuse contributes to homelessness / Regional Task Force on the Homeless -- Mental illness contributes to homelessness / Timothy Wild -- Domestic violence often leads to homelessness / American Civil Liberties Union -- Natural disasters can lead to homelessness / Seth Fiegerman -- The economic recession is increasing homelessness / Lizzy Ratner -- What housing policies will benefit the homeless? Housing must be viewed as a human right / National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty -- Government housing vouchers help homeless families best / Barbara Sard -- Effective emergency shelters help homeless families best / Thomas Almeida and Kyra Bando, et al. -- Permanent housing before recovery reduces chronic homelessness / Florence Graves and Hadar Sayfan -- Specialized justice systems connect homeless people with services / Heather Knight -- Enforcing quality-of-life crimes further victimizes homeless people / Amanda Witherell -- What policies will reduce homelessness? Better information about homelessness means better strategies / Dennis Culhane -- Government initiatives can reduce homelessness / US Interagency Council on Homelessness -- Reducing homelessness is not the government's responsibility / Doug Bandow -- Donation meters are the best way to give spare change to the homeless / Marisa Kendall -- Cutting assistance for homelessness would be disastrous / Chicago Alliance to End Homelessness -- Buying street newspapers helps homeless people help themselves / Anne Paine
In: Coping
"Homelessness is a pressing social issue in the United States. Collectively, it also encompasses the tragic stories of hundreds of thousands of individuals who are now living with no place to call home. This compelling title explores both the historical and social aspects of homelessness along with how teens can cope with homelessness in their own lives. It encourages young people to question their preconceptions about the homeless and explore ways that they can work to fight homelessness in their communities. In particular, the text provides statistics about youth homelessness and highlights the experiences of homeless teens"--
In: Rosen verified: current issues
"Homelessness pervades America's cities and rural areas. Multiple factors force people into a life on the street, including job loss, mental illness, and drug addiction. Homelessness can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, marital status, and race. While it's important for societies to provide shelter, food, and support for homeless people, it's even more necessary to prevent people from becoming homeless in the first place. Struggling readers will benefit from this guide's concise language, vivid photos, and helpful graphics in a way that will enhance their understanding of the factors that affect homelessness in America"--
In: Housing Issues, Laws and Programs
Intro -- HOMELESSNESSFEDERAL RESPONSE AND CONSIDERATIONS -- HOMELESSNESSFEDERAL RESPONSE AND CONSIDERATIONS -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 HOMELESSNESS: TARGETED FEDERAL PROGRAMS AND RECENT LEGISLATION -- SUMMARY -- INTRODUCTION -- DEFINING HOMELESSNESS -- THE FEDERAL RESPONSE TO HOMELESSNESS -- Department of Education (ED) -- Education for Homeless Children and Youths -- Department of Homeland Security (DHS) -- Emergency Food and Shelter (EFS) Program -- Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) -- Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) Program -- Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) -- Grants for the Benefit of Homeless Individuals -- Runaway and Homeless Youth Program -- Basic Center Program -- Transitional Living Program -- Street Outreach Program -- Collaboration on the Prevention of Adolescent Dating Violence -- Department of Justice (DOJ) -- Transitional Housing Assistance for Victims of Domestic Violence, Stalking, or Sexual Assault -- Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) -- Homeless Assistance Grants -- Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program -- Supportive Housing Program (SHP) -- Shelter Plus Care Program (S+C) -- Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Assistance for Single-Room Occupancy Dwellings (SRO) -- Department of Labor (DOL) -- Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program -- Referral and Counseling Services: Veterans at Risk of Homelessness Who Are Transitioning from Certain Institutions -- Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) -- Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) -- Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program -- Homeless Veterans with Special Needs -- Domiciliary Care for Homeless Veterans (DCHV) -- Compensated Work Therapy Program -- HUD VA Supported Housing (HUD-VASH) -- Supportive Services for Veteran Families -- HUD and VA Homelessness Prevention Demonstration Program
In: California Law Review, Forthcoming
Working paper
In: The American journal of economics and sociology, Band 49, Heft 1, S. 6-6
ISSN: 1536-7150
In: Socialist review: SR, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 69-96
ISSN: 0161-1801
Homelessness is the result of both economic & political crises. The reaction to homelessness, combining much publicity with little action, suggests that homelessness is a danger to the legitimacy of the system, & must thus be neutralized. Solving it would require greater inroads on housing than seem necessary to the political leadership. AA
Rapidly rising homelessness in the 1980s shocked Americans and led to a flurry of studies, a deluge of news stories, and to Public Law 100-77, the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of July 1987. The McKinney Act marked the entrance of the federal government into homelessness policy, which, until then, had been a purely local issue. A dozen years later, housing the homeless remains a recurrent political issue in many cities in California. Improving the quality of life of those without a regular and decent place to spend the night rests primarily with a multitude of nonprofit organizations. Meagerly funded by all levels of government, they must not only house the homeless but must also attend to their many personal problems. While a multifaceted approach is probably required to eliminate the homelessness problem, in California homelessness might be substantially reduced with modest policy changes attacking the problem in the most obvious way: by adding to the stock of adequate housing accessible to the poor. We explore options that aim to do exactly that in this monograph.
This paper reviews developments in social policy and services related to homelessness in Lithuania over the last 20 years. Using the form of a descriptive case study, it provides an overview of how homelessness is conceptualised, the organisation of homelessness services, the development of social policy related to homelessness, and the support services available within the provision and maintenance of housing, as well as a review of relevant research on homelessness in Lithuania. The paper draws on secondary analyses of legislation, both published and unpublished research results and other sources. It discusses two parallel policies administrated by different departments of the Lithuanian government: tackling homelessness and increasing housing quality, and using social housing to alleviate housing poverty. Finally, findings on the problem of homelessness and its relationship to housing policy in the Lithuanian context are discussed.
This paper reviews developments in social policy and services related to homelessness in Lithuania over the last 20 years. Using the form of a descriptive case study, it provides an overview of how homelessness is conceptualised, the organisation of homelessness services, the development of social policy related to homelessness, and the support services available within the provision and maintenance of housing, as well as a review of relevant research on homelessness in Lithuania. The paper draws on secondary analyses of legislation, both published and unpublished research results and other sources. It discusses two parallel policies administrated by different departments of the Lithuanian government: tackling homelessness and increasing housing quality, and using social housing to alleviate housing poverty. Finally, findings on the problem of homelessness and its relationship to housing policy in the Lithuanian context are discussed.
This paper reviews developments in social policy and services related to homelessness in Lithuania over the last 20 years. Using the form of a descriptive case study, it provides an overview of how homelessness is conceptualised, the organisation of homelessness services, the development of social policy related to homelessness, and the support services available within the provision and maintenance of housing, as well as a review of relevant research on homelessness in Lithuania. The paper draws on secondary analyses of legislation, both published and unpublished research results and other sources. It discusses two parallel policies administrated by different departments of the Lithuanian government: tackling homelessness and increasing housing quality, and using social housing to alleviate housing poverty. Finally, findings on the problem of homelessness and its relationship to housing policy in the Lithuanian context are discussed.