For first-year graduate courses in Econometrics for Social Scientists. Bridging the gap between social science studies and econometric analysis Designed to bridge the gap between social science studies and field-econometrics, Econometric Analysis, 8th Edition, Global Edition, presents this ever-growing area at an accessible graduate level. The book first introduces students to basic techniques, a rich variety of models, and underlying theory that is easy to put into practice. It then presents students with a sufficient theoretical background to understand advanced techniques and to recognise new variants of established models. This focus, along with hundreds of worked numerical examples, ensures that students can apply the theory to real-world application and are prepared to be successful economists in the field
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This study is concerned with the econometric analysis of innovation activities in Germany. Using microeconometric models and an unique linked employer-employee dataset provided by the German Federal Employment Office, it presents new evidence on a variety of issues ranging from the determinants of innovations to their impact on labor demand. After a brief introduction into the economics of innovation and a discussion of econometric issues such as self selection and endogeneity, the second part of this study addresses the role of public subsidies and organizational changes within establishments in the innovation process. In the third part the book analyzes whether technological and organizational changes are skill biased in favor of high skilled employees and whether they discriminate against older employees.
"This book provides readers with an analysis of econometric methods using statistical information to examine actual aspects of Japan's regional economy. Beginning with ways of ascertaining the economy of a region's production factors, the book describes methods for creating new data using various regional statistical data that link regions within prefectures. The topics addressed here are some of the most pressing issues in Japan's regional economy. These include economic ripple effects due to social capital and public investment, economic evaluation of the environment for sustainable growth, the impacts of overtourism congestion phenomenon, and the measurement of the total fertility rate of female employees in industry. The book provides a way to comprehend the actual conditions of Japan's regions and the level of regional economic sectoral effects and regional externalitiesan analytical method to obtain the information required for policy making. Combining socially related fields on a wide range of issues in Japans regional economy, the detailed studies are aimed especially at researchers and policymakers working on econometric analysis research based on economic theory." --
__Abstract__ One of the fastest growing areas in empirical finance, and also one of the least rigorously analyzed, especially from a financial econometrics perspective, is the econometric analysis of financial derivatives, which are typically complicated and difficult to analyze. The purpose of this special issue of the journal on "Econometric Analysis of Financial Derivatives" is to highlight several areas of research by leading academics in which novel econometric, financial econometric, mathematical finance and empirical finance methods have contributed significantly to the econometric analysis of financial derivatives, including market-based estimation of stochastic volatility models, the fine structure of equity-index option dynamics, leverage and feedback effects in multifactor Wishart stochastic volatility for option pricing, option pricing with non-Gaussian scaling and infinite-state switching volatility, stock return and cash flow predictability: the role of volatility risk, the long and the short of the risk-return trade-off, What's beneath the surface? option pricing with multifrequency latent states, bootstrap score tests for fractional integration in heteroskedastic ARFIMA models, with an application to price dynamics in commodity spot and futures markets, a stochastic dominance approach to financial risk management strategies, empirical evidence on the importance of aggregation, asymmetry, and jumps for volatility prediction, non-linear dynamic model of the variance risk premium, pricing with finite dimensional dependence, quanto option pricing in the presence of fat tails and asymmetric dependence, smile from the past: a general option pricing framework with multiple volatility and leverage components, COMFORT: A common market factor non-Gaussian returns model, divided governments and futures prices, and model-based pricing for financial derivatives
This book presents econometric methods for the analysis of event counts. It reviews the recent literature and introduces several new results. While the emphasis is on methods for cross-section data, the modelling of time series and panel count data is discussed as well. Topics include: dependent processes, unobserved heterogeneity, selectivity and endogeneity, underreporting, Bayesian inference. Methodological and practical aspects are combined in an application dealing with the determinants of individual labor mobility
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The book provides graduate students and researchers with an up-to-date survey of statistical and econometric techniques for the analysis of count data, with a focus on conditional distribution models. Proper count data probability models allow for rich inferences, both with respect to the stochastic count process that generated the data, and with respect to predicting the distribution of outcomes. The book starts with a presentation of the benchmark Poisson regression model. Alternative models address unobserved heterogeneity, state dependence, selectivity, endogeneity, underreporting, and clu
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The book provides graduate students and researchers with an up-to-date survey of econometric and statistical techniques for the analysis of count data, with a focus on regression models. Specialised discrete data probability models are required in order to interpret results in terms of an underlying structural process, and to use the model for predicting the distribution of outcomes. The book starts with a presentation of the benchmark Poisson regression model. Alternative models address unobserved heterogeneity, state dependence, selectivity, endogeneity, underreporting, and clustered sampling. Testing and estimation is discussed, including Bayesian inference. Finally, applications are reviewed in fields such as economics, marketing, sociology, demography, and health sciences
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This collection of papers represents the state of the art in the applicationof recent econometric methods to the analysis of financial markets. From a methodological point of view the main emphasis is on cointegration analysis and ARCH modelling. In cointegration analysis the links between long-runcomponents of time series are studied. The methods used can be applied to the determination of equilibrium relationships between the variables, whereas ARCH models are concerned with the measurement and analysis of changing variances in time series. These econometric models have been the most significant innovations for the empirical analysis of financial time series in recent years. Other econometric methods and models applied in the papers include factor analysis, vector autoregressions, and Markov-switching models. The papers cover a wide range of issues and theories in financial and international economics: the term structure ofinterest rates, exchange-rate determination, target-zone dynamics, stock-market efficiency, and option pricing
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