The health services administrator -- Health care professionals and settings -- Health care delivery -- Health care processes and workflow -- Documentation -- Technology -- Managing supplies and inventory -- Basic finance and health care accounting -- The revenue cycle -- Quality, performance improvement, and risk management -- Legal issues and fraud in health care -- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) -- Compliance -- Business communication and professionalism -- Marketing -- Hiring, training, and evaluating employees -- Leadership, motivation and conflict management -- Project management
Latest issue consulted: 1979/83 ; Report is made on fiscal year basis. ; Mode of access: Internet. ; Prepared by the Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Legislation.
In 1975 134 men and 102 women entering 37 graduate health services administration programs voluntarily completed the merged form of the Strong Vocational Interest Blank. This article describes the general pattern of mean scores on the basic interest scales for these alumni and discusses differences in interests by sex. The results indicate high alumni interest in areas related to the activities and functions of health services administrators. Implications for using this information for career planning when working with clients and recommendations for future research are discussed.
The main goal of this research is to explore the organizational climate perceived by administrative and healthcare personnel working in Spanish healthcare services, analyzing the differences according to their health specialization, sex, age and professional status. The sample was made up of 3,787 individuals working in the administrative and healthcare services of the Public Health System of the Principality of Asturias, 88.7 % were working in specialist care and 11.3 % in primary care. Mean age was 51.88 (standard deviation of 6.28); 79.9 % were women and 20.1 % men. The organizational climate was assessed with the CLIOR scale. The organizational climate perceived is moderately positive, with a global mean of 3.03 on a scale of 1 to 5 points. The differences are statistically significant (p < .01) according to specialty, age and profession. A better working climate is perceived in primary care than in specialist care, and among older as compared to younger workers. The results indicate that the working climate perceived by administration and services staff employees in the Spanish healthcare context is moderately positive, with a better perceived climate in primary care than in specialist care.
In today's climate, it is becoming increasingly important to provide social work students with practice knowledge on research-supported social work interventions. CSWE has placed greater emphasis on using research-based knowledge to inform and guide social work practice, and the field has recognized the value of adhering to the evidence-based practice model in all facets of social work practice. It is at this juncture when social work educators are expected, with ever-diminishing resources, to offer training in evidence-based practice to social work students and practitioners that SAMHSA has developed a series of practice kits on a variety of research-supported treatment programs. Structuring portions of social work education around these toolkits would be one way of promoting a more research-supported curriculum content.
International health care : a 12-country comparison -- Organized delivery systems -- Legal implications of business arrangements in the healthcare industry -- Financial management of organized health care delivery systems -- Labor and employment laws applicable to organized delivery systems -- The management of nursing services -- Marketing healthcare services -- Health care information systems : an organized delivery system perspective -- Management engineering -- Ambulatory care -- Bioterrorism preparedness -- The history of hospitals -- Laboratories -- Pharmacy -- Material and resource management -- Facility design and planning for ambulatory care centers -- Quality and patient safety -- Physician practice : organization and operation -- Implementing a physician practice compliance program
Shipping list no.: 96-0056-P. ; Distributed to some depository libraries in microfiche. ; Includes bibliographical references. ; Mode of access: Internet.