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6142 Ergebnisse
In: The nonproliferation review: program for nonproliferation studies, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 225-270
ISSN: 1746-1766
In: Vestnik Instituta sociologii: setevoj žurnal = Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology : online electronic journal, Band 12, Heft 2, S. 36-54
ISSN: 2221-1616
The publication presents an analysis of the materials of the surveys of the FCTAS RAS, the Interregional Social Science Study "The Future of Russia", the Levada Center and the Public Opinion Foundation for the last two decades, covering historical topics. The aim of the study was to identify the main characteristics of the historical consciousness and the state of the historical memory of Russians at present. Studies by sociological centres in recent years show that the historical knowledge of a large part of Russians is fragmentary, comes from different sources, and is not always correct. Many events and personalities are mixed up in consciousness, or even forgotten altogether. Moreover, this phenomenon refers not only to distant events in history, known exclusively from textbooks, but also to decades directly related to the person´s life. Choosing between various historical alternatives of the country's future vision, Russians to a greater extent are focused on neutral ideas of strengthening Russia's position in the external and internal arena, whilst the ideas of an "Orthodox state", a turn towards Europe or Eurasianism do not find major support among the population. With major contribution by the authorities the Great Patriotic War at present is the main historical event, overshadowing all the others. At the same time, the constant emphasis on the war theme and on heroic moments, combined with the levelling of tragic ones, causes a distorted perception of the event among a part of the population. In addition, the interpretation of history (especially during the Great Patriotic War) becomes the arena of a "political war." Various political forces give their own interpretation of events, that can both confuse some citizens and, on the other hand, form irreconcilable ideological opponents. The memory of the war is becoming more and more mythologised as a consequence of the fact that its real participants are gradually passing away. In connection with all above, current and future generations will have to look for grains of truth in a highly politicised and sometimes deceptive information field. The correct perspective of raising the awareness of the Russian population, "clarifying historical consciousness" is seen in a multifaceted historical discourse with the participation of professional historians, openness to any discussion, and broader media coverage.
Reprint of General statistics of cities, 1909, by the Bureau of the Census, first published in 1913 by the Govt. Print. Off., Washington; of General statistics of cities, 1916, by the Bureau of the Census, first published in 1917 by the Govt. Print. Off., Washington; and of Historical statistics on State and local government finances, 1902-1953, by the Bureau of the Census, first published in 1955 by the Govt. Print. Off., Washington ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: OECD Economic Surveys: Portugal
Introduction I. Recent trends -Overview -Demand and output -Labour market developments -Renewed wage and price inflation -International trade and finance II. Medium-term adjustment: strategies and problems -Historical background -Fiscal consolidation and debt financing -Successive adjustment programmes -Progress in structural reform III. Economic policies and short-term outlook -Budgetary developments -Monetary and exchange-rate policies -Prospects for 1991 and 1992 -Strong exposure to oil-price shocks IV. Tax reform: reducing disincentives and inequities -Historical background and guidelines for reform The implementation of tax reform -Some special issues -General assessment of tax reform V. Conclusions Notes and references Annexes -I. Technical note -II. Chronology of economic events -III. The privatisation process Statistical and Structural Annex.
In: OECD Economic Surveys: Czech Republic
I. Historical background and conditions at the start of reform II. Macroeconomic developments and policies -Macroeconomic developments in 1990 and the first half of 1991 -Macroeconomic policies III. Overview of structural reform -The division of authority between different levels of government -Privatisation -The legal and institutional framework -Direct government policies IV. Integration into the world economy -The role of foreign trade prior to reform -Foreign economic relations in the reform strategy -Policy options and priorities V. The development of financial markets -Historical background -The emergence of a new financial system: measures taken and developments in 1990-1991 -Two key issues ] VI. Conclusions Notes and references Annexes -I. Labour market policies -II. Privatisation and restitution III. Social protection IV. Housing market policies.
In: OECD Economic Surveys: Hungary
The prospering economy has boosted employment and reduced unemployment to historical low levels. The risk of overheating is increasing with double digit growth in wages and higher consumer price inflation, although it remains within the central bank's tolerance band.
In: OECD Economic Surveys: Canada
Introduction I. Recent trends and prospects -Canada's severest post-war downturn -Policy problems and stance -Short-term prospects II. Manufacturing profits and productivity -Profit shares: an historical overview -Some concluding remarks III. Conclusions Annex: Chronology of main economic policy events Statistical annex.
In: OECD Economic Surveys: Netherlands
Introduction I. Structural problems and current developments -Some historical perspective -The competitive position -The effects on profitability and investment -The position in 1978 II. The policy response and the short-term outlook -"Blueprint 1981" -Fiscal policy in 1979 -Prospects for 1979 III. Conclusions Annex: Economic policy record Statistical annex.
In: OECD Economic Surveys: Finland
Introduction I. Recent developments -Domestic developments -The external account -Economic policy II. The recent downturn in longer-term perspective -Unexpected deepness of present recession -Recent experience in historical perspective III. Prospects and conclusions -Short-term prospects -Medium-term perspectives -Conclusions Annex: Calendar of main economic policy events Statistical annex.
In: OECD Economic Surveys: Germany
Introduction I. Main features of developments in 1983-1984 -Demand and output -The labour market -Prices, wages and incomes -The balance of payments -The current upswing in historical perspective II. Economic policies -Fiscal policy -Monetary policy, money and credit III. Short-term prospects IV. Issues related to a successful adjustment process -Profitability and investment financing -Capacity utilisation -Subsidies V. Conclusions Annex: Calendar of main economic events Statistical annex.
In: OECD Economic Surveys: Germany
Introduction I. The 1973/75 business downturn in retrospect -Historical review -Specific features of the present recession II. The role of stabilisation policies -(a) Fiscal policy -(b) Monetary policy III. Short-term prospects -Private consumption -Private investment -Foreign balance -Production and labour market trends IV. Conclusions Annexes -I. Chronology of main economic policy measures -II. The central bank money stock -III. Household saving and investment behaviour and medium-term developments of sectoral financial balances Statistical Annex.
In: OECD Economic Surveys: Germany
I. Introduction II. The economic strategy: an overview -Reorientation of policies after the second oil price shock -The present government's economic strategy III. Macroeconomic policies -Fiscal policy -Monetary policy IV. The supply side: policies and problems -Supply-side performance -Taxation -Deregulation -Privatisation -Labour market flexibility V. The current recovery and short-term prospects -The current recovery in historical perspective -The outlook for 1985-86 VI. Conclusions Annexes -I. Supporting material for the section on the supply side II. Calendar of main economic events Statistical annex.