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6355 Ergebnisse
In: Zeitschrift für Politikberatung: ZPB, Band 3, Heft 3-4, S. 441-456
ISSN: 1865-4797
Konsep bisnis berbasis spiritual harus segera diterapkan dalam bisnis. Gede prama, seorang pakar manajemen, pernah mengatakan, "kalau perusahaan ingin sustainable (bertahan) dan berumur panjang, dia harus menganut nilai-nilai spiritual. Dengan begitu, integritasnya akan teruji dan dipercaya oleh mitra bisnisnya". Bisnis dengan tetap menjaga nilai-nilai etika, bukan sesuatu yang tidak mungkin. Sebab, berdasarkan fakta, banyak perusahaan-perusahaan yang hancur karena tidak menjaga etika dalam berbisnis. Salah satunya adalah perusahaan energi ENRON yang didirikan di AS tahun 1985. perusahaan tersebut bangkrut karena skandal keuangan. Akibatnya, nilai sahamnya jatuh dari $95 menjadi 45 sen. Bahkan, 20 ribu orang karyawannya kehilangan dana simpanan pensiun. Sebagian pengamat menyatakan bahwa hal ini bahkan dianggap telah membawa implikasi politik dan ekonomi yang lebih luas ketimbang tragedi WTC. Sebagai konsekuensi pentingnya kegiatan wirausaha, Islam menekankan pentingnya pembangunan dan penegakkan budaya kewirausahaan dalam kehidupan setiap muslim. Budaya kewirausahaan muslim itu bersifat manusiawi dan religius, berbeda dengan budaya profesi lainnya yang tidak menjadikan pertimbangan agama sebagai landasan kerjanya.
In: Entrepreneur voices
Prepping your deck -- Why you need a million-dollar pitch before you start a business -- The 5 slides you must have in your pitch deck -- How not to write a business presentation -- Death of the pitch deck: why real conversations matter -- 9 big mistakes that will scare investors away -- 10 tips to writing an amazing business plan -- How to get to the point with your elevator pitch -- Entrepreneur voices spotlight: interview with Patricia "Patti" Fletcher -- Reflection -- Planning your pitch -- Where to meet angel investors and how to pitch them when you do -- Improve your odds of getting funded with investor pattern matching -- 7 reasons to only pitch your business in person -- 5 reasons investors are ignoring your business and how to get their attention -- 8 tips for raising capital to fund your startup -- Entrepreneur voices spotlight : interview with Jeremy Bloom -- Your pitch will fail if you do these 3 things -- Going up? 5 steps to planning your perfect elevator pitch -- Reflection -- Riding the elevator -- 13 tips on how to deliver a pitch investors simply can't turn down -- The science of the first impression: 5 elements of a great first impression -- The 4 skills needed to make a great impression -- Top tips for the perfect elevator pitch -- 8 tips on giving a presentation like a pro -- Entrepreneur voices spotlight: interview with Scott Duffy -- Reflection -- Closing the deal -- How to earn attention and respect from a shark -- Avoid these 7 mistakes when pitching your business -- 5 things startup investors look for before investing -- 3 common VC conversations translated for you -- How to use psychology to get investors to close the deal -- What i learned from 400 meetings of pitching investors -- Entrepreneur voices spotlight: interview with Sally Outlaw -- Reflection -- Resources -- Reader's notes.
In: Handbook of Economic Theology, edited by Stefan Schwarzkopf, Routledge, 2020
YouTube page with content focused on helping transitioning veterans begin their own business. Helpful for veterans and non-veterans who are looking to get base level understanding of the information needed to start a business.
In: Professional and VET Learning 3
In: Educational Research E-Books Online, Collection 2005-2017, ISBN: 9789004394001
This book provides new insights into the important field of Entrepreneurship Education. The editors pick up Fayolle's invitation: "How can we learn from 'institutional' culture?" and translate it to a variety of aspects of learning to start-up. From the perspective of Human Resource Education and Management (Wirtschaftspädagogik) the authors shed light into the socio-cultural system of entrepreneurship education. They start with mapping out its challenges. They discuss context factors like political regimes affecting entrepreneurial activities, consider goals including moral awareness, introduce ideas of modeling entre- and intrapreneurial competencies, suggest teaching-learning-strategies, discuss evaluation procedures and introduce case studies of entrepreneurship education in different countries for different study levels. All in all this book stimulates and supports the challenges of educators, students, and practitioners (human resource managers, consultants, principals, teachers, and trainers) to introduce into the varying contexts of entrepreneurship education content specific, procedural, causal elements necessary for starting and maintaining an enterprise
Introduction -- In the beginning -- Protect your property -- The entrepreneur -- Intrapreneurship -- The serial entrepreneur -- The entrepreneurial experience -- Culture & the entrepreneur -- Finance -- Presentation -- Exits -- Valuations -- Index
"Innovative entrepreneurs are the prime movers of the economy. The innovative entrepreneur helps to overcome two types of institutional frictions. First, existing firms may not innovate efficiently due to incumbent inertia resulting from adjustment costs, diversification costs, the replacement effect, and imperfect adjustment of expectations. The innovative entrepreneur compensates for incumbent inertia by embodying innovations in new firms that compete with incumbents. Second, markets for inventions may not operate efficiently due to transaction costs, imperfect intellectual property protections, costs of transferring tacit knowledge, and imperfect information about discoveries. The innovative entrepreneur addresses inefficiencies in markets for inventions through own-use of discoveries and adoption of innovative ideas. The Innovative Entrepreneur presents an economic framework that addresses the motivation of the innovative entrepreneur, the innovative advantage of entrepreneurs versus incumbent firms, the effects of competitive pressures on incentives to innovate, the consequences of creative destruction, and the contributions of the innovative entrepreneur to the wealth of nations"--