Im Land der Fjorde
In: Das österreichische Gesundheitswesen: ÖKZ, Band 64, Heft 1-2, S. 24-26
ISSN: 2730-7271
212 Ergebnisse
In: Das österreichische Gesundheitswesen: ÖKZ, Band 64, Heft 1-2, S. 24-26
ISSN: 2730-7271
In: Nato's sixteen nations: independent review of economic, political and military power, Band 33, Heft 1, S. 32-36
ISSN: 0169-1821
World Affairs Online
In: Les verts boisés du Fjord.
Notre mission est de protéger les boisés urbains de la région du Saguenay--Lac-Saint-Jean, les mettre en valeur et faire en sorte qu'ils soient accessibles aux citoyens aux fins de loisirs, d'éducation et de conservation.Les verts boisés du Fjord est une organisation sans but lucratif dont le développement repose sur l'engagement bénévole des membres dans la mission de l'organisation qui vise la protection, la mise en valeur et l'accessibilité des boisés urbains au plus grand nombre de citoyens d'ici et d'ailleurs.Les verts boisés du Fjord effectue des travaux d'aménagement de boisés et d'éducation environnementale grâce à des subventions mais aussi au moyen de l'action bénévole des membres et des parrains de boisés. Depuis plusieurs années, LVBF demande que la ville de Saguenay adopte une politique de foresterie urbaine de manière à préserver et à mettre en valeur le capital forestier de leur territoire.
In: The Salisbury review: a quarterly magazine of conservative thought, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 21-23
ISSN: 0265-4881
In: Forum for development studies: journal of Norwegian Institute of International Affairs and Norwegian Association for Development, Band 22, Heft 1, S. 162-166
ISSN: 1891-1765
This project is about investigating how a new fire station in Bjørvika can be close, visible and in harmony with the public. Oslo Main Fire Station is today located in the area planned for a new Government Quarter, and therefore will be relocated out of the center of Oslo. To guarantee the preparedness of the inner parts of Oslo there will be built a new central fire station on the fortress common in Bjørvika. In general, the practically useful function and location of the fire stations built today has made them more isolated from the city than in the old days. When the new fire station in Bjørvika is built, it will stand on a site that is visible, accessible and with a big impact on the cityscape. How the building is facing the city is as important as the building's functions. In this project there is done some changes in the existing road systems to meet the fire station's placement, design and functionality. This makes the Fortress Common, a long continuous strip down to the waterfront. Freeing the plot for car traffic makes it easier for pedestrians walking down from the inner city to the harbour. The building is placed on the back of The Fortress Common, closing the last open space in a row of buildings towards the street. The car ports and the emergency space for the fire trucks is facing towards the harbour front. Beyond the space serving the fire trucks is a park going the whole way down to Salt, an art project, and the harbour promenade. The park is a buffer zone between Salt and the Fire emergency. It functions as an extension of Grev Wedel's square, and is a place where the fire trucks can stand exposed, showing its presence to the public in the park. ; submittedVersion
In: International defense review: IDR, Band 22, Heft 9, S. 1155-1159
ISSN: 0020-6512
World Affairs Online
In: Journal of marine research, Band 49, Heft 4, S. 635-658
ISSN: 1543-9542
The Jon and Beverly Thompson Endowed Chair in Geological Sciences at the University of Florida supported T. Bianchi's time and effort in writing this manuscript. Katarzyna Koziorowska-Makuch's participation in this study was supported by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP). X. Cui would like to acknowledge Simons Foundation collaboration on the origins of life at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. W. Austin and C. Smeaton are funded by Marine Scotland through the Scottish Blue Carbon Forum.S. Arndt acknowledges funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no.643052 (C-CASCADES project). J. Faust would like to acknowledge the ChAOS project (NE/P006493/1), part of the Changing Arctic Ocean programme and funded by the UKRI Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). ; In recent decades, the land-ocean aquatic continuum, commonly defined as the interface, or transition zone, between terrestrial ecosystems and the open ocean, has undergone dramatic changes. On-going work has stressed the importance of treating Aquatic Critical Zones (ACZs) as a sensitive system needing intensive investigation. Here, we discuss fjords as an ACZ in the context of sedimentological, geochemical, and climatic impacts. These diverse physical features of fjords are key in controlling the sources, transport, and burial of organic matter in the modern era and over the Holocene. High sediment accumulation rates in fjord sediments allow for high-resolution records of past climate and environmental change where multiple proxies can be applied to fjord sediments that focus on either marine or terrestrial-derived components. Humans through land-use change and climatic stressors are having an impact on the larger carbon stores in fjords. Sediment delivery whether from accelerating erosion (e.g. mining, deforestation, road building, agriculture) or from sequestration of fluvial sediment behind dams has been seriously altered in the Anthropocene. Climate change affecting rainfall and river discharge into fjords will impact the thickness and extent of the low-salinity layer in the upper reaches of the fjord, slowing the rate of the overturning circulation and deep-water renewal – thereby impacting bottom water oxygen concentrations. ; Publisher PDF ; Peer reviewed
In: Journal of marine research, Band 71, Heft 5, S. 351-374
ISSN: 1543-9542
Rezension: Im April 1949 sucht der isländische Bauernverband per Zeitungsanzeige in Lübeck junge Landarbeiterinnen im Alter zwischen 20-30 Jahren, um den Frauenmangel auf Islands Bauernhöfen - bedingt durch die beschleunigte Landflucht seit der Unabhängigkeit 1944 - zu beheben. Im Juni 1949 verliessen die ersten 300 Frauen per Schiff das in Trümmern liegende Nachkriegsdeutschland. Die Journalistin Anne Siegel stellt 6 der mittlerweile hochbetagten Einwanderinnen vor, die in Island kaum Ressentiments erfuhren, sich schnell einlebten, Isländer heirateten, auf einsamen Bauernhöfen in kargen Landschaften ihre Frau standen und auf der Vulkaninsel glücklich wurden. Im Mittelpunkt der Porträts stehen jedoch die erschütternden Schicksale der jungen Frauen im Deutschland der Kriegs- und Nachkriegszeit, als das Leben geprägt war von Naziterror, Aufwachsen in einer verrohten Gesellschaft, Bombennächten, negativen Erfahrungen als Ostflüchtling, Lagerhaft, Hunger und Angst. Lebendig und einfühlsam geschrieben verdienen diese Frauenschicksale und das unbekannte Kapitel deutsch-isländischer Geschichte eine breite Empfehlung. (2)
In: Skriftserie - Instituttet for sosiolog, Universitetet i Oslo nr. 21
In: Journal of marine research, Band 42, Heft 4, S. 873-891
ISSN: 1543-9542