Dve domovini: razprave o izseljenstvu = Two homelands : migration studies
ISSN: 0353-6777, 1581-1212
13725 Ergebnisse
ISSN: 0353-6777, 1581-1212
In: Social research: an international quarterly, Band 58, Heft 1, S. 11
ISSN: 0037-783X
In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 103, Heft 3, S. 817-818
ISSN: 1548-1433
Homeland. 1999. 60 minutes, color. video produced and directed by Jilann Spitzmiller and Hank Rogerson. For more information, contact the Center for Media and Independent Learning, University of California Extension, Berkeley, CA 94704.
In: Responding to Catastrophic Events, S. 53-59
ISSN: 1520-6254
In: New left review: NLR, Heft 81, S. 5-32
ISSN: 0028-6060
The American political scene since 2000 is conventionally depicted in high colour. For much native -- not to speak of foreign -- opinion, the country has cartwheeled from brutish reaction under one ruler, presiding over disaster at home and abroad, to the most inspiring hope of progress since the New Deal under another, personifying all that is finest in the nation; to others, a spectre not even American. For still others, the polarization of opinion they represent is cause for despair, or alternatively comfort in the awakening of hitherto marginalized identities to the threshold of a new majority. The tints change by the light in which they are seen. For a steadier view of us politics, line is more reliable than colour. What remains unchanging is the monochrome ideological universe in which the system is plunged: an all-capitalist order, without a hint of social-democratic weakness or independent political organization by labour. Adapted from the source document.
In: Frontiers: a journal of women studies, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 97-98
ISSN: 1536-0334
In: Index on censorship, Band 10, Heft 6, S. 17-17
ISSN: 1746-6067
In: AI bulletin / publ. by the Africa Institute of SA, Band 30, Heft 2, S. 3-8
ISSN: 0001-981X
Behandelt werden Ursachen und Folgen der innenpolitischen Krise in den "unabhängigen" TBVC-Staaten (Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda und Ciskei) sowie in Gazankulu als Folge der Reformpolitik von Präsident de Klerk, die letztlich auf die vollständige Abschaffung auch der territorialen Apartheid gerichtet ist. Vor die Alternative Unabhängigkeit oder Wiedereingliederung in das südafrikanische Staatsgebiet gestellt, spricht sich nur noch Präsident Mangope (Bophuthatswana) gegen die erneute Integration aus. Pretoria hält die Tür offen für entsprechende Verhandlungen. - Ein statistischer Überblick vermittelt aktuelle Informationen über alle zehn Homelands. (DÜI-Hlb)
World Affairs Online
In: Defense, Security and Strategies
Intro -- HOMELAND SECURITY: 2011 APPROPRIATIONS -- HOMELAND SECURITY:2011 APPROPRIATIONS -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT: FY2011 APPROPRIATIONS -- SUMMARY -- MOST RECENT DEVELOPMENTS -- Continuing Resolutions -- Senate-Reported S. 3607 -- President's FY2011 Budget Request Submitted -- Note on Most Recent Data -- BACKGROUND -- Department of Homeland Security -- 302(a) and 302(b) Allocations -- Budget Authority, Obligations, and Outlays -- Discretionary and Mandatory Spending -- Offsetting Collections -- APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY -- DHS Appropriations Trends -- Summary of DHS Appropriations -- TITLE I: DEPARTMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS5 -- President's FY2011 Request -- Senate-Reported S. 3607 -- Personnel Issues -- Personnel and the President's FY2011 Request -- Personnel and the Senate-Reported S. 3607 -- Analysis and Operations -- President's FY2011 Request -- Senate-Reported S. 3607 -- TITLE II: SECURITY, ENFORCEMENT, AND INVESTIGATIONS -- Customs and Border Protection -- President's FY2011 Request -- Senate-Reported S. 3607 -- Issues for Congress -- Immigration and Customs Enforcement -- President's FY2011 Request -- Senate-Reported S. 3607 -- Issues for Congress -- Transportation Security Administration -- President's FY2011 Request -- Senate-Reported S. 3607 -- Issues for Congress -- United States Coast Guard4 -- President's FY2011 Request -- Issues for Congress -- United States Secret Service -- President's FY2011 Request -- Senate-Reported S. 3607 -- Issues for Congress -- TITLE III: PROTECTION, PREPAREDNESS, RESPONSE, AND RECOVERY -- Federal Emergency Management Agency -- President's FY2011 Request -- Senate-Reported S. 3607 -- Issues for Congress -- Disaster Relief Fund -- President's FY2011 Request -- Senate Reported S. 3607 -- Issues for Congress
In: National defense, Band 95, Heft 691, S. 12-16
ISSN: 0092-1491