Organisation of secondary education [Great Britain]
In: Labour research, Band 48, S. 61-63
ISSN: 0023-7000
69612 Ergebnisse
In: Labour research, Band 48, S. 61-63
ISSN: 0023-7000
In: Labour research, Band 54, S. 30-32
ISSN: 0023-7000
In: Contemporary analysis in education series 12
Presented to Parliament by command of Her Majesty. ; I. Report of the commissioners.--II-IV. Minutes of evidence taken before the Royal commission on secondary education.--V. Memoranda and answers to questions.--VI. Reports of the assistant commissioners on the counties of Bedford, Devon, Lancaster (the Hundreds of Salford and West Derby), Norfolk.--VII. Reports of the assistant commissioners on the counties of Surrey, Warwick, and Yorkshire ; and on certain features of secondary education in the United states of America, and in Canada.--VIII. Summary of, and index to Minutes of evidence taken before the Royal commission on secondary education.--IX. Appendix. Statistical tables. ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: Children & Schools, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 129-134
ISSN: 1545-682X
At head of title: Education department. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Presented to Parliament by command of Her Majesty. ; I. Report of the commissioners.--II-IV. Minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Secondary Education.--V. Memoranda and answers to questions.--VI. Reports of the assistant commissioners on the counties of Bedford, Devon, Lancaster (the Hundreds of Salford and West Derby), Norfolk.--VII. Reports of the assistant commissioners on the counties of Surrey, Warwick, and Yorkshire; and on certain features of secondary education in the United States of America, and before the Royal Commission on Secondary Education.--IX. Appendix. Statistical tables. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Holocaust Education in Egyptian Seconday Schools is a thesis completed by Marisa Claire Jones under the supervision of Dr. Joel Bein in at the American University in Cairo. The aim of this project was to determine how the Holocaust is taught in Egyptian secondary schools, with a focus on materials, textbooks and instructional style used in this process. To gain data and information for the thesis, background information was collected on the phenomenon of Holocaust denial and on the topic of Holocaust education in Germany, Israel and Egypt, involving the role played by political and ideological currents dominant in these societies at certain junctures in shaping the way school curriculums portray the Holocaust. I determined through the course of textbook analysis, teacher interviews and classroom surveys that students enrolled in private schools where the curriculum, textbooks and teaching staff are partially or totally separated from the national history curriculum have a greater understanding and more open recognition of the Holocaust than children who attend public, or "national" schools, as I commonly refer to them. This may be due in large part to the inaccurate and distorted image of Jews and Jewish history depicted in the national curriculum's history, which culminates in an open denial that the Holocaust occurred. The pattern of increased Holocaust coverage in schools removed from the government's curriculum and standards was pronounced although not absolute. My research rested on the data I gathered and the interviews I conducted from six different Cairo schools, including a private Islamic school, several prestigious private schools, a German school following the German national curriculum, a school teaching the content of the Egyptian national history curriculum and from a thorough examination of the national system's history lessons as presented in two commonly-used textbooks. I followed these interviews with a survey of freshman students at the American University in Cairo which looked at the relationship between the type of secondary school they had attended and their grasp and opinions on the Holocaust.
In: Citizenship education in secondary schools series
In: Labour research, Band 25, S. 255-257
ISSN: 0023-7000
This book provides an overview essential for a proper understanding of effective approaches to PSHE education in secondary education and the valuable role it can play in promoting the health and wellbeing of adolescents. Coverage includes: . The importance and scope of PSHE education . The theory and research evidence for effective practice in the secondary school . School structures which support effective teaching and learning in PSHE education . Assessment for, and of, learning in PSHE education . The role of visiting experts in PSHE education . Overlaps with pastoral and therapeutic support.
In: Scott Foresman professional education series
In: Studies in marine affairs