54 Ergebnisse
Filologie della speranza postcoloniale
In: La società degli individui: quadrimestrale di teoria sociale e storia delle idee, Heft 44, S. 71-82
ISSN: 1590-7031
Il saggio prova a leggere Il principio speranza di Bloch non solo come l'ultima grande difesa filosofica della speranza ma anche come vero e proprio lavoro di restituzione filologica di tutti quei luoghi situabili fra gli interstizi delle tradizioni teologiche, teologiche-naturali, mistiche e storico-filosofiche, e le spie delle manifestazioni letterarie e artistiche "in cui si insinua l'utopico". La teoria postcoloniale puň contribuire, almeno nella riconfigurazione politicamente piů radicale delle sue posizioni, a pensare ancora alla speranza come coscienza anticipatrice ed emancipatrice. Il romanzo postcoloniale africano, in particolare un romanzo come La generazione dell'utopia, diventa un luogo di osservazione privilegiato per rintracciare le immagini o i simulacri della speranza stessa in tutte le sue rifrazioni passionali e politiche, individuali e collettive.
Perkembangan Filologi di Kawasan Timur Tengah
Egypt is important to be the object of research because it represents one of the universities considering those who are familiar with writing. In addition, according to Al-Hajiri, Egypt is a state of the Middle East (Arab) in the world of philology in modern times. This can be seen from the attention and philology activities carried out by Egyptian researchers who have preceded researchers from other Arab countries. During the Abbasiyah dynasty, in the government of Khalifahal-Mansur (754-775), HarunAlrasyid (786-809), and al-Makmun (809-833) manuscript studies and knowledge and knowledge about policy making, and policy developments related to the development of government al-Makmun. Hunain was one of the most prolific translators of the time and had the most knowledge. He mastered Arabic, Greek, and Syriac (syiria). The scientific activities carried out by Hunain bin Ishaq are quite interesting and very useful for other scientists. among others, inventorying any Greek manuscripts that have been translated into Syriac (Syrian) or Arabic, and other texts that have never been translated. Besides Hunain, the historical translator of classical works also replaced the names of great contemporary interpreters from Nestorian and Jacobite Christians such as Ibn Na'imah and al-Himshi (835 AD), Abu BisyrMatta (900 AD), Yahya bin Adi (974 AD ) and others. The only prominent Muslim translator today is Tsabit bin Qurra. Thanks to the dedication of these translators, Aristotle's logical thoughts were increasingly recognized and understood in the Arab world. Mesir penting untuk menjadi objek penelitian karena merupakan salah satu universitas yang akrab dengan tulisan. Selain itu, menurut Al-Hajiri, Mesir adalah negara Timur Tengah (Arab) di dunia filologi di zaman modern. Ini bisa dilihat dari perhatian kegiatan filologi yang dilakukan oleh peneliti Mesir daripada peneliti lainnya di negara-negara Arab lainnya. Selama dinasti Abbasiyah, pada pemerintahan Khalifah al-Mansur (754-775), Harun Alrasyid (786-809), dan studi naskah al-Makmun (809-833) dan pengetahuan tentang pembuatan kebijakan, dan perkembangan kebijakan terkait dengan pengembangan pemerintahan al-Makmun. Hunain adalah salah satu penerjemah paling produktif saat itu dan memiliki pengetahuan paling banyak. Dia menguasai bahasa Arab, Yunani, dan Syria (syiria). Kegiatan ilmiah yang dilakukan oleh Hunain bin Ishaq cukup menarik dan sangat bermanfaat bagi ilmuwan lain. antara lain, menginventarisasi naskah-naskah Yunani yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Syria (Syria) atau Arab, dan teks-teks lain yang belum pernah diterjemahkan. Selain Hunain, penerjemah historis dari karya-karya klasik juga menggantikan nama-nama penerjemah besar kontemporer dari Kristen Nestorian dan Jacobite seperti Ibn Na'imah dan al-Himshi (835 M), Abu BisyrMatta (900 M), Yahya bin Adi (974 M) ) dan lain-lain. Satu-satunya penerjemah Muslim terkemuka saat ini adalah Tsabit bin Qurra. Berkat dedikasi para penerjemah ini, pemikiran logis Aristoteles semakin diakui dan dipahami di dunia Arab. Keywords: Philology, development of the Arab World, Middle East, Egypt
Nuorten filologien konferenssi Tartossa 10.–12.5.2024
In: Idäntutkimus, Band 31, Heft 3, S. 104-106
Editori e filologi: per una filologia editoriale
In: Studi (e testi) italiani
In: Semestrale del Dipartimento di Studi Greco-Latini, Italiani, Scenico-Musicali 33
Relevansi tokoh Yusuf dengan karakter pemimpin demokratis: Kajian filologi Serat Yusuf
Artikel dengan judul Relevansi Tokoh Yusuf dengan Karakter Pemimpin Demokratis:Kajian Filologi Serat Yusuf bertujuan untuk menggali lebih dalam sosok Nabi Yusuf dan relevansinya dengan karakter pemimpin demokratis. Karakter yang dimiliki Nabi Yusuf dapat dijadikan suri tauladan sosok pemimpin demokratis. Dilihat dari jenisnya, penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian filologi mengingat sumber utamanya yaitu Serat Yusuf dengan huruf Arab Pegon. Penelitian ini juga didukung oleh sumber literatur lain yang berfungsi untuk mendukung dan mempertajam penelitian. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode filologi dan kepustakaan. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori strukturalisme genetik. Strukturalisme genetik merupakan teori yang mengaitkan karya sastra dengan fakta sosial serta pandangan dunia. Teknik analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwasanya tokoh Yusuf memiliki karakter yang selaras dengan karakter pemimpin demokratis. Karakter yang dimiliki oleh Nabi Yusuf diantaranya jujur, taat beragama, sabar, teguh, rela berkorban, pemaaf, berserah diri, dan adil. Apabila pemimpin generasi sekarang mampu meneladani dan menginternalisasi karakter Nabi Yusuf, maka akan tercipta sosok-sosok pemimpin demokratis di negeri ini. Kata kunci: Karakter, Yusuf, Pemimpin Demokratis
Anuar de lingvistică şi istorie literară
ISSN: 1583-7017, 0066-4987, 1220-2509
António Bárbolo Alves (2022). La pruma braba. Crónicas i ansaios de filologie i lhenguística mirandesa. Bragança, Fundaçâo Mensageiro de Bragança (271 pp)
In: Añada: revista d'estudios llioneses, Heft 4, S. 77-78
ISSN: 2695-8481
Considerații privind toponimia localităților urbane din Basarabia
In: Anuar de lingvistică şi istorie literară, Band 63, Heft 2023, S. 85-96
ISSN: 2972-1814
The article examines the methods of formation and evolution of urban communities, the stages and processes of the establishment of the urban toponomic system and, in connection with this, some problems of Romanian zonal toponymy. The information on the Bessarabian localities refers to their geographical position, the first and subsequent documentary attestations, the area of the cities, the number of individual households, the dynamics of the urban population. The oiconyms are researched from a lexical, etymological and derivational point of view. Royal charters, cartographies, archival materials, cartographic works have served as a documentary basis.
Horia Sima. Memorie și mistificare
In: Anuar de lingvistică şi istorie literară, Band 64, Heft 2024, S. 79-86
ISSN: 2972-1814
The present paper deals in a descriptive-analytical manner with Horia Sima`s memoirs published under the title Era of Freedom. The national-legionary state. Such a pro domo writing must be examined with great suspicion, however, because it represents nothing more than an attempt to contradict a historical truth established as clearly as possible through countless specialized studies, but the far-right formation had a malignant role on almost every level on which it acted, beyond the slogans that claimed high, noble and deep purposes. The selective recall has long-term consequences and feeds the captive thinking, infecting some of the most enlightened minds of the 20th century. The case of the young generation, led by a worldwide representative, such as Mircea Eliade, is an example. The direct links between fascism, Nazism and legionnaires are also discussed, as well as those elements that have led to the success of the legionary movement in the ranks of the population. Horia Sima names some real historical events, giving them completely different meanings and causalities. With the help of reference works on the History of the Iron Guard, signed by names such as Francisco Veiga or Traian Sandu, those manipulation attempts that Horia Sima does in his pro domo approach are brought to light. Some recent discoveries, such as those related to the hidden past of Mircea Eliade, a legionary past that the Romanian scholar never denied, according to researcher Bruce Lincoln, is proof of the fact that the manipulation of the truth, such as Horia Sima`s one, has long term consequences.
"New linguistic issues", by Pier Pasolini, is causing scandal among linguists, philologists, writers, critics and intellectuals ; Nuove questioni linguistiche: pier Paolo Pasolini scandalizza linguisti, filologi, scrittori, critici e intellettuali
Pasolini departs from the diagnosis of a problem: the critical quest stage in contemporary literature, centered on the 1950s; he points out the author´s inability to create the design for a national language. He goes on to analyze the deep mutation in Italian Society, which determineted a new socio-linguistic outlook; to wit, a language clearly marked by strong technicality and instrumentation. Drawing examples from newspapers, TV features, official political speeches and commercials, Pasolini demonstrates that factual communication takes precedence over formal expression. This is ascribed to one principle which sets both rules and approvals for all forms of national language. This fact, according to Pasolini, is the result of an industrial and technological transformation process, which would permite advent of a new linguistic bourgeoisie. The linguistic unification caused by such approving principle would, therefore, imply the social manifestation of the bourgeoisie. ; nulo ; Após diagnosticar a crise da fase de busca da literatura contemporânea, especialmente dos anos 50, incapaz de criar os pressupostos de uma língua nacional, Pasolini analisa as profundas mutações da sociedade italiana, que determinaram um novo panorama sócio-linguístico, e mais precisamente um acentuado tecnicismo e instrumentação de linguagem. Os exemplos citados pelo autor, extraídos do periodismo, da televisão, dos discursos políticos oficiais e da publicidade, mostram o predomínio da comunicação sobre a expressão, remetendo o fenômeno a um princípio único regulamentador e homologador de todas as linguagens nacionais, que procederia do processo de transformação tecnológica e industrial, instituidor de uma nova burguesia hegemônica. A unificação linguística produzida por este princípio homologador subentenderia, por conseguinte, a manifestação social realizada por esta classe.
Toponimia ca tezaur lingvistic şi patrimoniu cultural
In: Anuar de lingvistică şi istorie literară, Band 63, Heft 2023, S. 71-84
ISSN: 2972-1814
The author of the study tries to debate on the issue whether the toponymy, either as a science or as the totality of geographical names, is no more than the ancilla of history, geography, linguistics, or it represents something nobler and more important, and should therefore be considered an authentic linguistic thesaurus and a component of national cultural patrimony. To answer this question, the study presents some relevant results of the toponymic research undertaken at the Institute of Romanian Philology in Iaşi, Department of Toponymy, together with other contemporary scientific approaches on the status of toponymic sciences. There are two key concepts of the theory of toponymic fields which stand on the foundation of the Toponymic Dictionary, Structural and Etymological elaborated at the Institut of Iaşi: the toponymic field and the toponymic etymology. The use of these two concepts in the processing of the toponymic data places the geographical names in the historical, linguistic, geographical, social, cultural context of their origin. Thus it is stressed the fact that the toponymy is the creation of a linguistic and cultural community.