L'Algérie et l'islamisme armé
In: Défense nationale: problèmes politiques, économiques, scientifiques, militaires, Band 59, Heft 3, S. 71-79
ISSN: 0035-1075, 0336-1489
1205 Ergebnisse
In: Défense nationale: problèmes politiques, économiques, scientifiques, militaires, Band 59, Heft 3, S. 71-79
ISSN: 0035-1075, 0336-1489
World Affairs Online
In: Jane's Intelligence review: the magazine of IHS Jane's Military and Security Assessments Intelligence centre, Band 9, Heft 3, S. 119-121
ISSN: 1350-6226
World Affairs Online
In: Peuples méditerranéens: revue trimestrielle = Mediterranean peoples, S. 3-185
ISSN: 0399-1253
In: Maghreb, Machrek: revue trimestrielle = al- Maġrib wa-ʾl-mašriq, Heft 184, S. 81-103
ISSN: 1762-3162, 0336-6324, 1241-5294
To tempt to understand the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (A.I.G.) through its writings, notably those distributed within the Muslim community of Belgium, such is the goal of this survey on a topic that was until then little studied. The shape and the language, the politics and the religion are analyzed there systematically, and if the author recognizes that the political content of these writings is relatively little solid, it brings nevertheless a contribution to the history of the A.I.G., from the origins to the death of Djamal Zitouni, in July 1996. (Maghreb-Machrek/DÜI)
World Affairs Online
In: Collections "Recherches sur les sociétés méditerranéennes"
In: Jeune Afrique l'intelligent: hebdomadaire politique et économique international ; édition internationale, Band 44, Heft 2268, S. 36-38
ISSN: 0021-6089
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: Politique internationale: pi, Heft 79, S. 11-64
ISSN: 0221-2781
World Affairs Online
In: Blätter des Informationszentrums 3. Welt, Heft 243, S. 36-37
ISSN: 0933-7733
World Affairs Online
In: Antimilitarismus-Information: ami, Band 28, Heft 1-2, S. 79-86
ISSN: 0342-5789
World Affairs Online
In: Studies in conflict & terrorism, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 161-183
ISSN: 1057-610X
World Affairs Online
In: Les chemins de la décolonisation de l’empire colonial français, 1936-1956, S. 387-400
In: Jeune Afrique, Band 53, Heft 2722, S. 22-29
World Affairs Online