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221122 Ergebnisse
Communities for health -- Shared care for long-term conditions -- Seasons of learning and change -- Infrastructure of facilitation and communication -- Annual cycles of participatory action research -- Live manuals -- How to see connections between parts and wholes -- How to run meetings that make sense of multiple perspectives -- Engaging people in cycles of inter-organisational learning and change -- Large group events help people to creatively interact -- Structured inquiry : an important ingredient -- Maintain inner peace -- The story of community-oriented integrated care -- General practitioners are sense-makers -- Health, identity, and relationships -- Three paradigms of inquiry illuminate evolving stories -- Networks for complicated journeys -- Developing team players and systems thinkers -- Learning organisations build teams and communities -- Public health and primary care : an essential partnership.
In: World health forum: an intern. journal of health development, Band 15, Heft 4
ISSN: 0251-2432
In: World health forum: an intern. journal of health development, Band 8, Heft 1987
ISSN: 0251-2432
In: World health forum: an intern. journal of health development, Band 8, Heft 1987
ISSN: 0251-2432
In: Routledge health management series
"Many modern policy challenges are linked directly to unhealthy living and struggling health systems. This book is for anyone interested in the use of the latest behavioural insights within this crucial policy arena, to incentivise change. It will appeal to practitioners, academics, or students across a wide range of disciplines."
In: World health forum: an intern. journal of health development, Band 8, Heft 1987
ISSN: 0251-2432
In: World health forum: an intern. journal of health development, Band 11, Heft 1990
ISSN: 0251-2432
In: Health & social work: a journal of the National Association of Social Workers, Band 9, Heft 4, S. 316-318
ISSN: 1545-6854
Health care systems, irrespective of how they are financed, present the paradox that to some observers they appear as a major component of social benefits, while to other observers they seem both excessively costly and limited in their effectiveness. These differing perceptions may be explained in part by the diversity of the determinants of health and disease, only some of which are amenable to those preventive or therapeutic measures encompassed in a health care system--the majority of determinants being genetic, societal, or else uninfluenced by those interventions at present available within a health service. The share of national resources which should be devoted to health care, and the method of raising resources, are primarily matters for political decision; but a national system has advantages both of economy and of comprehensiveness. But when it comes to allocation of resources within the established health budget, the knowledge and skills of health professionals are essential to informed decision-making. The possibilities depend critically on the 'state of the art' at a given time, as is illustrated by the radical changes over time in what could be done for patients with renal failure; and health professionals are likely to be most aware of current options, and of how to choose between them. More speculatively, they are also less likely to confuse the attitudes appropriate to providing a service with those required to run a business.
In: Science and public policy: journal of the Science Policy Foundation
ISSN: 1471-5430
In: Local government studies, Band 39, Heft 1, S. 156-157
ISSN: 0300-3930
In: International Journal of Public Sector Management, Band 20, Heft 6, S. 567-568