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2745 Ergebnisse
Aimed at students of classics and of philosophy who would like a taste of the subject before being committed to a full course and at those who have already started and need to find their bearings in what may seem at first a complex maze of names and schools, ""Introducing Greek Philosophy"" is a concise, lively, philosophically aware introduction to ancient Greek philosophy. The book begins with the Milesians in Asia Minor before moving over to the developments in the western Greek world, then focusing on Socrates, Plato and Aristotle in Athens, finishing with the Hellenistic schools and their
In: Transcending Greedy Money, S. 91-96
An overview of the works that form the foundation of Western philosophy The writings of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle have resonated through the millennia and continue to influence the lives of people today. In A Short History of Greek Philosophy , renowned British classicist John Marshall provides a thorough yet engaging account of the seminal philosophical movements of ancient Greece, from the Sophists to the Sceptics to the Stoics. For readers looking to dip their toes into the vast ocean of Western philosophy, Marshall's history provides the perfect springboard. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices
In: The European legacy: the official journal of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI), Band 13, Heft 5, S. 639-644
ISSN: 1470-1316
In: Izvestija Saratovskogo universiteta: Izvestiya of Saratov University. Serija filosofija, psichologija, pedagogika = Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, Band 23, Heft 4, S. 384-388
ISSN: 2542-1948
Introduction. The relevance of «practical philosophy» is contrasted with «traditional philosophy», detached from life. The final perspective sees the harmonization of theoretical-practical and practical-theoretical activity of philosophers, based on the appropriate historical and logical rethinking of the history of philosophy. The classical beginning is to emphasize the practical component of early Greek philosophy. Theoretical analysis. The direct connection to life unites Thales as a sage with Thales as a philosopher (the widespread idea of the remoteness of Thales' philosophy from practice is criticized as being engaged by the dominant theoretical-practical paradigm of philosophy). The expert model of the practical component of Thales' philosophy generally characterizes the Milesian school and the Eleates. The absence of effective philosophical practice contributes to the skepticism of Xenophanes and the tragic nature of Heraclitus' work. Political activity of Pythagoreans is the objective maximum of the practical component of philosophy (political model of the practical component of philosophy). The problematic nature of philosophers' political activity, the growth and complication of theoretical research lead the ancient atomists towards the formation of a theoretical-practical model of philosophical activity. Conclusion. The problem of connection with life was positively solved in the work of Thales and was significant for all early Greek philosophy. This should be taken into account in the further study of the history of philosophy; the latter is in essence the school of thought that contributes to the harmonization of theoretical and practical activities of modern philosophy.
In: Philosophia antiqua v. 106
In: Brill eBook titles 2007
Socrates on akrasia : knowledge, and the power of appearance / Thomas Brickhouse and Nicholas Smith -- A problem in the Gorgias : how is punishment supposed to help with intellectual error? / Christopher Rowe -- Plato on akrasia and knowing your own mind / Chris Bobonich -- Unified agency and akrasia in Plato's Republic / Christopher Shields -- Thirst as desire for good / Roslyn Weiss -- Akrasia and the structure of the passions in Plato's Timaeus / Gabriela Roxana Carone -- Plato and Enkrateia / Louis-André Dorion -- Aristotle on the causes of akrasia / Pierre Destrée -- Akrasia and the method of ethics / Marco Zingano -- Aristotle's weak akrates : what does her ignorance consist in? / David Charles -- Akrasia and enkrateia in ancient stoicism : minor vice and minor virtue? / Jean-Baptiste Gourinat -- Epictetus on moral responsibility for precipitate action / Rigardo Salles -- Plotinus on akrasia : the neoplatonic synthesis / Lloyd Gerson
In: History of political thought, Band 6, Heft 1-2, S. 47
ISSN: 0143-781X
In: Social sciences in China, Band 33, Heft 3, S. 19-30
ISSN: 1940-5952
In: Routledge monographs in classical studies
"Spanning a wide range of texts, figures, and traditions from the ancient Mediterranean world, this volume gathers far-reaching, interdisciplinary papers on Greek philosophy from an international group of scholars. The book's sixteen chapters address an array of topics and themes, extending from the formation of philosophy from its first stirrings in archaic Greek as well as Egyptian, Persian, Mesopotamian, and Indian sources, through central concepts in ancient Greek philosophy and literatures of the classical period and into the Hellenistic age. Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy offers both in-depth, rigorous, attentive investigations of canonical texts in western philosophy, such as Plato's Phaedo, Gorgias, Republic, Phaedrus, Protagoras and the Metaphysics, De Caelo, Nichomachean Ethics, Generation and Corruption of Aristotle's corpus, as well as inquiries that reach back into the rich archives of the Mediterranean Basin and forward into the traditions of classical philosophy beyond the ancient world. Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy is of interest to students and scholars working on different aspects of ancient Greek philosophy, as well as ancient philosophy more broadly"--
In: Routledge handbooks
The Routledge Handbook of Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy is an essential reference source for cutting-edge scholarship on women, gender, and philosophy in Greek antiquity. The volume features original research that crosses disciplines, offering readers an accessible guide to new methods, new sources, and new questions in the study of ancient Greek philosophy and its multiple afterlives. Comprising 40 chapters from a diverse international group of experts, the Handbook considers questions about women and gender in sources from Greek antiquity spanning the period from 7th c. BCE to 2nd c. BCE, and in receptions of Greek antiquity from the Roman Imperial period, through the European Renaissance to the current day. Chapters are organized into five major sections: I. Early Greek antiquity - including Sappho, Presocratic philosophy, Sophists, and Greek tragedy - 700s-400s BCEII. Classical Greek antiquity - including Aeschines, Plato, and Xenophon - 400s-300s BCEIII. Late Classical Greek to Hellenistic antiquity - including Cyrenaics, Cynics, the Hippocratic corpus, and Aristotle - 300s-200s BCEIV. Late Greek antiquity to Roman Imperial period - including Pythagorean women, Stoics, Pyrrhonian Skeptics, andlate Platonists - 200s BCE to 700s CEV. Later receptions - including Shakespeare, the European Renaissance, Anna Julia Cooper, W.E.B. DuBois, Jane Harrison, Sarah Kofman, and Toni Morrison The Routledge Handbook of Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy is a vital resource for students and scholars in philosophy, Classics, and gender studies who want to gain a deeper understanding of philosophy's rich past and explore sources and questions beyond the traditional canon. The volume is a valuable resource, as well, for students and scholars from history, humanities, literature, political science, religious studies, rhetorical studies, theatre, and LGBTQ and sexuality studies
In: Griot: Revista de Filosofia, Band 19, Heft 2, S. 311-329
The subject of this article is the antagonism among two philosophical "schools" developed from opposites principles: the ionian and italic "schools". The former developed since Thales, passing through Anaximander, Anaximenes, Heraclitus, Leucippus, Democritus, Epicurus... wich philosophy is called materialist. The second, from Parmenides, Zenon... till mainly Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, wich is called idealist. The proposal is a scheme rereading of this history and a minimun questioning of its consequences. Since the Antiquity it can be seeing that the philosophers used to reconize the existence of that antagonism and wittingly used to battle among themselves, and as the history tells, the victorious were the idealists. It is not a exaustiv study about each one of those philosophers but only a few, those that I consider the most exemplary in the beggining of the greek phillosphy. It is considered yet how this antagonism has been negligected by the manuals of philosophy history. As the only way to show it is through the texts and testimonials themselves of the philosopheres thinking, the lector will find with greater emphasis an analysis of the atomism development by Leucippus from Anaximenes philosophy, in the opposite way of the usual assertion according to wich atomism has been arised from Parmenides doctrine of the Being.