Consensus building in ESDP: The lessons of Operation Artemis
In: International politics: a journal of transnational issues and global problems, Band 46, Heft 4, S. 398-412
ISSN: 1740-3898
220 Ergebnisse
In: International politics: a journal of transnational issues and global problems, Band 46, Heft 4, S. 398-412
ISSN: 1740-3898
In: Civil wars, Band 6, Heft 4, S. 1-13
ISSN: 1743-968X
In: International politics, Band 46, Heft 4, S. 395-412
ISSN: 1384-5748
World Affairs Online
In: European foreign affairs review, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 427-443
ISSN: 1384-6299
World Affairs Online
In: Défense nationale: problèmes politiques, économiques, scientifiques, militaires, Band 60, Heft 5, S. 11-24
ISSN: 0035-1075, 0336-1489
In 2003, the European security & defense policy was concretized by two missions: one, Concordia, conducted in the Republic of Macedonia from April to December 2003, & the other, Artemis, conducted in the Democratic Republic of Congo from June to September 2003. Following the new European security strategy, operation Artemis is the first operation conducted autonomously by the EU. This opens the way for other European interventions with the cooperation of the United Nations. Adapted from the source document.
In: Contemporary security policy, Band 32, Heft 3, S. 567-581
ISSN: 1743-8764
In: European Integration online Papers, Band 14, Heft 8, S. 2010
In: European Integration - Online Papers, Band 14, Heft special issue 1
In: European Integration - Online Papers, Band 14, Heft Article 8
In: European Integration Online Papers, Vol. 14 (2010), Special Issue 1, Art. 8
World Affairs Online
In: International peacekeeping, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 508-525
ISSN: 1743-906X
In: Mediterranean quarterly: a journal of global issues, Band 20, Heft 2, S. 60-76
ISSN: 1527-1935
New hopes for a final settlement in Cyprus have recently been raised because of the high-powered talks between President Demetrios Christofias of the Republic of Cyprus and Turkish-Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat. This essay considers how a reunified Cyprus might deal with the nearly seventy casinos currently in "Northern Cyprus", especially as both sides of Cyprus forbid gambling. The author argues that with Turkey and private investors pouring millions of investment dollars into "Northern Cyprus", the changing economic reality of the occupied area is leading inevitably to a changed political reality.
In: Mandrup , T 2017 , D3.2 The DR. Congo review .
This IECEU project deliverable 3.1, The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Review, assesses the existing literature and academic and policy research on the contemporary security situation in the DRC, as well as the responses to this situation. Deliverable 3.1 therefore functions as a foundation for the analysis in deliverable 3.5. to arrive at a better assessment of the internal and external impact on the EU's CSDP and ESDP missions to the overall security of the DRC. The first EU mission, Operation Artemis, was deployed in the Ituri provincial capital of Bunia in 2003 with the aim of stabilizing a deteriorating security situation. The force was deployed parallel to the existing UN PSO mission in the DRC, and after six months became part of the international community's overall assistance to the country. In 2005 the EU launched both a EUPOL and a EUSEC mission, which were supposed to help train the Congolese police and military institutions as part of the SSR and state-building project initiated after the signing of the two peace agreements. The EUPOL project was ended in 2014, EUSEC in 2016. The EU has therefore been involved in a wide range of post-conflict state-building initiatives as part of larger efforts to address the vast range of causes of conflict in the DRC. As documented in the review, conflict and wars in the DRC go back beyond1996, have had different expressions, been internationalized and linked to regional security dynamics, and exemplify the debate on the role and importance of natural resources in conflict and the impact of international responses to this type of conflict. The security situation in the DRC is better today than it was five years ago, though in North Kivu alone there are still more than twenty non-state armed groups, and the debate over political secession surrounding President Kabila has moved conflict in the country into a new and potentially very dangerous phase. ; This IECEU project deliverable 3.5, The DR Congo Field Trip report, assesses the contributions of the EU CSDP missions Operation Artemis, EUFOR RDC, EUPOL and EUSEC to the overall security of the state of the DR Congo, in particular by taking into consideration the perspectives of mission personnel, representatives of the Congolese authorities, NGOs and other IOs. EU involvement started with the deployment of Artemis in 2003, and the study ends with the closure of EUSEC in July 2016. All EU missions in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have been part of EU support for the transition and implementation of the 2002 Peace Agreement in the country. A key challenge was that the sheer size of the DRC, the lack of infrastructure and the non-permissive environment made it a very difficult and complex undertaking. The Congolese partner has been resistant to reform, and the EU has found it difficult to undertake its SSR (security-sector reform) initiatives successfully. Some informants even called the EU project generally a failure. Applying the methodology of the IECEU project, in particular DL 1.4. and DL 1.5, the success of the mission will be examined by describing the main capabilities deployed. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the mission will be analysed by looking at the attainment of both internal and external goals and their appropriateness. This combines both the findings of the field trip and the conducted interviews, as well as comprehensive desktop research. The findings were tested and refined at an expert round table held in Copenhagen on 31 October 2016 with relevant experts.
In: Mandrup , T 2017 , 3.5 The DR Congo Field Report .
Part of this IECEU project deliverable 3.5, The DR Congo Field Trip report, assesses the contributions of the EU CSDP missions Operation Artemis, EUFOR RDC, EUPOL and EUSEC to the overall security of the state of the DR Congo, in particular by taking into consideration the perspectives of mission personnel, representatives of the Congolese authorities, NGOs and other IOs. EU involvement started with the deployment of Artemis in 2003, and the study ends with the closure of EUSEC in July 2016. All EU missions in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have been part of EU support for the transition and implementation of the 2002 Peace Agreement in the country. A key challenge was that the sheer size of the DRC, the lack of infrastructure and the non-permissive environment made it a very difficult and complex undertaking. The Congolese partner has been resistant to reform, and the EU has found it difficult to undertake its SSR (security-sector reform) initiatives successfully. Some informants even called the EU project generally a failure. Applying the methodology of the IECEU project, in particular DL 1.4. and DL 1.5, the success of the mission will be examined by describing the main capabilities deployed. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the mission will be analysed by looking at the attainment of both internal and external goals and their appropriateness. This combines both the findings of the field trip and the conducted interviews, as well as comprehensive desktop research. The findings were tested and refined at an expert round table held in Copenhagen on 31 October 2016 with relevant experts. ; Case study evaluating EU security management initiatives in DRC
In: Friedensgutachten, S. Friedensgutachten 2004. / Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden ...-Münster ...
ISSN: 0932-7983
World Affairs Online