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6252 Ergebnisse
Evakuiert: Familienbriefe 1943 - 1947
In: Dokumente und Berichte zur erweiterten Kinderlandverschickung 1940 - 1945 Bd. 11
Lupara nera: la guerra segreta alla democrazia in Italia, 1943 - 1947
In: Saggi tascabili Bompiani 409
The question of European reparations in Allied policy, 1943 - 1947
In: Studia historica 27
Il socialismo italiano del dopoguerra: correnti ideologiche e scelte politiche (1943 - 1947)
In: Studi e ricerche storiche 36
Deutsches Berufsbeamtentum und britische Besatzung: Planung und Politik 1943 - 1947
In: Forschungen und Quellen zur Zeitgeschichte 6
Demokratisierung als Ziel der amerikanischen Besatzungspolitik in Deutschland und Japan: 1943 - 1947
In: Studien zu Geschichte, Politik und Gesellschaft Nordamerikas 16
Bruten brygga: Gunnar Myrdal och Sveriges ekonomiska efterkrigspolitik 1943 - 1947
In: Sverige under kalla kriget 8
World Affairs Online
Der Weg in die soziale Marktwirtschaft: Referate, Protokolle, Gutachten der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Erwin von Beckerath 1943 - 1947
In: Forschungen und Quellen zur Zeitgeschichte 9
Erika Blomenthal-Lampe: Der Weg in die soziale Marktwirtschaft. Referate - Protokolle - Gutachten der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Erwin von Beckerath 1943 bis 1947. Verlag Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1986, 633 Seiten, 196 DM
La santissima trinità: Mafia, Vaticano e servizi segreti all'assalto dell'Italia, 1943-1947
In: I grandi tascabili 451
From the Volhynian massacre to Operation Vistula: the Polish-Ukrainian conflict 1943-1947
In: Fokus volume 6
This is the first book available in English to comprehensively address the complicated subject of Polish-Ukrainian relations during and immediately after World War II. Polish-Ukrainian relations in the twentieth century are a topic that invariably engages historians, politicians, and public opinion in Poland and Ukraine. Many valuable works have been written on the subject, but many are distorting historical truth and collective memories, sometimes making today's mutual relations problematic. Grzegorz Motyka's book is a careful account of the most difficult period in Polish-Ukrainian relations, beginning in 1943 with the start of the Volhynian massacre and ending with the "Vistula" action in 1947. By discussing episodes of common history in an accessible manner, Professor Motyka presents an impartial picture of Polish-Ukrainian relations, devoid of national martyrology. In extremely difficult times, it builds a bridge for mutual understanding across historical divides.