Football fans ; Fans de football
National audience. There are doubts about the value of the sports show. What is the case for this sports viewer, being reduced to support a team when he is not the player of media powers if he is a viewer sitting in front of his screen? He may even potentially be a barbaric when he goes to the stadium because he risks then being the victim of his obscure passions, caught in the crowd and thus at risk of losing his reason. If he is not a 'beauf', he is likely to be a hooligan, but in any event he will be an individual with no depth, that is to say, without morals, with a desperate pleasure. When setting out this kind of considerations, we think of sport in general, rather than collective sports, but above all football, the most popular sport, the most watched sport on television, a sport which has been discovering the chronicality for almost 30 years, between hooligans and disasters such as that of Furiani, Bastia, or Hillsborough, Sheffield, when spectators die of a collapse of tribums or overcrowding of galleries. The aim of this article is to describe the different ways of being a spectator or a viewer, with the idea that, by doing so, football fans, supporters or fans are not very different from those attending concert halls or theatre halls more often than they want to believe: the search for sociability, the sharing of emotion and the desire to be recognised are drivers of engagement in all cultural practices, including sport. ; National audience Il existe des doutes sur la valeur du spectacle sportif. Que vaut ce spectateur du sport, cet être réduit au soutien d'une équipe quand il n'est pas le jouet des puissances médiatiques s'il est téléspectateur assis devant son écran ? Il peut même être potentiellement un barbare quand il se rend au stade car il risque d'être alors victime de ses passions obscures, pris dans la foule et risquant ainsi d'y perdre sa raison. S'il n'est pas un « beauf », il risque d'être un hooligan, il sera de toute façon un individu sans profondeur, donc sans morale, occupé à un ...