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45586 Ergebnisse
Education, Health and Housing
In: Contemporary British Politics, S. 400-416
The Education-Health Gradient
In: American economic review, Band 100, Heft 2, S. 234-238
ISSN: 1944-7981
Working paper
Revolution in Rural Education; Health Education in Tanzania
In: Community development journal, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 133-139
ISSN: 1468-2656
Lifestyle education, health education, environmental education, movement
In: Acta Carolus Robertus, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 129-142
ISSN: 2498-9312
Unfortunately, one of the most popular topics today is the diseases of civilization, for which our changed lifestyle is responsible. It is very important that we educate and teach our children to protect nature, pay attention to their environment, move a lot. The role of the family is very important in passing on these values, so it is important and parents have to pay attention to give a good example for their children. In our research, we examined the ecological behavior, environmental values, environmental friendly behaviour and movement habits of students using a questionnaire method. The respondents were seventh and eighth grade students from schools in municipalities of different sizes. (N=558). We used different scales in our questions, such as NEP, PRE, APR, PEB1, HB. To present our results, we used basic statistics and calculated the results of the above-mentioned scales for the type of settlement with the help of SPSS program, analysis of variance (ANOVA). Our results showed that almost half of children believe that they should not respect the laws of nature, however, 71.9% mostly or completely like to go hiking in nature. Protecting ecological behaviour and environmental values is on the right way for students, but we need to draw their attention to becoming more energy efficient. Unfortunately, our results show, as has been supported by several literature, we live a sedentary, inactive life. 62.7% of students attend training that requires physical activity only once or 1-2 times a week. However, 56.7% of them spend at least 2-4 or more hours in front of the computer and / or use their mobilephone every day. Moreover, 33.3% spend 2-4 or more hours in front of the television every day. As at the HB movement scale, we found a difference in student movement as a function of residential settlements F555,2=4.458; p=0.012. If we want our children to live a healthy, quality life, we need to bring up and teach them for that as well.
Rethinking Education, Health and Care Plans
In: Children & young people now, Band 2024, Heft 11, S. 22-25
ISSN: 2515-7582
Education, health and care plans set out support requirements for children with SEND but vary in quality and timeliness. An expert explores what must change and we highlight some good practice
Education, Health Care, and Poverty in Cuba
In: Perspectives on global development and technology: pgdt, Band 20, Heft 5-6, S. 551-557
ISSN: 1569-1497
Cuba's economic integration into European socialist countries, led by the Soviet Union, offered the possibility of Cubans studying in these countries. A large number of professionals were trained in different fields. This at the same time created better opportunities and higher quality for the national education system at all levels due to academic mobility at all levels. To think about the term 'revolution' in Cuba, one must believe in a movement of ideas that promote progress. However, most of us in the Western world come to believe that progress has an equivalency of economic gain.
The child labour–education–health connection
In: Child Labour: A Public Health Perspective, S. 55-68
Education, Health and Health-Related Behaviors: Evidence from Higher Education Expansion
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 15035
Higher Education Health Program at Airlangga University
The Higher Education Health Program at Airlangga University in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia has been recognized by the Malaysian government. Airlangga University started to offer the Higher Education Health Program to Malaysian students in 2002. This program is administered by the faculty of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy. The Department of Medicine at Airlangga University was founded in 1913 during the Dutch colonial time when it was called Nederlande Indische Artsen School (NIAS). The Faculty of Dentistry was also established during Dutch era in 1928 and was called School Tot Opleidig van Indische Tandartsen (STOVIT) (Universitas Airlangga, 2004). In 1963, the Department of Pharmacy was founded.Those three departments provide both academic and professional education programs leading to degrees and certifications for doctor, dentist, and pharmacist (Universitas Airlangga, 2007b). The main reason for admitting students from Malaysia is to move toward international recognition and to have programs accredited by the Malaysian government. In the last five years, many students came from Malaysia to Indonesia to study at Airlangga University or other universities. Malaysian students articipate in the Higher Education Health Program at Airlangga University together with those from Indonesia and Bahasa Indonesia is used in instruction, because they have to engage and practice with Indonesian people.
Higher Education Health Program at Airlangga University
The Higher Education Health Program at Airlangga University in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia has been recognized by the Malaysian government. Airlangga University started to offer the Higher Education Health Program to Malaysian students in 2002. This program is administered by the faculty of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy. The Department of Medicine at Airlangga University was founded in 1913 during the Dutch colonial time when it was called Nederlande Indische Artsen School (NIAS). The Faculty of Dentistry was also established during Dutch era in 1928 and was called School Tot Opleidig van Indische Tandartsen (STOVIT) (Universitas Airlangga, 2004). In 1963, the Department of Pharmacy was founded.
Education . Health . Natural resources and the environment
In: Country profile: annual survey of political and economic background. Taiwan, S. 18
ISSN: 0269-7025
Early Childhood Education: Health, Equity, and Economics
In: Annual Review of Public Health, Band 44, S. 75-92