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Public procurement in Colombia
In: Colombia: Implementing Good Governance; OECD Public Governance Reviews, S. 395-425
Public Investment Management in Colombia
The Colombian Government has made significant progress in the implementation of effective processes, practices, and methodologies for public investment management (PIM). A 2011 IMF-published report ranked Colombia among the top 5 countries with best PIM practices out of a sample of 71 low- and middle-income countries (Dabla-Norris and others, 2011). The report assessed the following 4 key features: (a) strategic guidance and project review, (b) project selection and budgeting, (c) project implementation, and (d) project evaluation and auditing. Colombia was deemed to have achieved a good performance on 3 out of the 4 key features. Nevertheless, the country's PIM system still faces the need for areas of improvement identified by the World Bank's PIM framework. This framework allows for identification of not only the presence of must-have features in PIM systems that are key to promoting effective and efficient public investment but also if those features are implemented in the field and if they have achieved their intended purpose. In the case of Colombia, the main challenges identified were related to the broad implementation of tools designed, particularly for management of public investment projects as well as with the fractioning of standards and practices, and the overemphasis placed on formal controls during the formulation and project implementation stages. In addition, the country PIM processes had weaknesses in terms of the review and ex post project evaluation. This document summarizes the main findings of a PIM study carried out in Colombia in 2015. The document includes an analytical framework for assessing public investment management and presents the assessment results as well as improvement recommendations to strengthen the institutional set-up to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of public investment in Colombia.
Colombia: A public-private partnership
Despite efforts in many Latin American countries to diminish the government role in the funding and performing of agricultural research and development (R&D), general government revenues are still the predominant source of support for agricultural research, as in many less-developed countries (Pardey and Beintema 2001). Colombia is an exception, evidenced by the presence of 12 nonprofit organizations, which together accounted for about a quarter of the country's agricultural research investments in 2000. Many of these organizations are linked to producer organizations and are funded largely through export or production taxes or voluntary contributions.1 In addition, public agricultural research in Colombia underwent a major reform in 1993 with the creation of the Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research (CORPOICA).2 The main objective of its creation was to give the agency more flexibility in its organization compared with its predecessor, the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA), in addition to stimulating privatesector involvement and investment. Nonetheless, CORPOICA remained heavily dependent on government contributions. In recent years, the agency's funding situation has deteriorated, but this trend is common to all agricultural R&D agencies in Colombia as a consequence of the country's ongoing economic and social crises. ; PR ; IFPRI1; Pro-poor science and technology policies; Public Policy and Investment ; ISNAR
Public libraries in Colombia: land of peace
In: El profesional de la información, Band 25, Heft 5, S. 815-821
The public libraries of Columbia need to situate themselves as places for inclusion, social cohesion, construction of citizenship, and local memory as part of the post-conflict peace process. Colombia's leaders and institutions, including libraries, have an obligation to go beyond the laws and regulations to achieve the vision of the future that has emerged from the negotiations in Havana, Cuba. There are actions that can be undertaken by libraries to promote social transformation at this historic time. Libraries are territories of peace, where librarians can undertake initiatives that build on citizens' dreams of a prosperous future.
Public international development financing in Colombia
In: Public international development financing report no. 6
Public Finance and Development in Colombia
In: Journal of Inter-American Studies, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 11-33
ISSN: 2326-4047
Colombia is a country of paradoxes. Because of the high culture of its ruling classes, Bogotá is called the "Athens of Latin America," yet over one-third of the population is illiterate. The country is unusually well-endowed with natural resources, has a relatively large land area and a population of 15.6 million, but the per capita income is only the eighth highest in Latin America. Colombia is relatively underpopulated, with the same population as the Netherlands and 35 times its area, but there are millions of landless campesinos. Living in Bogotá, and walking the paths of the wealthy, it is difficult for a foreigner (and also for many Bogotanians) to believe that most Colombians are desperately poor. This is because Bogotá and the other main cities are like islands in a sea of poverty.
Propuesta de un sistema constructivo para vivienda social para las zonas andinas de Colombia
La vivienda en Colombia siempre ha sido un punto que genera grandes conflictos en el desarrollo social y cultural de la población, grandes problemas como desastres naturales y la violencia han generado grandes migraciones sobre todo a las grandes ciudades. Siempre se ha tratado de resolver el problema del déficit de vivienda cuantitativo y cualitativo a través de políticas de incentivos, crédito y en la última época de gratuidad de viviendas pero ninguna de las medidas tomadas al respecto hasta el día de hoy han dado resultado y el problema va desbordando las posibilidades de controlar la crisis de miles de familias. Este modelo de construcción de vivienda no ha variado desde el inicio de las políticas de construcción de vivienda de interés social, lo único que ha variado son las políticas públicas y el manejo del papel de los constructores en la construcción y comercialización de las unidades residenciales. El sistema constructivo no ha tenido mejoras evidentes a pesar de que el proceso lleva casi un siglo y casi nunca han surgido iniciativas en búsqueda de un sistema constructivo más eficiente y que se acomode a las condiciones específicas de la región y de la población. Esto teniendo en cuenta que se utiliza el mismo modelo en un país donde han gran diversidad de regiones con todos los climas y condiciones geográficas además de las culturas. La vivienda se convirtió en un producto comercial manejado por intereses privados los cuales manejan recursos en donde lo primordial es generar el mayor número de unidades residenciales lo que conlleva a minimizar las condiciones espaciales, la calidad de las especificaciones técnicas y calidad habitacional. Es importante generar procesos de innovación en la construcción de vivienda social para poder mejorar la calidad de vida de la población vulnerable socioeconómicamente y conseguir un sistema constructivo que permita construcciones adecuadas en menores tiempos y con mayor eficiencia de recursos. ; Housing in Colombia has always been a point that generates major conflicts in the social and cultural development of the population, major problems such as natural disasters and violence have generated great migrations especially to big cities. It has always tried to solve the deficit problem of quantitative and qualitative housing through incentive policies, credit last day of free housing, but none of the measures taken in this regard until today have been successful and overflowing problem is the ability to control the crisis of thousands of families. This model homebuilding has not changed since the beginning of the political construction of social housing, the only thing that has changed is public policy and management role of the builders in the construction and sale of residential units. The construction system has had no noticeable improvements even though the process takes nearly a century and has rarely been initiatives in search of a more efficient and that fits the specific conditions of the region and the population construction system. This considering that the same model is used in a country where they have great diversity of regions with all climates and geographical conditions in addition to the cultures. The house became a commercial product managed by private interests which handle resources where the primary is to generate the highest number of residential units which leads to minimize the spatial conditions, the quality of the technical specifications and quality housing. It is important to generate innovation processes in the construction of social housing to improve the quality of life of the population vulnerable socioeconomically and get a constructive system that allows adequate in less time and with greater resource efficiency buildings.
Propuesta de un sistema constructivo para vivienda social para las zonas andinas de Colombia
La vivienda en Colombia siempre ha sido un punto que genera grandes conflictos en el desarrollo social y cultural de la población, grandes problemas como desastres naturales y la violencia han generado grandes migraciones sobre todo a las grandes ciudades. Siempre se ha tratado de resolver el problema del déficit de vivienda cuantitativo y cualitativo a través de políticas de incentivos, crédito y en la última época de gratuidad de viviendas pero ninguna de las medidas tomadas al respecto hasta el día de hoy han dado resultado y el problema va desbordando las posibilidades de controlar la crisis de miles de familias. Este modelo de construcción de vivienda no ha variado desde el inicio de las políticas de construcción de vivienda de interés social, lo único que ha variado son las políticas públicas y el manejo del papel de los constructores en la construcción y comercialización de las unidades residenciales. El sistema constructivo no ha tenido mejoras evidentes a pesar de que el proceso lleva casi un siglo y casi nunca han surgido iniciativas en búsqueda de un sistema constructivo más eficiente y que se acomode a las condiciones específicas de la región y de la población. Esto teniendo en cuenta que se utiliza el mismo modelo en un país donde han gran diversidad de regiones con todos los climas y condiciones geográficas además de las culturas. La vivienda se convirtió en un producto comercial manejado por intereses privados los cuales manejan recursos en donde lo primordial es generar el mayor número de unidades residenciales lo que conlleva a minimizar las condiciones espaciales, la calidad de las especificaciones técnicas y calidad habitacional. Es importante generar procesos de innovación en la construcción de vivienda social para poder mejorar la calidad de vida de la población vulnerable socioeconómicamente y conseguir un sistema constructivo que permita construcciones adecuadas en menores tiempos y con mayor eficiencia de recursos. ; Housing in Colombia has always been a point that generates major conflicts in the social and cultural development of the population, major problems such as natural disasters and violence have generated great migrations especially to big cities. It has always tried to solve the deficit problem of quantitative and qualitative housing through incentive policies, credit last day of free housing, but none of the measures taken in this regard until today have been successful and overflowing problem is the ability to control the crisis of thousands of families. This model homebuilding has not changed since the beginning of the political construction of social housing, the only thing that has changed is public policy and management role of the builders in the construction and sale of residential units. The construction system has had no noticeable improvements even though the process takes nearly a century and has rarely been initiatives in search of a more efficient and that fits the specific conditions of the region and the population construction system. This considering that the same model is used in a country where they have great diversity of regions with all climates and geographical conditions in addition to the cultures. The house became a commercial product managed by private interests which handle resources where the primary is to generate the highest number of residential units which leads to minimize the spatial conditions, the quality of the technical specifications and quality housing. It is important to generate innovation processes in the construction of social housing to improve the quality of life of the population vulnerable socioeconomically and get a constructive system that allows adequate in less time and with greater resource efficiency buildings.
Public finance and development in Colombia
In: Journal of Inter-American studies: a publication of the Center for Advanced International Studies, the University of Miami, Band 8, S. 11-33
ISSN: 0885-3118
Public sector delegation to Colombia
In: International union rights: journal of the International Centre for Trade Union Rights, Band 17, Heft 2, S. 27-27
ISSN: 2308-5142
OECD Public Governance Reviews Towards Efficient Public Procurement in Colombia
Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Table of contents -- Acronyms and abbreviations -- Executive summary -- Key findings -- Key recommendations -- Chapter 1. Harnessing public procurement data in Colombia -- The importance of quality public procurement data -- SECOP and SECOP II: Progress in improving data collection -- Focusing on stakeholders -- Future directions -- Recommendations -- References -- Chapter 2. Improving Colombia's management of conflict of interest in public procurement -- Public procurement, an activity prone to corruption -- Enhancing the policy framework to address conflicts of interest -- A balanced management approach is key for sound implementation -- Effective enforcement through multi-dimensional approach -- Recommendations -- Notes -- References -- Annex 2.A1 - Financial disclosures and conflicts of interest: State of Illinois, United States -- Chapter 3. Evaluation criteria to award contracts in the Colombian public procurement system -- A sound evaluation framework produces equitable results -- Procurement methods: Theory and reality -- The weight of direct awarding and the risks of non-competitiveness -- Towards a more holistic selection framework -- Framework for evaluation and awards -- Strategically supporting secondary objectives through the awarding mechanism -- Proposals for action -- Recommendations -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 4. Accountable public procurement in Colombia -- Introduction and scope of this chapter -- "Soft" tools like observations and hearings exist -- The options and conditions of pre-trial remedies limit real chances of resolving disagreements -- Newly introduced rules aim to enhance interim protection -- The review system provides options for aggrieved bidders but allows excessive legal actions -- Contractual litigation is more frequent than the pre-award one.
Administración Pública Territorial y construcción de paz en Colombia
In: Revista Kavilando, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 245-252
ISSN: 2027-2391, 2344-7125
Territorial planning needs to be recovered as a political expression of peoples' autonomy. In the real possibilities of influencing territorial configurations lies a seed for the construction of territorial peace as an effect of access to land and urban land. Despite its weaknesses, the instrument of public administration represented in the formulation of territorial planning in Colombia, as well as in its updating processes, needs to be appropriated by the communities in a dialogic exercise of trans-scalar and dynamic construction of territories, according to Orlando Fals-Borda's proposal.
Public Debt and Political Economy in Colombia
Las finanzas públicas territoriales en Colombia ; Territorial Public Finances in Colombia
Incluye referencias bibliográficas ; Desde mediados de la década del ochenta, cuando se inició el proceso de descentralización en Colombia, las relaciones entre las diferentes entidades territoriales y el Gobierno central se han caracterizado por permanentes tensiones en las que no han estado ausentes las reivindicaciones por mayor autonomía y discrecionalidad en la capacidad de gasto financiado con las transferencias provenientes del Sistema General de Participaciones (SGP) y del Sistema General de Regalías (SGR). Es indudable que el reparto de competencias y la asignación de recursos adicionales a los Gobiernos subnacionales han contribuido al crecimiento económico y al desarrollo social de municipios y departamentos; sin embargo, persisten las disparidades interregionales y la inequidad horizontal en el acceso a los bienes públicos. A pesar de que los giros de la nación han aumentado, el esfuerzo fiscal de los Gobiernos territoriales no ha sido menor, lo que ha acrecentado los recursos propios y su eficiencia concomitante, en búsqueda de apuntalar el desarrollo local y regional. El acaecimiento de un fenómeno inesperado, como ha sido la pandemia desatada por la COVID-19 en marzo del año pasado, hizo que estallara no solo una crisis sanitaria, sino también una crisis económica y social, lo que supuso la adopción de estrategias para evitar su propagación y facilitar su contención y mitigación, situación que afectó las finanzas territoriales, pues se registró una caída de los recaudos tributarios y una presión sobre el gasto social que acentuó las recurrentes afugias presupuestales del país. La pospandemia encontrará las arcas vacías y enormes compromisos para revertir el deterioro de los indicadores sociales de municipios y departamentos del país ; Since the mid-eighties, when the decentralization process began in Colombia, relations between the different territorial entities and the central government have been characterized by permanent tensions in which the demands for greater autonomy and discretion in spending capacity that is financed with transfers from the General Participation System (SGP) and the General Royalties System (SGR) have not been absent. There is no doubt that the distribution of powers and the allocation of additional resources to subnational governments have contributed to the economic growth and social development of municipalities and states; however, interregional disparities and horizontal inequity persist in access to public goods. Notwithstanding the State payments have increased, the fiscal effort of the territorial governments has not been less, which have increased their own resources and their concomitant efficiency, in the search to underpin local and regional development. The occurrence of an unexpected phenomenon, such as the pandemic unleashed by COVID-19 in March last year, caused not only a health crisis to erupt, but also an economic and social crisis, which led to the implementation of strategies to avoid its spread and facilitate its containment and mitigation. This situation affected territorial finances since there was a drop in tax collection and pressure on social spending that accentuated recurring budget losses in the country. Post-pandemic will find empty state coffers and enormous commitments to reverse the deterioration of the social indicators of the country's municipalities and states. ; EL CONTEXTO ECONÓMICO Perfiles de la economía regional en Colombia (2005-2020) Respuestas de política macroeconómica en Colombia ante el choque de la COVID-19: posturas y retos EL CONTEXTO FISCAL El proceso descentralizador y la descentralización fiscal en Colombia Cuando el método ahoga la teoría. A propósito del marco fiscal de mediano plazo LAS FINANZAS TERRITORIALES Desempeño fiscal de las entidades territoriales Estructura tributaria territorial Desigualdad en los ingresos fiscales de los departamentos colombianos El desempeño económico y el esfuerzo fiscal de algunas ciudades de Colombia (2010-2018) ; Libro financiado por los grupos de investigación MODEAL y OIKO S de la UPTC Se permite la reproducción parcial o total, con la autorización expresa de los titulares del derecho de autor. Este libro es registrado en Depósito Legal, según lo establecido en la Ley 44 de 1993, el Decreto 460 de 16 de marzo de 1995, el Decreto 2150 de 1995 y el Decreto 358 de 2000.