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1225 Ergebnisse
In: Veröffentlichungen aus dem Stadtarchiv Stade 18
In: Amsterdamse historische reeks
In: Grote serie 27
In: Cambridge studies in early modern British history
In: The economic history review, Band 16, Heft 3, S. 407-426
ISSN: 1468-0289
This dissertation investigates the intersections of music, print, devotion, and city culture in Hamburg around 1600, a period of general prosperity for the city that also saw a new flourishing of the print industry throughout Germany. The time period under consideration begins with the debut of printed Lutheran hymnals in Hamburg at mid-century, and culminates in the career of Hieronymus Praetorius (1560-1629), whose publications of sacred polyphony were among the first of their kind in the North. Hamburg is chosen not only because of its prominence as a musical center, but also because of its autonomous political position as a Hanseatic city, which distinctly influenced the cultural climate in which this music originated.Combining methodologies of cultural history and the sociology of texts with traditional methods of musical and textual analysis, I link the upsurge of Hamburg's musical cultures around 1600 to the contemporary flowering of print and the book in the German-speaking lands. Musical books - hymnals, liturgical compendia, printed collections of vocal polyphony, and pamphlets containing occasional motets - took part in larger cultural programs of devotional education, both in the humanistic climate of the Latin school and in vernacular Protestant lay culture. At the same time, these works and the music they contained were integral expressions of a Hanseatic civic culture that exulted in autonomy, yet freely adopted aristocratic modes of representation and ceremonial. The printed vocal works of Hieronymus Praetorius and his son Jacob Praetorius (1586-1651) take center stage in my investigation, both because of the instrumental role of these composers in the musical life of Hamburg around 1600 and because of their legacies in musical print. In particular, case studies of Hieronymus's three motet collections ( Cantiones sacrae , 1599, 1607, and 1622; Cantiones variae , 1618; Cantiones novae officiosae , 1625) and Jacob Praetorius's individually printed wedding motets (1601-1635) delineate essential characteristics of the function of the motet in early modern North Germany. Taking surviving imprints as its starting point, then, this study essays a cultural history of music in Hamburg, offering a new perspective on one of North Germany's leading musical cities at a pivotal period.
In: The Atlantic World Ser. v.No. 16
This study examines the wholesale trade in sugar from Brazil to markets in Europe. The principal market was northwestern Europe, but for much of the time between 1550 and 1630 Portugal was drawn into the conflict between Habsburg Spain and the Dutch Republic. In spite of political obstacles, the trade persisted because it was not subject to monopolies and was relatively lightly regulated and taxed. The investment structure was highly international, as Portugal and northwestern Europe exchanged communities of merchants who were mobile and inter-imperial in both their composition and organization. This conclusion challenges an imperial or mercantilist perspective of the Atlantic economy in its earliest phases.
In: Basler Beiträge zur Geschichtswissenschaft 147
In: http://hdl.handle.net/10486/685741
Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Historia Moderna. Fecha de lectura: 12-07-2018 ; Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 12-01-2020 ; La presente tesis se centra en la cuestión de los cristianos convertidos al islam – los llamados renegados– entre la segunda mitad del siglo XVI y los años veinte del siglo XVII, desde la doble perspectiva del Santo Oficio español y de los servicios de espionaje que la Monarquía Hispánica desplegó en la región mediterránea. Tomando Sicilia como punto de partida – territorio especialmente comprometido en la aventura de los cristianos de Alá por su historia y por su localización fronteriza – la autora se aproxima, ante todo, al mundo inquisitorial, analizando la dicotomía que terminó distanciando su discurso jurídico-teórico, riguroso y utópico, y su actitud real, en buena medida pragmática y moderada. En paralelo, se analiza la injerencia que tuvo el Santo Oficio siciliano sobre numerosas actividades de intelligence anti-otomano como, por ejemplo, el alistamiento, en calidad de espías e informantes, de aquellos mismos reos que el tribunal pretendía juzgar por herejes islamizantes. Esta tesis defiende la idea de que el reclutamiento de agentes renegados – que se realizó entre los presos de la Inquisición, pero también en tierras otomanoberberiscas mediante negociaciones secretas – supuso la búsqueda de un difícil equilibrio entre ventajas prácticas y desventajas simbólicas, una dualidad que surgió a raíz del necesario aprovechamiento militar y estratégico de servicios e informaciones ofrecidas por supuestos traidores de Dios y de la Monarquía. ; Questa tesi si pone come obiettivo lo studio dei cosiddetti rinnegati – i convertiti cristiani alla religione islamica – a cavallo tra la seconda metà del XVI secolo e gli anni '20 del XVII secolo, attraverso la duplice prospettiva dell'Inquisizione spagnola e delle reti di spionaggio che la Monarchia Ispana costruì e mantenne in vari punti del bacino mediterraneo. Partendo dall'analisi del caso siciliano – territorio scelto per il suo storico legame con le vicende dei cristiani d'Allah e per la sua natura fronteriza – l'autrice osserva in primo luogo l'operato del Santo Uffizio, analizzando la dicotomia che separò il discorso giuridico-teorico, rigoroso e utopistico, dalla pratica inquisitoriale, che fu in buona misura pragmatica e moderata. Particolare attenzione è rivolta all'ingerenza che il Santo Uffizio esercitò su numerose attività di intelligence anti-ottomano, quali il reclutamento di presi dell'Inquisizione in qualità di spie ed informanti da porsi al servizio della Monarchia. Questa tesi difende l'idea che il reclutamento di agenti rinnegati – individuati tra le fila dei presi dell'Inquisizione ma anche in terre ottomano-barbaresche, attraverso negoziazioni segrete – rese necessaria la faticosa ricerca di un equilibrio tra i vantaggi pratici e gli svantaggi simbolici generati dallo sfruttamento, militare e strategico, di informazioni e servizi offerti da supposti traditori di Dio e della Monarchia. Keywords (castellano): Renegados, Monarquía Hispánica, Inquisición, Sicilia, Espionaje, Rivalidad hispano-turca Keywords (italiano): Rinnegati, Monarchía Ispana, Inquisizione, Sicilia, Spionaggio, Rivalità ottomano-asburgica
My book deals for the first time comprehensively with the techniques (and methodologies) of socio-cultural research in pre-modern societies. Contrary to prevailing opinion, it holds that some form of empirical research in these domains must have been present in all human groups, and every type of society, otherwise they would not have been able to adapt to other groups and to their own Internal changes. I distinguish between three basic research techniques: (1) travel, (2) the survey, and (3) the collection and interpretation of material objects..
Chapters I-III follow the development of these techniques from primitive societies via the early civilizations (exemplified by the Ancient near East, Egypt, Israel and the Greco-Roman world) and the Middle Ages to Early Modern Western Society. The mainstay of the book is the period from late humanism to the "scientific revolution" (circa 1570-1660),when all the techniques were refined and two of them (travel and collecting) were methodized. In that period also the age-old barriers against the accumulation of the research results and thus the development of socio-cultural sciences, namely secrecy and topicality, began to break down. I hold that all this contributed decisively to the hegemony of the west over all other World civilizations.
Chapters IV-VIII deal with some special problems of the following period from the "scientific revolution" to the onset of Modernity (circa 1660-1800). They are closely interconnected and add some significant and lively details to the generalizations of chapters I-III. - Mein Buch behandelt zum erstenmal zusammenfassend die Techniken (und Methodologien) der Sozial- und Kulturforschung vormoderner gesellschaften. Im Unterschied zur vorherrschenden meinung geht es davon aus, dass es irgendeine Form empirischer Forschung auf diesen gebieten in allen menschlichen Gruppen und Gesellschaftsformen gegeben haben muss, da diese sich ansonsten nicht an andere gruppen sowie an die eigenen inneren Wandlungen hätten anpassen können. Ich unterscheide drei grundlegende Forschungstechniken: (1 ) das reisen, (2) die Umfrage und (3) das Sammeln und Interpretieren konkreter Objekte.
Kapitel I-III folgen der Entwicklung dieser Techniken von den archaischen Gesellschaften über die frühen Hochkulturen (exemplifiziert durch den Alten Orient, Ägypten, Israel und die griechisch-römische Welt) und das Mittelalter bis zum Europa der Frühen Neuzeit. Das Zentrum des Buches bildet die Periode vom Späthumanismus bis wir "wissenschaftlichen revolution" (ca. 1570-1660), als alle drei Techniken verfeinert und zwei von ihnen, das Reisen und das Sammeln, zu formalen Kunstlehren wurden. In dieser Periode begannen auch die traditionellen Hemmnisse der Akkumulation der Resultate empirischer Sozial- und Kulturforschung und damit der Herausbildung der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften, nämlich die Geheimhaltung und der Aktualismus, nachzugeben. Dies hat meiner Ansicht nach wesentlich zur Vorherrschaft des Westens über die anderen Weltkulturen beigetragen.
Kapitel IV-VIII behandeln Einzelprobleme der darauffolgenden Periode von der "wissenschaftlichen Revolution" bis zur Epochenschwelle der Moderne (ca. 1660-1800). Sie hängen untereinander eng zusammen und fügen den Allgemeinaussagen der Kapitel I-III signifikante und lebensnahe Details hinzu.
In: Atlante: revue d'études romanes, Heft 9
ISSN: 2426-394X
In: Nürnberger Werkstücke zur Stadt- und Landesgeschichte 4
In: Mélanges de la Casa de Velazquez, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 235-256
ISSN: 2173-1306