Flying Adhoc Networks (FANETs) are getting huge popularity in assorted applications for civilian, corporate and defense applications. FANET is a specialized class of the Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET) having computer vision, sensor devices and the Global Positioning based System (GPS) for live monitoring and logging the environment under surveillance. From the past few period, FANETs were widely and rapidly used for the monitoring and controlling of scenarios civil wars and local commotions. FANET makes used of assorted Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) which is useful and because of which the pre-programmed plans running on the flights of such a type of flying and other means of possible related objects were implemented.UAV describes pre-programmed and structured flying object which can also meats aircraft without the need of any kind of dedicated pilot on boarded. This research paper is focusing on the real time integration of UAV based real-time deep learning methods with real time extraction and feature matching techniques from the camera of relevant flying FANET aircrafts and because of which the definite and accurate target can be easily extracted. The proposed manuscript is presenting the effective way of technique in both civil as well as in military defense and thereby to fully recognize the enhanced activities of many underlying suspicious person which were targeted and also to locate the exact flying objects which were being released exactly by the opponent (or) targeted country.In the proposed manuscript, the real time extraction and integration of the OpenCV with additional feature descriptors and extractors in the absolute form of camera for the deep learning based real time FANET is being proposed and evident that the method and strategic tactical decisions were made by the explicit use of this proposed methodology in real time occurrences. This proposed empirical research proposal is targeting the effective integration of the high performance and super-computing-based library OpenCV because of which ...
Technological progress performed these last years, supported by the mobility of the users and thecontinuous development of mobile units (Smartphones, PDA, tablets, sensors), shown the birth of anew category of networks as Adhoc networks and AHWSN (Ad hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks).They can be implemented in various application domains such as: home automations, health careservices, military domain and monitoring environments. The deployment of such networks isconditioned by a multiple constraints: Limitation of nodes processing capabilities, storage, andenergy constraints. Another crucial constraint to take into account is the Quality of Service QoS,which adds several metrics for deploying such networks, if we want that AHWSN goal is to replaceexistent wired networks.The aim of our work is to study and develop new routing mechanisms in order to improve energymanagement within the third level of OSI model, based on OLSR by the modification of the MPRselection mechanism, with the introduction of the node residual energy as an essential criterion onthe MPR set calculation. ; Les progrès technologiques réalisés ces dernières années, soutenus par la mobilité des utilisateurs etle développement continu des unités mobiles (Smartphones, PDA, tablettes,capteurs,…), ont vu la naissance de nouveaux types réseaux comme les réseaux adhoc mobiles et les AHWSN (Ad-Hoc andSensor Wireless Networks) dont les domaines d'applications sont nombreux : domotique, santé,domaine militaire ou bien encore surveillance de phénomènes environnementaux. Des contraintes de déploiement de ces réseaux sont imposées à savoir : la limitation des capacités de traitement, de stockage et surtout d'énergie. Une autre contrainte prépondérante à qui on doit faire face et qui introduit d'autres métriques à tenir en compte lors du déploiement de tels réseaux est la qualité de service QoS, si nous envisageons une extension voir un remplacement des réseaux filaires par ces nouvelles générations de réseaux. Notre travail a été principalement axé sur ...
Nos últimos anos, o uso de Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (UAVs) para uma infinidade de aplicações, tanto civis como militares, tem aumentado. Como eles apresentam capacidade de operarem praticamente qualquer lugar, a capacidade de pairar sobre o solo e sua crescente capacidade de transportar carga tornaram-os plataformas perfeitas para o transporte de nós de comunicação abordo. Existe um interesse crescente em UAVs no contexto de Redes Voadoras (FNs), tanto para estabelecer novas redes de comunicações ou reforçar conexões existentes, quanto para permitir o acesso de banda larga à internet em Eventos Temporários Lotados (TCEs). No entanto, a alta mobilidade inerente aos UAVs leva a frequentes alterações na topologia da rede, o que, por sua vez, pode causar quebra das ligações entre os UAVs, aumentando a dificuldade em garantir a Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) esperada pelos utilizadores da rede.Um problema que surge com a implementação de FNs é a quantidade total de tempo que os UAVs podem permanecer operacionais, pois os UAVs possuem baterias com capacidade limitada,cuja energia pode ser consumida rapidamente, pois é necessária para comunicações e movimento.Para ligar a FN à Internet, é necessário uma Gateway (GW), que pode ser implementada numUAV. Assim, é importante garantir o posicionamento óptimo do GW UAV para obter o desempenho máximo da rede. Na literatura, algumas soluções foram propostas para o posicionamento dos UAVs que atuam como Pontos de Acesso (APs); no entanto, o problema do posicionamento do GW UAV ainda não foi estudada com profundidade. Como o desempenho global da rede pode ser aprimorado se o GW UAV puder permanecer operacional pelo máximo tempo possível, o desenvolvimento de uma solução de posicionamento do GW UAV, por forma a garantir o desempenho máximo da rede e sensível à eficiência energética constitui o foco desta dissertação. Esta dissertação terá como foco o problema de um posicionamento eficiente do GW UAV do ponto de vista energético, mas, mantendo a cobertura aos restantes nós da rede. De forma a abordar este problema, será desenvolvido um algoritmo para o posicionamento não estacionário do GW UAV. ; Over the past few years the usage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for a myriad of applications, both civil and military, has increased. As they present capability to operate in virtually anywhere, the ability to hover over the ground, and their increasing capacity to carry cargo, has made them perfect platforms for the transport of on board communications nodes.There has been an increasing interest in UAVs in the context of Flying Networks (FNs), either to establish communication networks or reinforce telecommunications infrastructures and enable the broadband access to the Internet in Temporary Crowded Events (TCEs). However, the high mobility inherent to UAVs leads to frequent changes in the network topology, which in turn may cause connection disruptions between the UAVs, increasing the difficulty of meeting the Quality of Service (QoS) expected by the network's users.An additional problem that raises with the implementation of FNs is the total amount of time that UAVs can remain operational, as they have batteries with limited capacity, whose energy can be drained quite quickly, as it is required for both communications and movement.To connect the FN to the Internet a Gateway (GW) is required, and it can be implemented in a UAV. Thus, it is important to ensure the optimal placement of the GW UAV in order to achieve maximum network performance. In the literature, some solutions have been proposed for the placement of the UAVs that act as Access Points (APs); however, the issue of the GW UAV placement has not been studied with the desired depth. As the overall network performance can be improved if the GW UAV remains operational for the maximum amount of time, the development of an energy efficiency-aware a placement solution of the GW UAV, in order to maximize the network performance is the scope dissertation.This dissertation will focus on the issue of an energy-efficient placement of the GW UAV while maintaining coverage for the remaining nodes of the network. To tackle this issue an algorithm to the non-stationary placement of the GW UAV will be developed.
Reliable secure multicast communication in mobile adhoc networks is challenging due to its inherent characteristics of infrastructure-less architecture with lack of central authority, high packet loss rates and limited resources such as bandwidth, time and power. Many emerging commercial and military applications require secure multicast communication in adhoc environments. Hence key management is the fundamental challenge in achieving reliable secure communication using multicast key distribution for mobile adhoc networks. Thus in designing a reliable multicast key distribution scheme, reliability and congestion control over throughput are essential components. This paper proposes and evaluates the performance of an enhanced optimized multicast cluster tree algorithm with destination sequenced distance vector routing protocol to provide reliable multicast key distribution. Simulation results in NS2 accurately predict the performance of proposed scheme in terms of key delivery ratio and packet loss rate under varying network conditions. This proposed scheme achieves reliability, while exhibiting low packet loss rate with high key delivery ratio compared with the existing scheme.
International audience ; Energy dissipation in a Wireless Sensor Network is an active research field. Energy dissipation is related to the network topology and protocol used to route data. So, two criteria are proposed to elect a relay. A linear or a random choice from a set of potential nodes to become a relay based on their energy level above a mean threshold energy. These criteria improve the organization of the node communications and the lifetime of the network. The criteria and the protocol called the Self Organization One Hop Low Energy Clustering Adaptation (SOORLECA) are explained. The SOORLECA is designed for environmental and military monitoring with precise requisite measures at each node. No mean data or smoothing data technique is required at the Sink Node (SN). Random topology of the network for 100 nodes over 100m2 are simulated to show the protocol performances compared to direct transmission of the node to the SN, short routing path and static clustering protocols. The lifetime and the dissipated energy of the network are our criteria to measure the performance of the WSN. It is shown that the SOORLECA ACMET1 improves 2x the lifetime of network with 61% dissipated energy after 50% of nodes have dead.
International audience ; Energy dissipation in a Wireless Sensor Network is an active research field. Energy dissipation is related to the network topology and protocol used to route data. So, two criteria are proposed to elect a relay. A linear or a random choice from a set of potential nodes to become a relay based on their energy level above a mean threshold energy. These criteria improve the organization of the node communications and the lifetime of the network. The criteria and the protocol called the Self Organization One Hop Low Energy Clustering Adaptation (SOORLECA) are explained. The SOORLECA is designed for environmental and military monitoring with precise requisite measures at each node. No mean data or smoothing data technique is required at the Sink Node (SN). Random topology of the network for 100 nodes over 100m2 are simulated to show the protocol performances compared to direct transmission of the node to the SN, short routing path and static clustering protocols. The lifetime and the dissipated energy of the network are our criteria to measure the performance of the WSN. It is shown that the SOORLECA ACMET1 improves 2x the lifetime of network with 61% dissipated energy after 50% of nodes have dead.
Globally having distinctive kinds of assaults in versatile ADHOC networks. In this portable ADHOC networks to keep away from the assaults utilizing a wide range of kinds of security conventions in this proposed framework to present new strategies. Multi-frame security and global addressing verification technique it is utilized to enhance the security for a portable ADHOC network. In this multi-frame security is apply for various sorts of capacities that are networks association built up security, parcels send and accepting, host to have correspondence security, routing security and network in include new node utilizing global address relegating and verification or network topology design security. General network security execution of keys includes a confided in an expert. Given the absence of foundation in specially appointed, it is by and large unrealistic to have a settled confided in the expert. A contrasting option to this is required. Security instruments will now be laid out for the 802.11 conventions and the remote convention. The routing inside specially appointed networks is more helpless against assault as every gadget itself goes about as a switch. An aggressor can act like a part node and erroneously course parcels to accomplish an assault. Refusals of administration assaults are especially simple doing this. In this manner, the use of secure routing convention is one of the difficulties inside the specially appointed network. Security conventions in this layer are free of the hidden networking innovation since the related security instruments are limited to just plan gatherings. The arrangement of any security benefit in this layer is very needy upon security prerequisites identified with particular applications. A military application in a threatening situation there is more stringent security prerequisites than in a MANET for business or individual employment. A military situation may have higher prerequisites with respect to both data security and routing topology security.
[EN] Road safety applications envisaged for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) depend largely on the exchange of messages to deliver information to concerned vehicles. Safety applications as well as inherent VANET characteristics make data dissemination an essential service and a challenging task. We are developing a decentralized efficient solution for broadcast data dissemination through two game-theoretical mechanisms. Besides, VANETs can also include autonomous vehicles (AVs). AVs might represent a revolutionary new paradigm that can be a reality in our cities in the next few years. AVs do not need a driver to work; instead, they should copy a proper human behavior to adapt the driving according to the current circumstances, such as speed limit, pedestrian crossing street or wheather conditions. We will develop an AV software module including artificial intelligence (AI) techniques so that AVs can interact with the dynamic scenario throughout time. Finally, we also will include electrical vehicles (EV) in the VANET, so that special services such as finding and reserving an EV charging station place will be welcome. In addition, we are developing a multimetric geographic routing protocol for VANETs to transmit H.265 video (traffic accident, traffic state, commercial….) over VANETs. ; This work was partly supported by the Spanish Government through the project TEC2014-54335-C4- 1-R INcident monitoRing In Smart COmmunities, QoS and Privacy (INRISCO). Cristian Iza is recipient of a grant from Secretaria Nacional de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología SENESCYT. Ahmad Mohamad Mezher is a postdoctoral researcher with the Information Security Group (ISG) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). ; Iza Paredes, C.; Uribe Ramírez, JA.; López Márquez, N.; Lemus, L.; Mezher, A.; Aguilar Igartua, M. (2018). Multimedia communications in vehicular adhoc networks for several applications in the smart cities. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 212-215. ...
In recent years, wireless systems are picking up prominence to its crest today, as the client needs wireless network independent of their geographical position. Wireless system is a system set up by utilizing radio sign recurrence to convey among PCs and other system gadgets. There are number of characteristics in mobile ad hoc networks, such as the dynamic network topology, limited bandwidth and energy constraint in the network. Mobile ad hoc network is useful for different purposes e.g. military operation to provide communicate between squads, emergency case in out-of-the-way places, medical control etc. Each mobile node acts as a host in the network when it receives the information. Efficiency of the network is the main concern in mobile ad hoc network to increase the network performance. There are many routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks to increase the network performance. Also routing and efficiency of the network are the challenging issues in MANETs. Clustering is an efficient way to improve the network performance and routing techniques. In this research, Cluster based routing protocol is been used and analyzed the performance of cluster based routing protocol on NS-2 simulator tool with random number of nodes graphically. Cluster based routing protocol is been used for clustering in which cluster head is elected on the basis of minimum if of node. CBRP uses only a single parameter to elect a cluster head that is not a good way to evaluate the performance of network graphically. In MANETs, nodes are mobile so it is difficult to analyze the performance of network and also all these techniques has less efficiency. It reduces the network performance and reduces quality of service. Different techniques have their own drawbacks. In this work, further enhancement is implemented in cluster based routing protocol to change its cluster head scheme. In this scheme, the node is selected as a cluster head which has a minimum weight among the neighbor nodes. This technique is totally dynamic in nature. Every ...
In: International journal of business data communications and networking: IJBDCN ; an official publication of the Information Resources Management Association, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 30-46
Owing to the wireless and dynamic nature, MANETs are susceptible to security attacks from malicious nodes. Key management, certificate exchange and certificate revocation mechanisms play a vital role in securing the network from attacks. When the certificate of a malicious node is revoked, it is denied from all activities and isolated from the network. This paper surveys various existing mechanisms in key management and certificate exchange. Key management methods are broadly classified into two types namely, contributory and distributive methods. Here, certificate distribution and exchange techniques are classified as trust-based and non-trust based methods. Certificate revocation techniques are classified as voting-based, cluster-based and trust-based schemes. The merits and demerits of each mechanism along with the performance are analyzed. Finally, a comparison table is designed to compare the existing mechanisms in an effective manner.
E-Government is the use of information and communication Technologies (ICT) such as internet, smart phones,telecommunication, mobile company among others to interact between government and the citizens in running the affairs of the country such as decision making etc. The impact and potential of ICTs have not been fully exploited in the Nigerian context,leaving government in a weak position to formulate policy comprehensively and implement plans effectively. In addition to the implementation of e-government in some part of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Nigeria Abuja, but its effectiveness is not impressive. The citizens connection to the government is limited it can be improved more easily using electronic means of communication, A reduction in corruption cases as accountability and transparency can also be increased, Equal opportunity will be given to all to access information irrespective of the person's physical location or disability and the elimination of the bureaucracy experienced in government offices. This research work is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of e-government in federal capital territory of Nigeria Abuja using Seoul Metropolitan Government as a yard stick for measuring the effectiveness.Questionnaire was used as a primary method of data collection, internet and library as secondary data. The data obtained from the questionnaire has been analyzed using frequency table and percentage. The findings of this work shows that 41.91% of the respondents agree e-government initiatives have decreased civil servants corruption in Abuja, 46.81% of the respondents agree that E-government services has increased citizens trust in Abuja, 58.11% of the respondents believe that E-government initiative have increased the accessibility to the government in Abuja however 37.11% agree that Lack of Information Technology (IT) infrastructure is the major problem affecting E-government in Abuja.