'The Oxford Handbook on Education and Globalization' brings together in a unique way leading authors in social theory and in political science and reflects on how these two disciplines deal with the relation between globalization and education. The handbook develops a firmer and tighter dialogue between social theory and education research, and analyzes the political and institutional factors that shape the adoption of global reforms in education at multiple levels of governance. It is a must-read for anyone looking for a comprehensive overview of how globalization and education interact to result in distinct and varying outcomes across world regions.
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"The categories commonly mobilized to think about education have long been associated with the notion of the nation state, and functioned as obstacles, rather than resources, for our understanding of how globalization plays out in this particular field. In the last two decades, both social theory and comparative politics have attempted to overcome these limitations in their own way. Social theory increasingly acknowledged education as a global phenomenon. Theories have been developed to describe a global society evolving across borders. They show how, through processes that remain debated (cultural isomorphism, capitalism, functional differentiation), a number of structural and semantic evolutions have spread across education systems. Part I of this Handbook is dedicated to presenting, discussing, and comparing three such theories of globalization and their implications for our understanding of education and education policy. Comparative politics has for its part concerned itself with developing a more complex, less unified and 'transformationalist' view of the State by acknowledging the fragmentation and distribution of its functions among distinct domains and levels. Part II gravitates around this global constellation, with chapters focusing on global reforms, norms and ideas put forward by supranational organizations, on international accountability processes and on the ways in which nation states or local actors adopt, implement or resist global ideas and reforms. The two Parts reflect these disciplinary approaches to the relation between globalization and education. Together, these two approaches seek to provide a comprehensive overview of how globalization and education interact to result in distinct and varying outcomes across world regions"--
The Oxford Handbook on Education and Globalization brings together in a unique way leading authors in social theory and in political science and reflects on how these two disciplines deal with the relation between globalization and education. The handbook develops a firmer and tighter dialogue between social theory and education research, and analyzes the political and institutional factors that shape the adoption of global reforms in education at multiple levels of governance. It is a must-read for anyone looking for a comprehensive overview of how globalization and education interact to result in distinct and varying outcomes across world regions.
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Prior to the era of globalization, education in Southeast Asia was viewed in the context of the national state and it was deployed in the service of state and nation-building and national economic development. States monopolized education, and public-funded centralized education systems were established to teach literacy, transmit national cultures and promote social cohesion, and to produce literate workers. Globalization forces, however, dramatically impacted in varying ways and degrees the national education systems across the region. As states begun to see their citizens as resources to enhance the countries' competitiveness in the global market, it, among other things, led to the increasing demand for highly skilled and qualified human capital. The accompanying neoliberal ideology led to varying degrees of decentralization, privatization and internationalization of education, especially of higher education, in Southeast Asia. The chapters in this volume focus on a number of issues and challenges confronting the education sector in Southeast Asia, including: (i) the contrasting language in education policy in Singapore and Malaysia; (ii) the introduction of an English-medium private education sector in Malaysia; (iii) the internationalization of Thai higher education; (iv) access and quality issues in the massification of Malaysian higher education; (v) secondary school quality and higher education participation in Indonesia;(vi) equity, access and retention in primary school education in Malaysia; and(vii) reforms in the primary and secondary education in Myanmar
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Editorial: ; Noticias sobre FERMENTUM y sobre HUMANIC ; Aguilera, Oscar ; Presentación: ; Educación y globalización ; Aguilera, Oscar ; Educación y globalización: ¿Hacia una pedagogía espacial? ; Education and globalization toward a spatial globalization? ; Pérez Luna, Enrique ; Hacia un desaprendizaje consciente ; Los tatuajes de la palabra y la consciencia de los tatuajes ; Toward a conscientious unlearning ; The tattoos of words and the consciouness of tattoos ; Andrade, Raiza ; Evaluación de los cursos en línea en la Universidad Simón Rodríguez-Venezuela ; On-line courses evaluation at Simon Rodriguez Universitiy-Venezuela ; Briceño, Magally ; Cambios en la cultura política y su impacto en el aprendizaje para las transformaciones institucional y organizacional a través del diseño de nuevos arreglos en el escenario de la globalización económica. ; Political culture changes and its impact in the learning of institutional and organizational transformation through the design of new arrangements in the economic globalization scene. ; Vargas Hernández, José Guadalupe ; Estudios y textos acerca de la corrupción un intento de sistematización. ; Studies and texts about corruption a systematic approach. ; Méndez Peña, María ; Mirando la muerte en los nuevos paradigmas médicos (O aprendiendo y ayudando a morir) ; Looking at death in the new medical paradigms (Or learning and helping to die) ; Pino de Casanova, Malin ; Pobreza y exclusión en Venezuela a la luz de las misiones sociales (2003-2004). ; Poverty and social exclusion in relation to the social programs in Venezuela (2003-2004) ; Alvarado Chacín, Neritza ; 13-27 ; doctorado@udo.edu.ve ; trimestral ; Nivel analítico
Este artículo aborda un tema de total vigencia para la educación: las relaciones existentes entre educación y globalización desde una visión crítica. Por lo que explora y analiza el papel de las escuelas frente a la globalización y las exigencias que trae consigo. Para el logro de este objetivo, se consultaron diversas fuentes de información que permitieron, primero, definir la naturaleza y el alcance de la globalización como discurso y proceso; y segundo, explorar las relaciones entre globalización y educación, las exigencias y el impacto desde un paradigma crítico; pues se enfatiza en la necesidad de convertir las escuelas en verdaderos espacios de socialización política, que hagan frente a los efectos negativos de la globalización y las manifestaciones de poder que se tejen en la misma. ; This article addresses a subject of full force for education: the relationship between education and globalization from a critical perspective. It explores and analyzes the role of schools against globalization and the demands it entails. To achieve this goal, various sources of information were consulted and they allowed first to define the nature and scope of globalization as discourse and process; and second, to explore the relationship between globalization and education, the demands and the impact from a critical paradigm; because this emphasizes the need to transform schools into true spaces of political socialization that address the negative effects of globalization and demonstrations of power that are woven into it.
Este artículo aborda un tema de total vigencia para la educación: las relaciones existentes entre educación y globalización desde una visión crítica. Por lo que explora y analiza el papel de las escuelas frente a la globalización y las exigencias que trae consigo. Para el logro de este objetivo, se consultaron diversas fuentes de información que permitieron, primero, definir la naturaleza y el alcance de la globalización como discurso y proceso; y segundo, explorar las relaciones entre globalización y educación, las exigencias y el impacto desde un paradigma crítico; pues se enfatiza en la necesidad de convertir las escuelas en verdaderos espacios de socialización política, que hagan frente a los efectos negativos de la globalización y las manifestaciones de poder que se tejen en la misma. ; This article addresses a subject of full force for education: the relationship between education and globalization from a critical perspective. It explores and analyzes the role of schools against globalization and the demands it entails. To achieve this goal, various sources of information were consulted and they allowed first to define the nature and scope of globalization as discourse and process; and second, to explore the relationship between globalization and education, the demands and the impact from a critical paradigm; because this emphasizes the need to transform schools into true spaces of political socialization that address the negative effects of globalization and demonstrations of power that are woven into it.
This book brings together leading scholars in Global Studies in Education to reflect on how various developments of historic significance have unsettled the neoliberal imaginary of globalization. The developments include greater recognition of inequalities and the changing nature of work and communication; the emergence of new technologies of governance; a greater awareness of geopolitical shifts; the revival of nationalism, populism and anti-globalization sentiments; and the recognition of risks surrounding pandemics and climate change. Drawing from a range of disciplinary perspectives, the chapters in this collection examine how these developments demand new ways of thinking about globalization and its implications for education policy and practice -- beyond the neoliberal imaginary.