Every-day Life on an Old Highland Farm
In: The Economic Journal, Band 35, Heft 137, S. 135
479278 Ergebnisse
In: The Economic Journal, Band 35, Heft 137, S. 135
The leisure-time center is an educational activity for school children through the age of twelve, where children are enrolled. Under the Education Act, the leisure-time centers provide children with meaningful leisure. Prerequisites for the children to experience leisure time as meaningful is that the activity is safe, fun and stimulating where play and creativity have much space and are shaped by children's age, maturity, needs, interests and experiences. The leisure-time center also has the task to teach and train future democratic citizens.The purpose of this paper is to highlight and explore the staff's perception of the organization's contribution to children's development and learning. Theories of entrepreneurship and citizenship education are used as a theoretical framework.Method used is an attitude survey questionnaire. A survey involving 39 statements were sent out to all 13 municipalities in the county of Norrbotten, in total 146 leisure-time centers. The questionnaire was distributed to professionals and other personnel working with children who are enrolled in after school. There are 164 professionals who answered the questionnaire; in the material are leisure-time centers from all municipalities represented.The results show that 65.6% agreed with the statement that children can develop their ability to play and 61,6% of respondents believe that children can develop their ability to work with others at the leisure-time centers. Many respondents strongly agree with the statement that children can develop their curiosity 52, 5%, and 48, 1% believes that they can develop their imagination staying at the leisure-time centers. Conclusions that can be drawn from the research is that the relationship between entrepreneurship and citizenship education is a close one and it is possible that one may lend itself to the other and strengthen the development of individuals skills for inclusion in society. ; Godkänd; 2012; 20120310 (lisl)
In: Social service review: SSR, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 175-176
ISSN: 1537-5404
In: Kultura i społeczeństwo: kwartalnik, Band 49, Heft 2, S. 135-150
ISSN: 0023-5172
In: Irish political studies: yearbook of the Political Studies Association of Ireland, Band 29, Heft 4, S. 610-612
ISSN: 1743-9078
In: Irish political studies: yearbook of the Political Studies Association of Ireland, Band 29, Heft 4, S. 610-612
ISSN: 1743-9078
In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 26-33
The 'constructivistic' approach in the sociology of science by Knorr Cetina intends to show
that also in natural scientific laboratories reality is socially constructed. Her ethnographic
studies show that data processing in natural sciences resembles interpretation procedures
in social and cultural sciences: findings of natural scientific research is produced rather by communicative interaction then by the pure perception of 'brute facts'. Not doubting these
results, this article points (among others) at the differentiation between data constructior:
by communicative interaction in the daily routine of scientific work and data constitution by
'theoretical' reasoning as it was pointed out - somewhat misleading - by Alfred Schutz.
In: Acta sociologica: journal of the Scandinavian Sociological Association, Band 38, Heft 1, S. 104-107
ISSN: 1502-3869
Franquism broght women back home by antifeminist and pro-birth legislation and the weight given to traditional and religious precepts. In this context were brought up 4 artists: Esperanza Parada, Amalia Avia, María Moreno and Isabel Quintanilla (all born between the years 1928-1938). They chose figurative language to show their personal vision of reality, and in that way, they participated in the renovation of spanish art thas took place in the sixties. It was a moment in which different styles converged: Abstract expressionism (Grupo El Paso), social realism, and Pop. Through their paintings these artists talk about themselves, sharing everyday life themes with the light and shadows of their historical moment. ; Los preceptos religiosos y tradicionales, y la legislación antifeminista y pronatalista llevada a cabo durante el franquismo, devolvía a las mujeres a la esfera doméstica. En este contexto se formaron cuatro artistas nacidas entre 1928 y 1938: Esperanza Parada, Amalia Avia, María Moreno e Isabel Quintanilla. Optaron por el lenguaje figurativo para mostrar su personal visión de la realidad y de esta forma participaron en la renovación del panorama de la plástica española de la década de los sesenta, un momento de convergencia de varios estilos: el expresionismo abstracto (Grupo El Paso), el realismo social y el Pop, que centraban el debate artístico. A través de sus cuadros hablan sobre sí mismas y sobre aquello que les rodea, compartiendo el interés por la temática relacionada con la vida cotidiana y la preocupación por las luces y las sombras del momento histórico.Franquism broght women back home by antifeminist and pro-birth legislation and the weight given to traditional and religious precepts. In this context were brought up 4 artists: Esperanza Parada, Amalia Avia, María Moreno and Isabel Quintanilla (all born between the years 1928-1938). They chose figurative language to show their personal vision of reality, and in that way, they participated in the renovation of spanish art thas took place in the sixties. It was a moment in which different styles converged: Abstract expressionism (Grupo El Paso), social realism, and Pop. Through their paintings these artists talk about themselves, sharing everyday life themes with the light and shadows of their historical moment.
In: Études internationales, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 129
ISSN: 1703-7891
"John Kerry tells the story of his extraordinary life of public service, from decorated Vietnam veteran to five-term United States senator, 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, and Secretary of State for four years: a personal and candid memoir by a witness to some of the most important events of our recent history, including the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate accords."--Provided by publisher
World Affairs Online