A Factor Analytic Approach to Seriation
In: Plains anthropologist, Band 24, Heft 86, S. 309-328
ISSN: 2052-546X
659 Ergebnisse
In: Plains anthropologist, Band 24, Heft 86, S. 309-328
ISSN: 2052-546X
In: The Journal of social psychology, Band 97, Heft 2, S. 255-259
ISSN: 1940-1183
In: Sociological inquiry: the quarterly journal of the International Sociology Honor Society, Band 76, Heft 2, S. 188-209
ISSN: 1475-682X
Some scholars have argued that we are witnessing a new social revolution—social "informatization"—that is comparable in scope and impact to that of the Industrial Revolu‐tion of the eighteenth century. Others have argued that it is a much more modest phase in the ongoing development of communication and information‐processing technology. While there are a number of reasons for disagreement about what exactly "informatization" is, and what its impact will be, two are paramount: (1) conceptual imprecision, and (2) issues of measurement. Using factor analysis, this study aims to clarify its conceptualization, and, then, rather than focusing on a single dimension (e.g., technological or economic), it will develop a comprehensive multiple‐indicator measure that captures the economic, technological, and size (stock) dimensions of social informatization. We find that this measure of social informatization strongly correlates with the general level of socioeconomic development. This result implies that social informatization may be a more continuous and cumulative process than a disjunctive or discontinuous "revolution."
In: Journalism quarterly: JQ ; devoted to research in journalism and mass communication, Band 44, Heft 2, S. 326-329
ISSN: 0196-3031, 0022-5533
In: Journal of business communication: JBC, Band 14, Heft 3, S. 63-73
ISSN: 1552-4582
In: The Journal of social psychology, Band 99, Heft 2, S. 273-281
ISSN: 1940-1183
In: Communications: the European journal of communication research, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 51-60
ISSN: 1613-4087
In: Journal of research on adolescence, Band 34, Heft 3, S. 1099-1106
ISSN: 1532-7795
AbstractDerailment is the sense of being "off‐course" in life. But what could this mean for adolescents, who are often establishing identity and self‐direction for the first time? We examined the structure and correlates of the Derailment Scale and its short form, the Derailment Scale‐6 (DS‐6), among middle‐to‐late adolescents (N = 452). Both scales exhibited unidimensionality, but the DS‐6 demonstrated superior fit and correlated with cross‐sectional distress markers (e.g., greater depression, lower life satisfaction, strained sense of purpose). Breaking from adult‐based research, we failed to find evidence that derailment related to adolescent identity exploration and commitment. In extending assessment of derailment to adolescence, this study invites exploration of this experience during a time characterized by substantial transition and the emergence of stable self‐views.
In: Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, Band 5, Heft 3, S. 156-180
ISSN: 1755-618X
L'analyse factorielle du schéme North‐Hatt pour l'assignation du prestige professional isole sept faeteurs que l'auteur identifie sous les vocables suivants: classe laborieuse, profession libérate, haut degré d'autonomie apparente, pouvoir formel, emplois d'ouvriers qualifyés et reconnaissance im‐plicite de catégories quasi‐professionelles d'emplois. D'une part, les sept faeteurs constituent des traits frappants du monde contemporain du travail. D'autre part, les attitudes évaluatives faites à l'endroit d'occupations particulières varient énormément quand ces emplois exhibent ces divers traits de faÇon prononcée. PerÇus en tant que dispositions évaluatives sous‐jacentes, les faeteurs isolés seraient la source principale de la variabilityé que l'on trouve dans l'assignation du prestige professionel. La tendance de certaines personnes, observée par Reiss, à surestimer ou à sousestimer le prestige de certains emplois s'expliquerait par l'attitude de ces personnes à l'endroit des traits que l'analyse factorielle isole. L'hypothése selon laquelle la variabilityé s'expliquerait á partir des variables sociales traditionnelles, tels le statut et l'âge, n'a pas été confirmée. Bien que les faeteurs isolés, autour desquels se forment des nodules d'attitudes, soient associés aux caractéristiques sociales, le degré d'association est plutfôt faible. Ceci permet de conclure que d'autres explications doivent être trouvées, au palier des attitudes a l'endroit des occupations.
In: Journalism quarterly, Band 44, Heft 2, S. 326-330
In: Social behavior and personality: an international journal, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 17-27
ISSN: 1179-6391
In an attempt to uncover the dimensions of heterosocial competence in college women, two independent samples of subjects (n1 = 149, n2 = 120) were given 14 questionnaires designed to measure selected aspects of social competence. Scores on these instruments were
factor analyzed using both maximum likelihood and Kaiser's Little filly solutions. Loadings obtained from both samples suggested three major dimensions: heterosexual anxiety, social self-esteem, and dating activity. Oblique rotation indicated that the factors were highly interrelated.
In: The journal of psychology: interdisciplinary and applied, Band 116, Heft 1, S. 113-116
ISSN: 1940-1019
In: The journal of psychology: interdisciplinary and applied, Band 128, Heft 5, S. 499-516
ISSN: 1940-1019
In: Sociological methods and research, Band 2, Heft 2, S. 131-190
ISSN: 1552-8294
The confirmatory factor-analytic model of analysis is discussed in terms of the general process of constructing social theory-the generation of parameter estimates for a proposed structure, the assessment of a proposed structure, the interpretation of a proposed structure, and example applications. First-order, second-order, and structural equation confirmatory factor models are discussed in relation to Joreskog's model for the estimation of parameters in general theoretical structures, LISREL.
In: Plains anthropologist, Band 25, Heft 89, S. 246-246
ISSN: 2052-546X