
8863 Ergebnisse


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Open Access#42011

Ironie als Bildungsziel? ; Irony - an educational goal?


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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#6Juni 1998

Integrating Jewish and Feminist Educational Goals

In: Shofar: a quarterly interdisciplinary journal of Jewish studies ; official journal of the Midwest and Western Jewish Studies Associations, Band 16, Heft 4, S. 62-70

ISSN: 1534-5165

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#101. Dezember 2023

Achievements of educational goals in Saudi universities by conducting distance educational practices

In: Voprosy istorii: VI = Studies in history, Band 2023, Heft 12-3, S. 278-287

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Blogbeitrag#1126. April 2024

Socio-Emotional and Cognitive Development in Learning: Educational Goals in Competition?!

Blog: Soziopolis. Gesellschaft beobachten

Blogbeitrag#1226. April 2024

Socio-Emotional and Cognitive Development in Learning: Educational Goals in Competition?!

Blog: Soziopolis. Gesellschaft beobachten

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