Book Review: When Rape Goes Viral: Youth and Sexual Assault in the Digital Age, Anna Gjika
In: Gender & society: official publication of Sociologists for Women in Society
ISSN: 1552-3977
23 Ergebnisse
In: Gender & society: official publication of Sociologists for Women in Society
ISSN: 1552-3977
Approximation of national legislation in the sector of electronic communications services as well as in the sector of postal services by the acquis communautaire of the EU and harmonization with the policy sector and mid-term strategies for the development of networks and electronic communications services and postal services constitute the first steps and important for inclusion and consideration of universal service in the two respective sectors, the electronic communications and postal services. The next important stage is their implementation in practice for defining the elements of universal service in both sectors, to assess their national circumstances, to identify the social groups and different categories of who should be the beneficiaries of universal service respective by sector considering a set of principles concerning the necessity of their endurance by all users in financial terms,regardless of their geographic location, have access to the services offered and in this regard, the need to be cost-oriented evaluating and monitoring their principles for the fees to be the same for the same services and the obligation for the provider / providers of universal service that the respective services together with their charging and non-discriminatory, in order not to harm its competitiveness and development of the postal sector.
Stories of teen sexting scandals, cyberbullying, and image-based sexual abuse have become commonplace fixtures of the digital age, with many adults struggling to identify ways to monitor young people's digital engagement. In When Rape Goes Viral, Anna Gjika argues that rather than focusing on surveillance, we should examine such incidents for what they tell us about youth peer cultures and the gender norms and sexual ethics governing their interactions. Drawing from interviews with teens and high-profile cases of mediated juvenile sexual assault, Gjika exposes the deeply unequal and heteronormative power dynamics informing teens' intimate relationships and digital practices, and she critically interrogates the role of technological logics, digital cultures, and broader social values in sanctioning abuse. This book also explores the consequences of social media and digital evidence for young victim-survivors and perpetrators of sexual assault, detailing the paradoxical role of technology for social and legal responses to gender violence
The field of electronic communications for the importance of the everyday life, and the impact that reflects the economic development, it is considered important, so that the approach to electronic communications services has found attention from state structures in each country, consequently in Albania. Its electronic communications market operates on the basis of a special material law, under the supervision and continuous monitoring of the regulatory entity (AEPC), who fulfills his regulatory mission through ex-ante intervention in the market, as well as attention and legal responsibility over those of the Competition Authority which extend its effects through ex post interventions. The structure of the market for the (number and dimensions of the players) in order to successfully fulfill the regulatory mission it should not be a political objective, but to be finalized in concrete results. Political objectives focused on innovation and technological innovation, to increase investment, expanding opportunities for consumer choice, in terms of competitive prices for market products /services, which ultimately serve for the final goal of the regulator to maximize social welfare, are provided to only as a combination of regulatory measures and legal instruments to achieve those objectives, through the use of appropriate models for market regulation as a first step to target the achievement of effective and comprehensive competition, and measuring the performance of the markets in which regulation orients in a competitive market dynamic.
This short treatment introduces the concept of potential disputes in the electronic communications market, their typology and the background in which exist premises to arise desputes in this market. Broadly represents the forecast of domestic regulatory and legal framework for the treatment of desputes existing in this market, approximation of legislation with EU directives, ways to resolve disputes arising in the potential levels of the market in which those disputes arise. As a summary is treated the concept of internal market/markets structure as domestic part of the electronic communications market, identifying the importance of "treatment" of state and regulatory policies, and their impact on the design, planning and management strategies of the market players. The case of Albania is breafly treated regarding to the aspects referred in topic, closely linked with desputes and their treatment, paying a special importance administrative settlement in procedural terms. Identification of regulatory effect, as potential to be measured and compared with analog markets, and services offered in these markets with other countries, regional, of EU, or wider and mainly in the aspect from they derive, which highly propable are connected to services offered - their tariff - quality products / services. Briefly on the importance of effective competition and its impact on the number of disputes arising in such a market, considering liberalization as factor of market as fundamental aspect in the development of the market, increasing the number of providers of products / services and legal remedies forecast with specific criteria that maximize protection of users of products / services offered.
In: Balkan social science review: BSSR, Band 22, Heft 22, S. 189-211
ISSN: 1857-8772
Electronic communications services and the dynamics of their development require in itself special care and continuous efforts of the national policies. This is used to build effective strategies with the aim of laying the right steps. It is in coherence with international development of the electronic communications market for the products. It also serves as an integral part of its services. Some of the decision which will result to measurable effects in the market include: concrete steps which are related to the harmonization and alignment of the full legislation national primary, absorption and outline of the directives of the EU as an integral part thereof, drafting regulatory acts as secondary legislation, and continuous care for a hand regulatory which is strong and neutral. For careful coordination of the chains as a whole in the chain functioning of this market, where policies and sectoral strategies, regulatory and decisionmaking, entrepreneurs and consumers in the market of products/services offered are on the side of maximum benefits, it would first of all mean finding the appropriate instruments and implement them in a legal manner. This is possible through effective remedies. Thus, the development of competition is the only way that would make it possible for all the actors to find themselves on the side of the party that would win.
In: Gender & society: official publication of Sociologists for Women in Society
ISSN: 1552-3977
In: Studime filologjike, Heft 3-4, S. 213-218
Në hapësirën e një shekulli nga Shpallja e Pavarësisë, pas një morie studimesh rreth figurave të rëndësishme që kontribuan në këtë arritje dhe për këtë qëllim jo rrallë kanë përdorur si penën ashtu edhe pushkën, ekzistojnë ende figura të tilla që s'janë ndriçuar plotësisht në tërë përmasat e tyre. Këtij qëllimi mund t'i shërbejnë monografitë e llojit integral që shkrijnë historizmin dhe metodën biografike me analizën e plotë dhe të hollësishme të veprës. Monografia "Mihal Grameno - jeta dhe vepra 1871-1931" (505 f.) e studiuesit Thanas L. Gjika është një prej tyre. Ky punim monografik është botuar prej shtëpisë botuese DDS, shtypshkronja MILENIUMI I RI, Durrës, me redaktor gjuhësor Halim Malokun. Në fund vepra pasurohet nga një aparat shkencor, një përmbledhje në anglisht, një album fotografik të larmë dhe
vlerësimet e studiuesve prof. Jorgo Bulo dhe prof. Agim Vinca. Mihal Grameno, Heroi i Popullit, është shembulli më i spikatur i poetit
luftëtar shqiptar që shkëlqen midis grupit të rilindësve tanë si L. Gurakuqi, H. Mosi, R. Siliqi, të cilët ndoqën shembullin e poetëve ballkanas Kristo Botev i bullgarëve, Shandor Petëfi i hungarezëve që luftuan me pushkë e penë për çlirimin e atdheut të vet nga zgjedha osmane.
In: Cultural sociology
ISSN: 1749-9763
Despite several high-profile cases and years of #MeToo activism, a lack of systemic change and consistent consequences for many alleged offenders has led journalists and fans to wonder when the popular music and stand-up comedy industries will truly have their 'MeToo moment.' In this article, we explain that this moment has already arrived, but has produced inconsistent results in these industries due to the unique cultural and structural obstacles they share, and which frustrate civil sphere actors' attempts at civil repair. Our analysis draws on Jeffrey C. Alexander's (2018, 2019) theory of societalization – the process by which institutional crises come to be seen as social problems that demand the intervention of civil sphere actors. We argue that where #MeToo and the popular music and stand-up comedy industries are concerned, the process of societalization has been (and will likely continue to be) 'blocked' or 'stalled' (Alexander, 2018, 2019). We suggest that the potential for societalization is reduced due to a combination of the arts sphere's anti-civil values and weak institutionalization in the popular music and stand-up comedy industries.
"Stories of teen sexting scandals, cyberbullying, and image-based sexual abuse have become commonplace fixtures of the digital age, with many adults struggling to identify ways to monitor young people's digital engagement. In When Rape Goes Viral, Anna Gjika argues that rather than focusing on surveillance, we should examine such incidents for what they tell us about youth peer cultures and the gender norms and sexual ethics governing their interactions. Drawing from interviews with teens and high-profile cases of mediated juvenile sexual assault, Gjika exposes the deeply unequal and heteronormative power dynamics informing teens' intimate relationships and digital practices, and she critically interrogates the role of technological logics, digital cultures, and broader social values in sanctioning abuse. This book also explores the consequences of social media and digital evidence for young victim-survivors and perpetrators of sexual assault, detailing the paradoxical role of technology for social and legal responses to gender violence"--
In: International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, Band 9, Heft 4, S. 163-176
ISSN: 2202-8005
Social media and digital platforms are being used to disclose sexual and dating violence experiences and to unite victims/survivors in social, educational, and advocacy efforts. While digital disclosure can be empowering, there are reasons why some individuals do not disclose. This article focuses on the nuances underlying decisions to (and not to) disclose victimization experiences online, and also presents a call to action, particularly for researchers and practitioners working on sexual violence intervention and prevention. Through a comparative, international literature review, the authors highlight research on factors affecting disclosure decisions while also considering contemporary issues that may impact these decisions. They conclude that, in responding to victims' and survivors' "justice" needs (e.g., physical and emotional safety, conscious choice, and empowerment), an intersectional feminist lens is essential in today's complex digital world in affording an understanding of variation in disclosure practices. When combined with trauma-informed care, such an approach holds promise for transforming existing online environments into more inclusive and compassionate socio-technological spaces.
The Western Balkans countries are still considered economies in transition. Coming from centralized systems with low level of GDP per capita the region can accelerate substantially the growth pace as lectured in neoclassical growth theory. The region is considered attractive for foreign investments due to a series of advantages such as the political EU agenda and vicinity to EU markets, low labour costs combined with relatively well educated people. The growth models recognize the importance of technology factor to sustain the productivity, competitiveness and economic growth. Promoting innovative businesses and introducing information and communication technologies (ICTs) will enhance the potentials for economic convergence towards developed economies such as EU. The aim of this paper is to bring in focus the impact of ICT on productivity in the Western Balkans (WB) as well as to the structural convergence within the region. One of the contributors for introduction of new technologies and use of ICT remains the foreign direct investments. The paper will assess the role of FDIs in modelling aggregate production reflected through the exports variety and in particular ICT and high technology goods exports. The methodology of the paper makes use of time series data for a set of indicators for each of the Western Balkans countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The main conclusion is that the Western Balkans and Albania have shown a slight trend of convergence of productivity among them and to EU by still is not following the same pace as the convergence of GDP per capita. The impact of ICT development in Albania at firm level but also at economic growth is lower than in other Western Balkans countries. The penetration of FDIs in Albania has generated limited contribution to the introduction of new technologies and sophistication of business models. Additionally, it is necessary to address some incentives to promote ICT businesses and professional skills in order to enable the innovation and competitiveness of Albanian economy. JEL classification: F15, F43, O16, O47.
This paper analyzes the determinant factors of tobacco consumption in Albania, which is one of the countries with the highest smoking prevalence in Europe. To empirically estimate the elasticity of cigarettes demand in Albania, the paper uses the Living Standard Measurement Survey (LSMS) applying Deaton's (1988) demand model. This paper estimates an Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS), which allows disentangling quality choice from exogenous price variations using unit values from cigarette consumption. Following Deaton's model, the results suggest that the demand for tobacco is inelastic, with a price elasticity of −0.57. The price elasticity appears to be within the range of elasticity estimates frequently reported for low- and middle-income countries. The results suggest that total expenditure, household size, male-to-female ratio, and adult ratio are important determinants of tobacco demand in Albania. The increase in the tobacco price, which has been mainly driven by increased excises, has demonstrated a significant impact on reducing tobacco consumption. Consequently, the Albanian government may engage in gradual increases in excise taxes given the inelastic tobacco demand.