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Full-text available at SSRN. See link in this record. ; Since the existence of a discrete unit of heredity was first proposed by Gregor Mendel, scientific concepts of the "gene" have undergone rapid evolution. Beyond obvious epistemic and operational importance to the scientific community, changing gene concepts have exerted strong effects on institutions such as medicine, the biotechnology industry, politics, and the law. A particularly rich example of this is the interplay between gene concepts and patent law. Over the last century, biology has elaborated gene concepts that variously emphasized genes as discretely material, genes as information, and genes as extremely complex. By contrast, patent law has steadily adhered to a simpler, more stable concept of the gene since the advent of gene patents in the late 1970s. In fact, while the biology community has increasingly engaged in vigorous internal debate regarding the gene's complexity and uncertainty, it has tended simultaneously to emphasize the simplicity and certainty of the gene to constituencies outside the biology community, most notably the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Federal courts. Rather than allow gene concepts to become contested by constituencies outside biology, the biology community appears to have used its authority to maintain a portrayal of the gene that facilitates the appropriation of rents from genes through the patent system. This use of "gene talk" has undergirded the growth of biotechnology into a powerful industry that has economically rewarded investors, academic institutions, and biologists. Not only may gene talk have facilitated the patenting of genes, but the prominence of gene patents describing a relatively simpler gene concept may have fed back into biological science to promote a simpler, and more patentable, concept of the gene even among members of the biology community.
In: Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 157-191, 2010
In: Criticón: konservative Zeitschrift, Heft 168, S. 18-21
ISSN: 0011-1597
In: Annales: histoire, sciences sociales, Band 28, Heft 1, S. 285-305
ISSN: 1953-8146
Minot, village de plateau, groupé au centre de son terroir, s'ouvre sur la plaine, appropriée, morcelée, cernée sur presque tout son pourtour par la masse unie de la forêt communale. Entre finage et forêt s'insèrent les fermes d'écart. Dans cette configuration est donnée d'emblée, comme inscrite dans le dessin même du terroir et dans son aménagement, l'opposition entre périphérique et central, sauvage et cultivé, communal et approprié.Au recensement de 1876, Minot compte 523 habitants : 50 chefs de famille cultivateurs, 49 artisans, 11 marchands-commerçants, 47 manouvriersjournaliers- domestiques de culture, 35 rentiers, 7 fonctionnaires d'État ou de commune, 1 médecin et 2 mendiants. La crise économique qui, au tournant du siècle, sévit dans le Châtillonnais accentue la décroissance de la population amorcée dès la fin du XVIIIe siècle.
According to a standard interpretation of the term, 'gender' denotes sets of social roles and expectations conventionally associated with the sexual physiology of human beings. Originally introduced in psychology, the term is now widely used in the social sciences and humanities, as well as in the biological sciences. In this article we introduce and discuss the central themes of contemporary philosophical debates on gender. Particular attention is paid to recent feminist arguments concerning the distinction between sex and gender, and to how feminist debates today intersect with neuroscience research on sex-related differences between human brains. ; In un'accezione ormai diventata standard, il termine "genere" denota insiemi di ruoli e aspettative sociali convenzionalmente associati alla fisiologia sessuale degli esseri umani. Originariamente introdotto in ambito psicologico, il termine "genere" è oggi ampiamente utilizzato sia nelle scienze sociali e umanistiche sia nelle scienze biologiche. In questo articolo rintracciamo e discutiamo le tematiche centrali del dibattito filosofico contemporaneo sul genere, ponendo particolare attenzione alle discussioni recenti in ambito femminista sulla distinzione tra sesso e genere e alle intersezioni di esse con la ricerca neuroscientifica sulle differenze sessuali.
In un'accezione ormai diventata standard, il termine "genere" denota insiemi di ruoli e aspettative sociali convenzionalmente associati alla fisiologia sessuale degli esseri umani. Originariamente introdotto in ambito psicologico, il termine "genere" è oggi ampiamente utilizzato sia nelle scienze sociali e umanistiche sia nelle scienze biologiche. In questo articolo rintracciamo e discutiamo le tematiche centrali del dibattito filosofico contemporaneo sul genere, ponendo particolare attenzione alle discussioni recenti in ambito femminista sulla distinzione tra sesso e genere e alle intersezioni di esse con la ricerca neuroscientifica sulle differenze sessuali. ; According to a standard interpretation of the term, 'gender' denotes sets of social roles and expectations conventionally associated with the sexual physiology of human beings. Originally introduced in psychology, the term is now widely used in the social sciences and humanities, as well as in the biological sciences. In this article we introduce and discuss the central themes of contemporary philosophical debates on gender. Particular attention is paid to recent feminist arguments concerning the distinction between sex and gender, and to how feminist debates today intersect with neuroscience research on sex-related differences between human brains.
In: The Massachusetts review: MR ; a quarterly of literature, the arts and public affairs, Band 42, Heft 3, S. 391-396
ISSN: 0025-4878