Haftung bei Embargoschäden: das Irak-Embargo als Schadensursache
In: Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht 18
11311 Ergebnisse
In: Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht 18
In: 'Restitution', A Companion to the Spanish Scholastics, hrsgg. von Harald Ernst Braun, Erik De Bom und Paolo Astorri, Leiden 2021: Brill, S. 448-471
In: D Campbell & R Halson, eds, Research Handbook on Remedies in Private Law (Edward Elgar, 2019)
In the year under review, there was one major decision from the Singapore Court of Appeal dealing with the relationship between the punitive legislative framework and the common law restitutionary claim by a principal against a bribed agent. In addition, several important issues on the shape of the law of restitution in Singapore received some airing in a number of cases. The three most significant issues related to the law on the recovery of contractual deposits, the nature and structure of the claim commonly called "knowing receipt", the defence of change of position and the related potential defence of change of circumstances.
In: Ethnologie française: revue de la Société d'Ethnologie française, Band 51, Heft 1, S. 119-120
ISSN: 2101-0064
In: SociologieS: revue scientifique internationale
ISSN: 1992-2655
Blog: Verfassungsblog
Die Restitution nationalsozialistischer Raubkunst beschäftigt uns seit Jahrzehnten. Entgegen vieler Stimmen aus dem öffentlichen Recht liegen gegenwärtig im Feld der Restitution nationalsozialistischer Raubkunst die größten versöhnungspolitischen Chancen nicht darin, ein "Restitutionsgesetz" anzustreben, sondern vielmehr darin, die bestehenden Möglichkeiten "privatautonomer" Streitbeilegung durch Errichtung einer Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit auszuschöpfen.
In: Political studies: the journal of the Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom, Band 51, Heft 3, S. 542-557
ISSN: 1467-9248
Recently, states and other institutions have undertaken to make restitution for past abuses. Distinctions need to be made between various kinds of restitutive practices that rest on quite different normative grounds. Moreover, the core idea of restitution, in attaching obligation to particular historically grounded relationships, is questionable, and what is being attempted is better explained and justified in terms of a number of standard principles of justice of a non-restitutive kind; for although there is, in principle, a clear case of restitutive justice, its elements rarely, if ever, exist in the real world in an unmixed state. Although there are significant objections to deriving local obligations from principles of universal justice, they have no force in this case. Policies termed 'restitutive' may well be justifiable, but they are misdescribed.
In: Political studies, Band 51, Heft 3, S. 542-557
ISSN: 0032-3217
In: Research Issues in Real Estate; Indigenous Peoples and Real Estate Valuation, S. 175-200
In: Sociographe, Band Hors-série, Heft 1, S. 300-325
In: Charles Mitchell and William Swadling (eds), The Restament Third: Restitution and Unjust Enrichment - Critical and Comparative Essays (Hart Publishing, 2013)