Growing Green Space
In: Social Space
Environmental groups: Saviours of the world or nutty nuisances? Dr Geh Min traces the evolution of the green movement in Singapore in the context of changing political, social and environmental values.
4123 Ergebnisse
In: Social Space
Environmental groups: Saviours of the world or nutty nuisances? Dr Geh Min traces the evolution of the green movement in Singapore in the context of changing political, social and environmental values.
In: Rethinking Urban and Regional Studies Series
Contents -- Figures -- Preface -- 1. Urban green spaces: why rethinking is needed -- 2. Urban green spaces until today -- 3. Urban green space use in transition -- 4. Design and transformation of green spaces -- 5. Green space management for today and tomorrow -- 6. Changing governance of green spaces -- 7. Planning and integration of urban green spaces -- 8. Securing and diversifying funding for green spaces -- 9. Shifts in urban green space narratives -- 10. Perspective: streetwoods, urban groves and more rethinking of urban green spaces -- References -- Index.
In: International journal of sustainability in higher education, Band 11, Heft 3
ISSN: 1758-6739
In: Regulation: the Cato review of business and government, Band 31, Heft 3, S. 34-37
ISSN: 0147-0590
Draws on 1981-2001 data on subdivision house sales in Calvert County, MD, to examine how households value being next to open space & more open space in subdivisions & how readily they will trade off those amenities with the loss of their own private property space. Tables, Figures. Adapted from the source document.
In: Ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego: Protection of cultural heritage, Heft 14
ISSN: 2543-6422
Zgodnie z ideami zrównoważonego rozwoju zawartymi w rezolucji ONZ "Przekształcamy świat: Agenda 2030 na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju" do kluczowych celów, jakich osiągnięcie założono do 2030 r., należą między innymi: zapewnienie powszechnego dostępu do bezpiecznych dla wszystkich i inkluzywnych terenów zieleni oraz przestrzeni publicznych, a jednocześnie wzmocnienie wysiłków na rzecz ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego i przyrodniczego. W artykule przedstawiono, na wybranych przykładach zabytkowych parków, ogrodów oraz krajobrazów, jak cele te są realizowane. Przedmiotem badań były w szczególności: Ogród Wersalski, Stonehenge i krajobraz kulturowy otaczający ten zabytek, zarządzany przez English Heritage, a także polityka udostępniania zabytkowych, parków, ogrodów i krajobrazów, realizowana przez Historic England.
Analiza strategii udostępniania zabytkowych terenów zieleni i krajobrazów kulturowych osobom ze szczególnymi potrzebami, wypracowanych przez wymienione powyżej instytucje, pozwoliła na sformułowanie w podsumowaniu artykułu propozycji ogólnych założeń inkluzywnej polityki względem tej grupy zabytków.
In: Environmental horticulture: science and management of green landscapes, S. 43-74
This book presents a systematic study of urban green space remote sensing from multi-dimensional and multi-scale technologies. On the basis of introducing the connotation, science and application value of urban green space, this book focuses on the two-dimensional and three-dimensional information extraction technology of urban vegetation, two-dimensional and three-dimensional measurement technology of urban green space and multi-scale perception technology and discusses the remote sensing evaluation method of urban green space. By exploring the technical advantages of satellite remote sensing + aerial remote sensing + near-ground remote sensing, urban green space remote sensing promotes the development of urban vegetation research from two-dimensional to three-dimensional observation, so that the quantity, quality and human perception of urban vegetation can be measured. In each chapter, an individual technology/method is introduced, and several cases are cited to demonstrate its practical application. This book offers a valuable reference guide for practitioners in urban planning, landscape greening, environmental protection and urban management, as well as teachers and graduate students engaged in urban remote sensing research.
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 117, S. 106111
ISSN: 0264-8377
In: Cities, design & sustainability
In: The new series 2
In: Environmental science & policy, Band 108, S. 144-154
ISSN: 1462-9011
In: Asiascape: Digital Asia, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 238-278
ISSN: 2214-2312
The paper focuses on the digital logic that informs debates on urban ecology and green spaces in Asia. First, the paper builds a case regarding how pervasive digitalization is embedding everyday activities with artificial intelligence. This process, the paper argues, reconfigures existing social relationships of power and creates new modes of articulation, engagement, contestation, and negotiation. Second, the paper specifically looks at how this process informs material productions of space, spatiality, and territoriality of urban ecology. As case studies, the paper maps the narratives and discourses about Mumbai's Mithi River and Seoul's Cheonggyecheon and the way in which they are anchored to technoscapes and an overarching digital logic. This paper, concludes that this reconstituted urban ecology leads to 'green narratives' that are reductionist and simplistic.
Cover -- Half Title -- Endorsements -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- List of figures -- List of tables -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- 0.1 Failures of landscape architecture and urban planning -- 0.2 Gaps in knowledge and misconceptions -- 0.3 Contemplative Landscape Model and its relationship with existing frameworks -- Part 1 Science behind the contemplative landscapes -- 1 Therapeutic mechanisms of urban green spaces -- 1.1 Urbanicity aspects behind mental health deterioration -- 1.2 The solution is in nature . . . but what nature? -- 2 Brain response to contemplative landscapes and mental health implications -- 2.1 Contemplation vs. landscape contemplation -a health-benefitting mechanism -- 2.2 Brain science for design disciplines -- 2.3 What do we know about the brain's reaction to contemplative landscapes? -- 2.4 Neuroscience - a designer's muse -- 3 How to benefit the most from contemplative landscape exposure -- 3.1 Who can benefit? -- 3.2 Which exposure conditions unlock the benefits? -- 3.3 New mission for landscape architects -- Part 2 Contemplative landscape features -- 4 Character of Peace and Silence -- 4.1 Reorientation -- 4.2 Rest and relaxation -- 4.3 Silence and solitude -- 4.4 Safety and no technology -- 5 Compatibility -- 5.1 Harmony and spatial order -- 5.2 Balance between wild and tamed -- 5.3 Inward space orientation -- 5.4 Artistic expression -- 6 Layers of the Landscape -- 6.1 Three distance zones in the landscape -- 6.2 Psychological comfort of looking afar -- 7 Landform -- 7.1 Looking up towards the sky -- 7.2 Mounds and natural topography -- 8 Biodiversity -- 8.1 Wild and plentiful lifeforms -- 8.2 Geometric vs. naturalistic planting -- 8.3 Human-animal relations in cities -- 9 Color and Light -- 9.1 Calm color palette -- 9.2 Lively play of light and shadow -- 10 Archetypal Elements.
More precise explanations are needed to better understand why public green spaces are diminishing in cities, leading to the loss of ecosystem services that humans receive from natural systems. This paper is devoted to the incremental change of green spaces&mdash ; a fate that is largely undetectable by urban residents. The paper elucidates a set of drivers resulting in the subtle loss of urban green spaces and elaborates on the consequences of this for resilience planning of ecosystem services. Incremental changes of greenspace trigger baseline shifts, where each generation of humans tends to take the current condition of an ecosystem as the normal state, disregarding its previous states. Even well-intended political land-use decisions, such as current privatization schemes, can cumulatively result in undesirable societal outcomes, leading to a gradual loss of opportunities for nature experience. Alfred E. Kahn referred to such decision making as &lsquo ; the tyranny of small decisions.&rsquo ; This is mirrored in urban planning as problems that are dealt with in an ad hoc manner with no officially formulated vision for long-term spatial planning. Urban common property systems could provide interim solutions for local governments to survive periods of fiscal shortfalls. Transfer of proprietor rights to civil society groups can enhance the resilience of ecosystem services in cities.
More precise explanations are needed to better understand why public green spaces are diminishing in cities, leading to the loss of ecosystem services that humans receive from natural systems. This paper is devoted to the incremental change of green spaces—a fate that is largely undetectable by urban residents. The paper elucidates a set of drivers resulting in the subtle loss of urban green spaces and elaborates on the consequences of this for resilience planning of ecosystem services. Incremental changes of greenspace trigger baseline shifts, where each generation of humans tends to take the current condition of an ecosystem as the normal state, disregarding its previous states. Even well-intended political land-use decisions, such as current privatization schemes, can cumulatively result in undesirable societal outcomes, leading to a gradual loss of opportunities for nature experience. Alfred E. Kahn referred to such decision making as 'the tyranny of small decisions.' This is mirrored in urban planning as problems that are dealt with in an ad hoc manner with no officially formulated vision for long-term spatial planning. Urban common property systems could provide interim solutions for local governments to survive periods of fiscal shortfalls. Transfer of proprietor rights to civil society groups can enhance the resilience of ecosystem services in cities. ; Urban Studio