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682 Ergebnisse
In: Handbook of Green Chemistry and Technology, S. 338-365
In: Green Chemistry and Engineering, S. 69-91
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 106-106
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: Handbook of Green Chemistry
In: Handbook of Green Chemistry Ser.
The shift towards being as environmentally-friendly as possible has resulted in the need for this important volume on the topic of green nanoscience. Edited by two rising stars in the community, Alvise Perosa and Maurizio Selva, this is an essential resource for anyone wishing to gain an understanding of the world of green chemistry, as well as for chemists, environmental agencies and chemical engineers. The Handbook of Green Chemistry comprises of 9 volumes in total, split into 3 subject-specific sets. The three sets are available individually. All 9 volumes are available individually, t
In: SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science Ser.
As a new and rapidly growing science, the applications of ultrasound methods in environmental technology hold a promising future. Compared to conventional methods, ultrasonication can bring several benefits such as being environmentally friendly (no toxic chemical are used or produced), low cost, and compact, allowing on-site treatment. Besides an overview featuring the background behind ultrasonic technology, this brief summarizes the main studies and innovations reported in recent research that has utilized ultrasound methods in environmental analysis, water, and sludge treatment, soil and sediment remediation to air purification.
In: Sustainability
"When the Nobel Prize Committee recognized the importance of green chemistry with its 2005 Nobel Prize for Chemistry, this relatively new science came into its own. Although no concerted agreement has been reached yet about the exact content and limits of this interdisciplinary discipline, there seems to be increasing interest in environmental topics that are based on the chemistry embodied in this subject. Linking green chemistry practice to environmental sustainability, Green Chemistry for Environmental Sustainability illustrates the efforts being made to remediate a scathed environment into a pristine one." "Eminent international experts present research on and the application of green chemistry and engineering in addressing current issues of an environmental and social nature. They cover sustainable development and environmental sustainability with chapters on green chemistry and engineering research; the design and synthesis of environmentally benign chemical processes; green approaches to minimize and/or remediate environmental pollution; the development of biomaterials, biofuel, and bioenergy production; biocatalysis; and policies and ethics in green chemistry. The book also explores economics, environmentally benign technologies for greener processes, computational methods and modeling, and green approaches to minimize air and water." "Green chemistry has brought a relatively prompt and positive paradigm shift in the overall use and management of natural resources and raw materials for the development of society with a subtle promise to cause far less pronounced harm to the environment. This text provides insight into the chemical and biochemical technologies that are being studied, optimized, and eventually developed to promote environmental sustainability. It provides up-to-date information on selected fields where the principles of green chemistry are being embraced for safeguarding and improving the quality of the environment."--BOOK JACKET
In dieser gemeinsam von den chemischen Gesellschaften Deutschlands, Großbritanniens und der Vereinigten Staaten herausgegebenen Aufsatzsammlung geht es um interessante Beispiele aus dem noch sehr jungen Forschungszweig der "grünen" (oder nachhaltigen) Chemie, der sich speziell mit der Erschließung Material und Energie sparender, Abfall vermeidender, kostengünstiger industrieller Prozesse beschäftigt. Chemiker in Forschung und Industrie sind sich heutzutage viel mehr als früher der vielfältigen Auswirkungen auf Umwelt und Zukunft und der daraus resultierenden Verantwortung bewusst. Dies der jungen Generation nahe zu bringen und diese für die in Verruf geratene Chemie zu begeistern, ist Anliegen dieses Buches. Es genügt also nicht allein, über ein gutes naturwissenschaftliches Grundverständnis zu verfügen, sondern man muss darüber hinaus in der Lage sein, dieses Wissen im Alltag nutzbar zu machen. Diese Fähigkeit, bezeichnet als "scientific literacy", wird im Jahre 2006 Gegenstand der internationalen Schulleistungsvergleichsstudie PISA sein. Dieses Buch wendet sich vorrangig an Lehrer und Dozenten. (2 S) (LK/MD: Hörning)
In: ACS Symposium Series; Teaching and Learning about Sustainability, S. 79-85
In: Green chemistry
In: Handbook of Green Chemistry
In: Handbook of Green Chemistry Ser.
There has been dramatic growth in the community of researchers and industrialists working in the area of Green Chemistry. There has been an increasing recognition by a wide-range of scientists and engineers in the chemical enterprise that the framework of Green Chemistry is relevant and enabling to their work. There has been a significant body of work that has accumulated over the past decade that details the breakthroughs, innovation and creativity within Green Chemistry and Engineering. While there have been edited volumes on Green Chemistry that collect a limited number of papers often on
In: Green Chemistry and Engineering, S. 53-67
In: Green Chemistry and Engineering, S. 325-353