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31242 Ergebnisse
In: Routledge rethinking entrepreneurship research
In: Research in the sociology of work volume 15
Entrepreneurship, the creation of new economic entities, is central to the structure and functioning of organizations and economies. New business formation also shapes the nature of social and economic stratification in an economy and may be an important vehicle for social mobility. The papers in this volume explore many of the issues that are central to the study of entrepreneurship today and also break new ground in the field. The papers explore the importance of entrepreneurship, the process by which entrepreneurship occurs, and the way both meaning and process vary with context and opportunity structures.These papers address long-standing controversies in the study of entrepreneurship, and they also identify new, innovative questions and approaches. As a result, both seasoned entrepreneurship researchers and those who are new to the field will find the papers interesting and useful. Research in the Sociology of Work is now available online at ScienceDirect full-text online of volumes 10 onwards.
In: Kohlhammer executive education
Deckblatt -- Titelseite -- Impressum -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Abbildungsverzeichnis -- Tabellenverzeichnis -- 1 Einführung in ausgesuchte Themenfelder des Entrepreneurships -- 1.1 Verortung und Begriffsbestimmung zum Entrepreneurship -- 1.2 Entrepreneurship im internationalen Vergleich -- 1.3 Start-ups vs. große Unternehmen - The Innovator's Dilemma -- 2 Geschäftsmodellentwicklung -- 2.1 Einführung zum Geschäftsmodell - Relevanz, Einordnung und Perspektiven -- 2.2 Das Geschäftsmodell -- 2.2.1 Definitionen -- 2.2.2 Elemente von Geschäftsmodellen -- 2.2.3 Die aktive Suche nach Geschäftsmodellen -- 2.3 Szenariobasierte Geschäftsmodellentwicklung -- Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis.
In: Routledge studies in entrepreneurship 3
In: Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship Ser.
Much research in entrepreneurship presents results as if they are universally and timelessly valid. Entrepreneurship in Context takes the opposite tack -- it studies entrepreneurship as a context bound phenomenon. For entrepreneurship, the importance of context goes beyond gaining understanding and avoiding mistakes. The reciprocal influence exercised by the entrepreneurial venture and its corresponding context is at the very heart of the entrepreneur as an agent of change. The book addresses context in a narrow sense, i.e. a person's life situation and local, situational characteristics. It a
In: Routledge studies in entrepreneurship 3
1. Introduction to "entrepreneurship in context" / Marco van Gelderen, Karen Verduyn, & Enno Masurel -- 2. Some reflections concerning the ethos and ethics of entrepreneurship / Frits Schipper -- 3. Rhythmanalyzing the emergence of the Republic of Tea / Karen Verduyn -- 4. Individualizing entrepreneurship education : putting each student into context / Marco van Gelderen -- 5. Contextualizing entrepreneurship in administered markets : new entrants' stakeholder mobilization and legitimacy generation in Dutch health care / Eveline Stam-Hulsink & Willem Hulsink -- 6. Entrepreneurship for environmentally sustainable design / Bart Bossink -- 7. Reducing food waste : an opportunity for the innovative catering entrepreneur / Gerry Kouwenhoven, Sergej Bulterman, & Vijayender Reddy -- 8. Muslim businesswomen doing boundary work : the negotiation of Islam, gender, and ethnicity within entrepreneurial contexts / Caroline Essers & Yvonne Benschop -- 9. Social capital as networks of networks : the case of a Chinese entrepreneur / Peter Peverelli & Lynda Jiwen Song -- 10. Regions, families, religion : continuity and change in social contexts of entrepreneurship between 1800 and 2000 / Karel Davids -- 11. Contextualizing Chinese Indonesian entrepreneurship / Juliette Koning -- 12. Entrepreneurship, reverse migration, and social change in a comparative perspective / Heidi Dahles -- 13. Mennonite community-based entrepreneurship in Belize, Central America / Carel Roessingh -- 14. Entrepreneurship and culture / Roy Thurik & Marcus Dejardin -- 15. The new Dutch economy : "new and colorful entrepreneurship" / Karima Kourtit & Peter Nijkamp -- 16. Entrepreneurial competences in the creative sector : empirical evidence from Dutch dance teachers / Enno Masurel & Sentini Grunberg -- 17. Entrepreneurship and science-based venturing : the case of vaccine development / Esther Pronker. [et al.].
In: Routledge masters in entrepreneurship
"Drawing on the entrepreneurial ecosystem as a frame of reference, this new edition of Female Entrepreneurship - Women's Entrepreneurship, continues to challenge contemporary assumptions regarding who or what is an entrepreneur. It draws upon relevant literature and research to enable research-led teaching delivery and provides students with a comprehensive understanding of women's entrepreneurship and a solid foundation from which they can pursue further studies. Informative but concise, Women's Entrepreneurship covers key concepts, issues, themes and approaches and provides useful suggested topics for debate. Updates include a revised chapter on Emerging Technologies and Women's Entrepreneurship, which explores digital entrepreneurship and cyberfeminism. Contextualization of Women's Entrepreneurship acknowledges the broader contextual influences on women's entrepreneurship. Finally, two new chapters have been added looking at The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Women's Entrepreneurship Policy. International case studies explore the socio-economic context for women's entrepreneurship in regional, national and international economies. Pedagogy to aid learning is incorporated throughout, including Learning Objectives, boxes to highlight key points, Summaries and Discussion Points, whilst signposts flag relevant podcasts, Ted Talks and online recommended reading. This book is important supplementary reading on entrepreneurship, small business management and women's and gender studies courses - it will prove particularly useful to women moving towards starting their own business as well as postgraduate students researching the topic for the first time"--
In: Ashgate plus series in international relations and politics
1. Unpacking the theoretical boxes of political entrepreneurship / Evangelia Petridou, Inga Narbutaite Aflaki, and Lee Miles -- 2. The networks of political entrepreneurs : a case study of Swiss climate policy / Karin Ingold and Dimitris Christopoulos -- 3. Policy entrepreneurs meeting mediators : a conceptual extension / Elin Wihlborg -- 4. City planners as political entrepreneurs : do they exist; can they exist? / Dimitri Ioannides -- 5. Setting the policy agenda : a policy entrepreneurial perspective on urban development in the Netherlands / Simon Verduijn -- 6. The role of policy entrepreneurs in regional government processes / Michael Bocher -- 7. Political entrepreneurs and institutional change : governability, liberal political culture and the 1992 electoral reform in Israel / Assaf Meydani -- 8. Policy entrepreneurs and morality politics : learning from failure and success / Michael Mintrom -- 9. Regional autonomy and political entrepreneurship / Par M. Olausson -- 10. Political entrepreneurship as painful choices : an examination of Swedish (post)-neutrality security policy / Lee Miles -- 11. How do entrepreneurs make national security policy? A case study of the G.W. Bush administration / Charles-Phillipe David -- 12. Innovators for the public : how norm and social entrepreneurs fulfil the promises of democracy / Lena Partzsch -- 13. The opportunity structures of Cambodian French institutional entrepreneurs : a study of returnees' contributions to transformative change / G.D.M. Wijers -- 14. Political entrepreneurship redux : looking to the future / Inga Narbutaite Aflaki, Evangelia Petridou, and Lee Miles.
We use the entrepreneurial ecosystem perspective to study political entrepreneurship as a form of alignment between disruptive and unproductive entrepreneurs with authorities aiming to get privileged access to resources. Political entrepreneurship (PE) has emerged as a phenomenon in transition and developing economies and may compromise the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) objectives. Combining interview and survey data, this study provides an in-depth assessment of entrepreneurial ecosystems in a transition economy and the role that political entrepreneurs play in moderating the effect of resources on the quality of entrepreneurship. Our findings are generalizable to other transition and developing economies as we demonstrate what various configurations of factors increase stakeholders' perception about EE and directly affect its quality. Our findings reveal that stakeholders appreciate the evolution trends towards mature and productive entrepreneurship, but the progress is slow, nonlinear, with setbacks, still seriously threatened by corruption, lack of competence, and the interference of the political factor as well as regional differences. This study offers implications on how to adopt a place-based and holistic approach to institutional reforms when policymakers aim at creating productive entrepreneurial ecosystems. This study implications are in the adoption of a place-based and holistic approach to institutional reforms when policymakers aim at creating productive entrepreneurial ecosystems. While political entrepreneurship may significantly distort an ecosystem, this study offers recommendations to managers and policymakers who plan to start a business in an environment with weak institutions and the rule of law.
In: Routledge-ISBE masters in entrepreneurship
1. Setting the scene -- 2. The socio-economic context of female entrepreneurship -- 3. Entrepreneurship as gendered -- 4. Feminist methodological approaches -- 5. Family in women-owned businesses and women in family businesses -- 6. Non-financial entrepreneurial capital -- 7. Financing women-owned businesses -- 8. New sites of women's entrepreneurship: high technology entrepreneurship -- 9. Empowerment through entrepreneurship / Haya Al-Dajani and Susan Marlow -- 10. Conclusion : setting research agendas / Susan Marlow.
In: Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence and growth volume 7
With an established body of literature on innovation and corporate entrepreneurship, this volume of Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth turns to some of the leading and most promising scholars in the field to map out where we have been and provide some direction on where scholarship on this topic should proceed in the future. Topics include: a review of theory, research, and practice on corporate entrepreneurship and the behavior of managers; the central problems of managing innovation and corporate entrepreneurship and the central problems of longitudinal research on the topic; the different theoretical lens for investigating corporate entrepreneurship and the resulting research possibilities; a general systems perspective for exploring the relationship among strategy-structure-performance and corporate entrepreneurship; and international corporate entrepreneurship in terms of a knowledge-based source of competitive advantage and implications for a model of human resource management. This volume also continues the discussion of previous volumes with a provocative discussion of how to advance the field of entrepreneurship by Bill Gartner and a commentary and response to work on a signal detection theory approach to entrepreneurship
In: Business Issues, Competition and Entrepreneurship
Intro -- GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP: ANALYSES OF PERFORMANCE AND CHALLENGES -- GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP: ANALYSES OF PERFORMANCE AND CHALLENGES -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND THE UNITED STATES -- 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -- 2. INTRODUCTION -- 2.1. Assessing Entrepreneurship -- 2.2. Stages of Development -- 2.3. Purpose and Structure -- 3. THE GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT INDEX -- 3.1. The Sub-Indexes -- 3.2. The Weighting System -- 4. THE RELATIVE POSITION OF THE UNITED STATES ON THE GEDI -- 5. RELATIVE POSITION OF THE UNITED STATES AT THE PILLAR LEVEL -- 6. THE U.S. POSITION AT THE VARIABLE LEVEL -- 7. PUBLIC POLICY APPROACHES -- CONCLUSIONS -- REFERENCES -- APPENDIX A. DATA CONSTRUCTION -- APPENDIX B. COUNTRY RANKINGS -- End Notes -- Chapter 2 THE IMPACT OF INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION ON SMALL-FIRM EXIT IN U.S. MANUFACTURING -- OVERALL FINDINGS -- Highlights -- Scope and Methodology -- I. INTRODUCTION -- II. LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL MOTIVATION -- III. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS -- IV. STATISTICAL RESULTS -- CONCLUSIONS -- REFERENCES -- End Notes -- Chapter 3 LOOKING AHEAD: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS -- Challenges -- Opportunities -- Research Note -- CHALLENGES -- Strengthening the Overall Economy -- Taxes and Regulation -- Cost and Availability of Health Insurance -- Attracting and Retaining a Quality Workforce -- Global Competition -- OPPORTUNITIES -- Increased Investments in Technology and Innovation -- Economic Gardenin" and Grooming Local Entrepreneurs -- Pursuing New Markets Overseas -- Promoting Business Ownership among Selected Demographic Groups -- Advancing Education and Training -- CONCLUSION -- REFERENCES -- End Notes -- INDEX
The role of resources is pivotal in entrepreneurship for the success of new and small ventures, though most face resource constraints. The book offers multiple perspectives on analysing and understanding the importance of resources in entrepreneurship development. Approaching the subject with both a practice-theory and research-based approach, the contributors analyse topics such as processes and structures in social entrepreneuring; entrepreneurship and equity in crowdfunding; and forming alliances with large firms to overcome resource constraints. The contributors provide evidence, for example, on how business angels can contribute more than finance to small ventures and how the flexibility of resources is important in internationalisation. Students and scholars of entrepreneurship, business and management, and other related subjects will find this book to be of interest. It will also be of use to practitioners in the field looking for practical advice. --