Genau wie politische Parteien müssen sich die Regierungen an die Anforderungen der digitalen Sphäre anpassen, da ihre Legitimität von ihrer Fähigkeit abhängt, Entscheidungen den Bürgern mitzuteilen. Trotz umfangreicher Untersuchungen darüber, wie das Internet die politische Kommunikation verändert, ist wenig darüber bekannt, wie Regierungen digitale Technologie nutzen. Es gibt auch wenig Forschung darüber, wie unterschiedliche politische Systeme die Nutzung von Technologien beeinflussen. Daher untersucht diese vergleichende Studie wie Regierungsorganisationen in Deutschland und Großbritannien Webseiten und Social Media nutzen, um mit Bürgern und Medien zu interagieren. Der empirische Ansatz umfasst eine Inhaltsanalyse von Webseiten und Social Media sowie eine Social Network-Analyse von Twitter-Netzwerken. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Ministerien überwiegend Webseiten und Social Media für One-Way-Kommunikation nutzen und dass es eine zunehmende Personalisierung der Kommunikation gibt.
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Citation: Spilman, Harold Addison. Municipal government in Great Britain. Senior thesis, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1903. ; Morse Department of Special Collections ; Introduction: Within the last few years events in some of our larger cities have caused no little agitation regarding municipal government and municipal reform. That public attention should be turned to such matters is eminently proper, and in fact, necessary. Good municipal government is essential to the continued good government of a nation. To-day over one-third of our people reside in cities of over eight thousand inhabitants and as the country increases in age the percentage will increase. Anything which so directly affects the welfare of one-third of our population should deeply concern, not only that one-third, of our population should deeply concern, not only that one-third, but the other two-thirds as well. Bryce says that there are "two tests of the practical efficiency of the government of a city: what does it provide for the people and what does it cost the people. Measured by these tests, it has become more and more evident in recent years that municipal administration in this country is a disgraceful failure. A failure because the people have paid tens, perhaps hundreds, of thousands of dollars for that which could have cost them thousands only, and have received therefore inefficient police service, defective paving, poor work of every kind. Disgraceful because of the boodling and corruption and viciousness which have caused such extravagance. It would seem that, although we have given the world what is probably the most perfect form of national government, yet, in this matter of municipal administration we still have much to learn; and in this event it is but natural that we should turn to the older countries of Europe and see in what manner that have solved this problem. Naturally, in any such study, one looks first to the country from whose institutions are derived, in part, our own principles of government. And there we find a municipal administrative system which stands in marked contrast to our own.
In: Political science quarterly: a nonpartisan journal devoted to the study and analysis of government, politics and international affairs ; PSQ, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 197-229
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. Hunter-Gatherings and Fisherfolk: 10,000 to 5000 BP -- Chapter 3. Shafts of Sunlight: Agriculturalists -- Chapter 4. Closed and Open Systems, AD 550 To AD 1700 -- Chapter 5. Building Jerusalem: The Eighteen Century -- Chapter 6. Industrial Growth: Material Empires, 1800-1914 -- Chapter 7. 'A Fit Country for Heroes', 1914-50 -- Chapter 8. A Post-industrial World, 1950 to the Present -- Chapter 9. Experience and Meaning -- Appendix 1. The Changing Environment From the Air -- Notes -- Biographies -- Glossary -- A Selected Bibliography -- Index
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Yeung Pak Shing. ; "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 1998-99, design report." ; Includes bibliographical references. ; WORK SCHEDULE ; Chapter 1. --- POINT OF DEPARTURE ; Chapter 2. --- SUBJECT ANALYSIS ; Chapter 3. --- PROJECT ANALYSIS ; Chapter 4. --- DESIGN PROCESS ; Chapter 5. --- BUILDING SYSTEMS & REGULATIONS ; APPENDIX ; Chapter a. --- Programming Report ; Chapter b. --- Final Presentation ; ACKNOWLEDGEMENT