Focus Group Interview Research in Transcultural Psychiatry: Reflections on Research Experiences
In: Transcultural psychiatry, Band 39, Heft 4, S. 484-500
ISSN: 1461-7471
566786 Ergebnisse
In: Transcultural psychiatry, Band 39, Heft 4, S. 484-500
ISSN: 1461-7471
In: Chakiñan: revista de ciencias sociales y humanidades, Heft 14, S. 42-56
ISSN: 2550-6722
English language textbooks are widely used as one of the essential resources in education. In Ecuador, local authorities created specific course books for state schools and high schools called pedagogical modules. Hence, the terms pedagogical textbook, course book, and modules will be used interchangeably. This study aims to explore perceptions of Ecuadorian English as a Foreign Language teachers on implementing the pedagogical modules to state schools, which were provided by the Ministry of Education. Besides, participants will provide perceptions on the connection of the mentioned textbooks with the Ecuadorian National Curriculum. The study includes an exploratory qualitative design using a focus group interview with eight EFL teachers from primary and secondary schools. The focus group interview findings indicated that teachers have both positive and negative perceptions towards using these pedagogical textbooks. Teachers agree that these pedagogical modules promote English learning success in a contextualized and authentic way by connecting aspects from the curriculum and current ELT principles. Nonetheless, all of the teachers indicated that integrating the pedagogical modules to state schools was, in many ways, disorganized. Based on the results, this study suggests constructive changes to specialists in charge of creating and editing EFL pedagogical modules.
In: International journal of social research methodology: IJSRM ; theory & practice, Band 8, Heft 4, S. 331-344
ISSN: 1464-5300
4th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES) -- FEB 02-05, 2012 -- Univ Barcelona, Barcelona, SPAIN ; WOS: 000314465903126 ; The aim of this study is to determine the secondary school teachers' opinions about in-service teacher training programs in Turkish Educational System. hi order to provide in-depth information about teachers' opinions, the focus group interview method was used in this research. She participants of this study are nine secondary school teachers. The findings revealed that teachers strongly desire to receive trainings on curriculum, scientific developments in their own fields; drama and theater. Teachers suggest that a needs analysis should be conducted in order to inform for planning of trainings. ; Acad World Educ & Res Ctr, Near E Univ, Bahcesehir Univ, Ankara Univ, Hacettepe Univ, Cyprus Educ Sci Assoc ; European Union [2010-1-TR1-COM13-16589-1] ; This study is part of a Comenius Regio project (with project number 2010-1-TR1-COM13-16589-1) funded by European Union.
In: Socialʹno-političeskie nauki: mežvuzovskij naučnyj recenziruemyj žurnal, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 131-140
The article, based on statistical data and sociological research from a focus group interview conducted among students, updates the problem of cyber fraud. The dynamics of stolen funds of Russians over five years, the level of awareness of students about cyber fraud, the types and forms of fraud schemes that informants have encountered are shown. The most common forms of fraud are deception associated with the transfer of money for a purchase/service on the Internet with or without priority links, phishing sites and hacking of a page (account), with the subsequent demand for money for its return. This may be due to the fact that young people are active users of social media (social networks, instant messengers, games, marketplaces, etc.) and most often use online shopping. Next come less popular forms of cyber fraud, such as "raising" funds for SVO participants, the "anti-cafe" scheme, and telephone calls under the "relative in need" scheme. A number of signs to identify a fraudster (assertiveness, aggressiveness in response to the desire to check information, commanding tone, top secrecy during a call, etc.) have been identified. The reasons and factors (internal and external) contributing to the deception of a potential victim have been established (low awareness, lack of experience in dealing with digital fraud schemes, personal qualities (excessive gullibility, pliability, fear of public condemnation, greed), the use of external factors (SVO), social technologies engineering by attackers). In the context of simulated situations of cyber fraud, algorithms for the safe behavior of potential victims were identified, and students proposed measures to prevent digital fraud.
In: Social sciences studies journal: SSS journal, Band 100, Heft 100, S. 2228-2238
ISSN: 2587-1587
In: Gerontechnology: international journal on the fundamental aspects of technology to serve the ageing society, Band 9, Heft 2
ISSN: 1569-111X
In: Social work in public health, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 259-275
ISSN: 1937-190X
This study concerns the accessibility of health information for people with disabilities. More specifically, by interviewing policy elites who have backgrounds in this area, we seek to obtain their opinions regarding the type of information people with disabilities require, and people with disabilities overall awareness of such information. Based on the information obtained, we also aim to identify methods of improving this accessibility. A focus group interview was conducted involving policy elites who had previously participated in decision-making processes for health policy. These elites were sourced from the fields of academia, medicine, and government. Content analysis was performed using NVivo 10, which is a computer-assisted/aided qualitative data-analysis software. The focus-group participants felt that relevant information for people with disabilities is provided in a fragmentary manner through several channels that have relatively low reliability, which creates difficulties for a significant portion of the target recipients. Discussions regarding the type of health information required by people with disabilities yielded the following topic clusters: information regarding health-care providers who specialize in specific disability types and regarding health behaviors for certain lifecycles, and information that helps people with disabilities return to society. Further, the focus group recommended 2 means of providing essential health information to PWDs in the future. As short-term strategies, the participants proposed simplifying the existing, fragmented information channels and the creation of a comprehensive web-based information portal with an associated call center. As a long-term strategy, they proposed the development of smart-device-based information services that are tailored to the needs of individuals. Efforts to reduce the disparities in health information for people with disabilities are essential for addressing the existing inequality regarding the availability of health information.
In: Ukrainian Society, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 132-140
ISSN: 2518-735X
The authors discuss the main approaches to the determination of the ideal image of Ukraine's political leader from the viewpoint of the theories of leader's traits and the situative and personal-situative theories. The main types, species, and forms of the leadership are considered, and the basic trends in the political consciousness of Kharkiv's citizens (such as the instrumentalism, economization of approaches, increase in indifference to the political process, totalization of the consciousness, etc.) are demonstrated by the results of a series of focus-group interviews.
In: Qualitative research
ISSN: 1741-3109
The use of interviews and focus groups is well-established in the social science methods literature. However, discussion on how research can combine these two methods in creative ways is less common. While researchers are generally aware of the potential of focus groups for further probing issues that emerge in one-on-one interviews, few studies detail how this might be achieved in practice. In this article, we describe and reflect on a focus group elicitation strategy that uses individual interview excerpts to facilitate discussion in group settings. In our reflection, we draw on a study that investigated the sharing of embryo images in fertility treatment. The article contributes to the methods literature firstly, by reflecting on the novel use of individual interview material in focus groups and secondly, by discussing the re-enactment of interview excerpts as an effective audio elicitation tool to be used in the later stages of research.
In: FUFO-D-24-00795
In: Occasional paper 38
In: MILL working paper 3
In: Spiritual care: Zeitschrift für Spiritualität in den Gesundheitsberufen, Band 7, Heft 4, S. 341-352
ISSN: 2365-8185
Organ donation and transplantation (ODT) is a complex multi-professional clinical procedure. Healthcare professionals' attitudes and concerns towards the procedure influence the entire process. A 3-hour interview with ODT staff (13 participants) was performed in order to explore ODT professionals' spiritual attitudes and concerns. The interview was recorded and transcribed verbatim. All (sub)themes were directly derived from the data. The discussants expressed the following issues: (1) ethical considerations and barriers in ODT; (2) individual beliefs about death and afterlife; (3) dealings with patients, relatives and close ones; (4) lack of support for ODT staff; and (5) spiritual facilitators. The interview provided a list of themes that either explicitly or implicitly demonstrate spiritual attitudes and concerns which may influence procedures in ODT. The themes and subthemes formed the basis to design a questionnaire in order to initiate a more detailed investigation of a larger group of professionals.