1299 Ergebnisse
I̧gimtoji teisė
In: Vytauto Didžiajo Universiteto Teologijos-Filosofijos Fakulteto Leidinys [18]
The right to resist and the right of rebellion. ; Teisė priešintis ir teisė sukilti
The right to resist and the right to rebel have again become relevant as legal problems. Their justifications traditionally derive from natural law, human rights, the principle of the lesser evil or of the social contract. Interpretation of the right to resist expresses the tendencies to the law of people, in particular, the right to self-determination, distinguishing national and international understanding, and underscores the special nature of such right. Also, two-level research of the right to resist should be distinguished research of the right to resist – the first is a debate about the nature character and legislative consolidation of this right, partly focused on preventive-limiting its properties, whereas the second one is updated at the time of social upheaval and legal concerns, and it contains not only the evaluation of the events, but sometimes attempts to justify ex post risk of abuse and original post-legitimation of public authorities. An important condition for the existence of the right to resistance is a legitimate aim. This could be called the internal condition, which is provided by those who implement this right. Other condition (which can be called external) and the base of implementation should recognize certain actions, acts or decisions by public authorities – those that violate human rights are illegal and unfair. At the same time, the purpose and result of the right to resistance may be changes in the public authorities, the termination of abuse of authority and violation of human rights by its agents, return to democratic legal regime or change in the constitutional system, aimed at creating a state of law, as well as in some cases, when combined with the right to selfdetermination, – the achievement of independence. The author of the present paper considers that the right to resist is an individual right, a human right. But the author inclines to the idea of the collective nature of the right to resist implementation, but warns against simply counting the number of persons engaged in it. In other words, it does not matter how many people commit acts, but it does matter how many people support them. Considering the modalities of implementing the right to resist, it should be noted that these forms can be active or passive, expressed in actions directly or indirectly. The right of rebellion is an extreme form of the right to resist, which is carried out in case if the non-violent means of resistance are exhausted or proved ineffective. The conditions (and bases) of the right of rebellion are phenomena, such as the following: (1) massive human rights violations by public authorities (quantitative criterion); (2) systematic human rights violations by public authorities (accumulating criterion); or (3) extraordinary human rights violations by public authorities (criterion by serious, explicit and violent nature of the violation). Ambiguous is an issue of the limits of the right of rebellion, its permission and proportion, as well as whether it is possible to develop a mechanism for exercising this right. ; Straipsnyje analizuojamos teisė priešintis ir teisė sukilti (maištauti), apžvelgiant įvairių mokslininkų nuomones apie šių teisių sampratą ir esmę bei pateikiant autoriaus nuomonę šiuo klausimu. Taip pat identifikuojamos šių teisių realizavimo sąlygos, tikslai ir formos. Teisė priešintis gali būti suprantama kaip veiskmai be prievartos ir tiesioginiai prievartos veiksmai, o teisė sukilti laikoma ekstremalia pirmosios teisės išraiškos forma. Kiekvienos šių teisių realizavimui yra nustatytos specialios sąlygos (griežtesnės sukilimui), kaip teisėtas tikslas, masiniai žmogaus teisių pažeidimai ir pan. Šių teisių pripažinimas ir palaikymas jas įgyvendinant yra reikalaujamas iš žmonių ir gali būti reikalaujamas iš tarptautinės bendruomenės.
Globalizacija ir teisė ; Globalization and law
The transition from an industrial to an information society is called a post-industrial or post-traditional period. All transitional periods are characterized by non-compliance, deviations of behaviour, various challenges and the changes of values. These imbalances are highly affected by globalization. Breaking up traditions creates preconditions for new crimes that are related to the latest achievements of science and technology. Globalization takes place in the social sphere and covers the most diverse fields of society's activities. It includes the scope of state and other social structures and their environment. Globalization is intensified by internal communication and other connections around the globe. Law, as a regulator of social life, is influenced by it. Globalization opens up new paths in the development of culture and science. It, however, brings equally difficult challenges. Therefore, many future prospects expected from globalization exclude real risks. In history globalization has manifested itself many times by the creation of empires and social and political systems. Primal forms of globalization can be found in ancient history. Whether it was the more cultural and economical than military invasion of the ancient Greeks to other lands, or the physical and spiritual actions of the Romans that led to collapse of the Roman empire by the barbarians, or the voluntary adoption of Christianity and Buddhism virtually by the whole world – these were all manifestations of globalization. Law as a regulator of social life is directly exposed to the challenges of globalization and must respond to the negative effects of globalization. This article is dedicated to the analysis of such challenges.
Globalizacija ir teisė ; Globalization and law
The transition from an industrial to an information society is called a post-industrial or post-traditional period. All transitional periods are characterized by non-compliance, deviations of behaviour, various challenges and the changes of values. These imbalances are highly affected by globalization. Breaking up traditions creates preconditions for new crimes that are related to the latest achievements of science and technology. Globalization takes place in the social sphere and covers the most diverse fields of society's activities. It includes the scope of state and other social structures and their environment. Globalization is intensified by internal communication and other connections around the globe. Law, as a regulator of social life, is influenced by it. Globalization opens up new paths in the development of culture and science. It, however, brings equally difficult challenges. Therefore, many future prospects expected from globalization exclude real risks. In history globalization has manifested itself many times by the creation of empires and social and political systems. Primal forms of globalization can be found in ancient history. Whether it was the more cultural and economical than military invasion of the ancient Greeks to other lands, or the physical and spiritual actions of the Romans that led to collapse of the Roman empire by the barbarians, or the voluntary adoption of Christianity and Buddhism virtually by the whole world – these were all manifestations of globalization. Law as a regulator of social life is directly exposed to the challenges of globalization and must respond to the negative effects of globalization. This article is dedicated to the analysis of such challenges.
Administracinė teisė: interesų veiksnys įstatymų leidyboje
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama socialinių interesų įtaka administracinės srities įstatymų leidybai. Administracinės teisėdaros kertinis principas yra optimalus asmens ir visuomenės interesų derinimas: tai prielaida kurti socialiniu požiūriu teisingesnę pozityvinę teisę, atitinkančią Konstitucijos preambulėje skelbiamą teisinės valstybės siekį. Teigiama, kad interesų pusiausvyros įtvirtinimas įstatymuose gali keistis priklausomai nuo valstybės ekonominės raidos ypatumų. Nurodomos ir kai kurios subjektyvios priežastys, kodėl interesų derinimas administracinėje teisėje tam tikrais atvejais būna problemiškas. In this article the influence of social interests upon administrative legislation is investigated. The author states that the essential imperative in the creation of administrative law is an optimal coordination of private needs and public interests. This is a precondition to create a fairer – from the social point of view – positive law, corresponding to the striving for a state under the rule of law declared in the Preamble to the Constitution. The article also pointes out some subjective reasons why the coordination of interests in administrative law is sometimes problematic.