Fintech in Nigeria: Establishing a Fintech Company in Nigeria
In: Kofi Apori (Ed), Acorn & Mustard's FinTech 2021 Series, 2021
2914 Ergebnisse
In: Kofi Apori (Ed), Acorn & Mustard's FinTech 2021 Series, 2021
In: Claudia Sandei et al. eds. 'Research Handbook on the Law of Fintech', Digital Innovation and Technology Law Lab, Digital Law Network, University of Padova, Italy (2020 Forthcoming)
The global financial crisis of 2008 ushered in the most sweeping reform of financial regulation in the United States since the New Deal. Alarmed by the systemic risk that financial institutions posed to the broader economy, as well as perceived abuses engendered by the "too big to fail" mindset among banking executives, legislators moved quickly to impose a slew of new requirements on the financial sector. These reforms, passed under the umbrella of the Dodd-Frank Act, drastically altered the regulatory landscape for financial institutions.' Wall Street firms found themselves subject to a bewildering array of new regulatory requirements, from restrictions on proprietary investing (the so-called Volcker Rule), to obligatory stress testing of banks' ability to withstand various crisis scenarios, to more stringent reporting requirements. At the same time that Congress was focused on fixing Wall Street, dramatic changes were taking place in a less well-known and still emerging sector of the financial world: the fintech sector. This collection of start-ups and venture capital-backed companies were using developments in network technology and "big data" analysis to disrupt the way that financial services could be provided. From crowdfunding to robo-advisors to Bitcoin, financial technology firms have introduced innovations to a wide variety of areas and have allowed smaller, nimbler competitors to enter the financial marketplace. In doing so, the fintech revolution promises to produce great benefits for the wider economy, including broader access to capital, fairer lending standards, better investment advice, and more secure transactions. It is no wonder that Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase's CEO, warned investors in 2015 that "Silicon Valley is coming." But the rise of fintech poses a challenge for current financial regulations. The Dodd-Frank reforms primarily aimed to prevent traditional banks from repeating the excesses of the precrisis era. They labeled certain financial institutions "systemically important" and ...
Finance & technology have been coexisting during the evolution of modern society and this coexistence was mainly restricted to collection and payment of taxes in the form of coins and paper money, managing government finances, and agricultural production. The term FinTech emerged in 1972, as an acronym of Financial Technologies, is often described as amalgamation of financial services using technological evolutions, and its usage was earlier limited to banking sector deploying modern management Science and Computers (Bettinger, 1972, p.62). Fintech was mainly restricted to back-office processes of banks leveraging software and applications to manage customer accounts and their transactions in a secured, centralized, and efficient way. Micu (2016), referred Fintech as a new paradigm of technology to facilitate business, international trade, and services offered to retail consumers. Schueffel (2016) conceptualized FinTech as a technological encapsulation of Financial Sector rather than a technology. Smartphones with high speed Internet has triggered the growth of Fintech through customer facing apps. Takahashi (2018), predicted that global smartphone usage will surpass 3.8 billion by the end of year 2021, accounting for 48% of the global population. The evolution and future of FinTech can be analyzed from the glasses of historical dissection, in accordance to following versions.
This book focuses on market developments of crowdfunding, crowdinvesting, crowdlending, social trading, robo-advice, personal financial management, online payment and mobile payment in Germany. FinTech companies are an important driver of innovation in the financial industry. By making financial transactions more user-friendly and transparent, these firms potentially contribute to financial stability and economic growth. The authors define and categorize the different market segments that have emerged. They further provide an assessment of current market volumes and make forecasts for the next 5, 10 and 20 years. Particular attention is given to the empirical findings resulting from scholarly research. Furthermore, the authors evaluate how the German FinTech market ranks relative to international standards. This book will appeal to finance and entrepreneurship researchers as well as practitioners from banking and tech industries. "This book offers a fresh and fascinating look at the FinTech market. The authors provide a rigorous economic analysis of the FinTech market in Germany and offer many insights that are of interest to practitioners, academics, and policymakers alike." Professor Douglas Cumming, Schulich School of Business "Germany is one of the fastest growing FinTech markets in Europe. This book not only provides a comprehensive and systematic overview on the developments and actors, but undertakes a visionary outlook on the forthcoming decades based on scientific methods." Dr. Thomas Puschmann, Head of Swiss FinTech Innovation Lab
In: In: Marco Cian, Claudia Sandei (Eds.), Diritto del Fintech, Wolters Kluwer Italia 2020, 623−643
In: De Gruyter Praxishandbuch
Die FinTech-Industrie revolutioniert derzeit den Finanz- und Bankensektor. Ein profiliertes Autorenteam aus Anwaltschaft, Banken, BaFin und der Wissenschaft beleuchtet umfassend und instruktiv die entstehenden Rechtsfragen - von Digitalisierung bei Finanzdienstleistern über Digitale Zahlungssysteme, Robo Advice, Blockchain/Distributierte Systeme/Smart Contracts und Crowdfunding bis zu Tech-Spezialfeldern wie Plattformlösungen und Datasharing
In: Return: Magazin für Transformation und Turnaround, Band 8, Heft 4, S. 31-31
ISSN: 2520-8187
In: Chapter in "Fintech Competition," Konstantinos Stylianou et al. eds. (Forthcoming, 2023 London: Bloomsbury-Hart).