In: Die Präsenz der russischen Wirtschaft in der GUS, T. 2
In: Berichte des Bundesinstituts für ostwissenschaftliche und internationale Studien, 10-1999
The expansion of Russian capital into the finance sector in the countries of the CIS, primarily in the respective banking systems, is an important marching route. Russian banks are active in nearly all countries of the Commonwealth and are founding branch offices, subsidiaries and agencies there, and are buying shares in the domestic banks. They are gradually expanding their business activities: while they previously did most of their business with two-way money transfers and operations in currencies of limited convertibility, they are now working with securities and are issuing loans to industrial enterprises in the partner countries. In some countries it was the Russian banks that first introduced modern banking services, new, efficient forms of money transfer and financial instruments. Russian capital has most recently been attempting to gain a footing in the insurance industries of some countries and in the securities markets, although it is hardly in evidence there as yet. Until not so long ago, the large-scale use of the Russian rouble in mutual payments helped to consolidate Russia's economic position. However, as a result of recent events on the Russian financial market, the rouble is gradually being displaced from the clearing system, and this could in future have severe negative consequences for Russia's economic role in the region. (BIOst-Dok)