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7252 Ergebnisse
In: Corporate Sustainability; CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, S. 1-25
In: FP, Heft 172
ISSN: 0015-7228
An examination of the "going green" movement intended to end the recession by creating jobs in clean technologies that will help the environment argues that it is doubtful that the effort will jump-start the economy. The global financial crisis is not only the product of totally different issues but anti-carbon regulations will destroy jobs as well as create them. Other issues discussed include the poor track record of governments in promoting alternative energy; China's environmental performance; & defining "green collar" jobs. Adapted from the source document.
In: Die neue Hightechstrategie, Innovationen für Deutschland
In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, Band 27, Heft 4, S. 6-20
World Affairs Online
In: KAS international reports, Heft 4, S. 6-20
"Bis heute wurden in der weltweiten Klimapolitik nur vereinzelt Fortschritte erzielt. Es ist nicht gelungen, die absoluten CO2-Emissionen zu reduzieren, vielmehr steigt der globale CO2-Ausstoß insbesondere durch den wachsenden Energiehunger der Schwellenländer. Deshalb fokussiert sich die Diskussion über eine nachhaltige, ressourcenschonende Entwicklung zunehmend auf die Frage der 'Dekarbonisierung': Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und CO2-Emissionen sollen entkoppelt werden." (Autorenreferat)
In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, Band 27, Heft 4, S. 6-20
Um aktuellen Umweltproblemen effektiv zu begegnen, bedarf es einer transformativen Umweltpolitik. Das Vorhaben evolution2green zielt darauf ab, das Potenzial der deutschen Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft sowie mögliche Strategien für eine transformative Umweltpolitik und damit einhergehende politische Handlungsoptionen von allen Seiten zu beleuchten.
This study aims to provide solutions and references in handling sustainable environmental development. this research method uses a qualitative descriptive phenomenological approach with a literature approach. The results of this study reveal that indonesia cannot be separated from the development of the manufacturing sector which has the function of driving the economy. This must also be balanced with an understanding of the green economy to save the surrounding environment. Experts and literature also reveal that the concept of a green economy is very helpful for the state to preserve natural resources (SDA). The role of the green economy major is very helpful in realizing the welfare of natural resources that can contribute to science. therefore, a green economy major is very much needed in southeast asia, especially the unitary state of the republic of indonesia, Especially Human Resources (HR) who do not understand the importance of a green economy. One of the efforts to save a country is to improve the quality of human resources, especially in this case, human resources who understand the green economy in a sustainable manner. The curriculum that supports this program is the green curriculum, where the curriculum encourages the realization of the indonesian green movement. this scheme builds sustainability through a green economy by realizing various roles. The role of academics aims to create competent human resources in providing scientific literacy and application in the environmental field. Organizations that are directly involved in the green economy, especially environmental issues, are the government, research institutions, and educational institutions.Gr
Women all over the world are engaged in different activities from providing basic necessities for their families to running businesses and countries. However, their contribution to societies and economic growth is unrecognized and undervalued. The green economy presents new opportunities for women but there is a possibility that they will be deprived from the potential benefits arising from the green economy especially in developing countries, unless the governments act and initiate structural reforms which will reduce gender inequality in labor markets.
Introduction: putting the economy to work for development -- Poor in what way? -- The myth of the immaterial: green economy is not the same as green growth -- The frog and the scorpion: could capitalism ever show consideration for the world at large? -- The information networks economy expands social cooperation.
In: Review of policy research, Band 28, Heft 5, S. 473-477
ISSN: 1541-1338
The concept of the green economy has now entered mainstream policy debates and been endorsed by a range of United Nations and other organizations. The Rio+20 UN conference specifically drew attention to the green economy approach in the context of sustainable development to move away from business-as-usual practices, act to end poverty, address environmental destruction and build a bridge to the sustainable future. It is increasingly recognized that the tourism sector can make a major contribution to the green economy through more sustainable practices, climate change mitigation and ecotourism