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Employment using information technology – self-employment or employment
In: European Integration Studies, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 198-208
In the study, the authors show that with the spread of informatics, many new forms of work and entrepreneurship which move at the border of enterprise, self-employment and employment have emerged and appeared in the world of work through digital platforms. The study analyzes which of these forms are more entrepreneurial and which are more employment like.
Employment consequences of employment protection legislation
This article surveys the literature and adds to the evidence on the impact of employment protection legislation on employment. While stringent employment protection contributes to less turnover and job reallocation, the effects on aggregate employment and unemployment over the business cycle are more uncertain. Exploitation of partial reforms and the use of micro data in recent research appear not to have affected results regarding employment and unemployment in any systematic way. Labour market prospects of young people and other marginal groups seem to worsen as a consequence of increased stringency of the legislation. It is debatable whether marginal groups have gained much from the widespread policy strategy to liberalize regulations of temporary employment and leave regulations of regular employment intact. My own analysis suggests that increased stringency of regulations for regular work is associated with a higher incidence of involuntary temporary employment, particularly among the young.
Employment Consequences of Employment Protection Legislation
This article surveys the literature and adds to the evidence on the impact of employment protection legislation on employment. While stringent employment protection contributes to less turnover and job reallocation, the effects on aggregate employment and unemployment over the business cycle are more uncertain. Exploitation of partial reforms and the use of micro data in recent research appear not to have affected results regarding employment and unemployment in any systematic way. Labour market prospects of young people and other marginal groups seem to worsen as a consequence of increased stringency of the legislation. It is debatable whether marginal groups have gained much from the widespread policy strategy to liberalize regulations of temporary employment and leave regulations of regular employment intact. My own analysis suggests that increased stringency of regulations for regular work is associated with a higher incidence of involuntary temporary employment, particularly among the young.
In: International labour review, Band 40, S. 536-540
ISSN: 0020-7780
In: International labour review, Band 34, S. 387-390
ISSN: 0020-7780
Quality of employment and employment protection. Effects of employment protection on temporary and permanent employment
The paper analyses the impact of employment protection legislation for permanent and temporary workers on total employment, permanent and temporary employment. Using panel data techniques, we investigate whether the level and the changes in employment protection for permanent and temporary workers affect the dynamics of total salaried employment, permanent employment, and temporary employment. The results of this paper contribute to a better understanding of the determinants of the evolution of employment and of the determinants of the quality of employment. ; Ministerio de Economia y Competitividal/Grant No. : RT120018-099225-B-100
General level of employment; Non-agricultural employment; Employment in manufacturing [in various countries]
In: International labour review, Band 90, S. 42-51
ISSN: 0020-7780
General level of employment; Non-agricultural employment; Employment in manufacturing [in various countries]
In: International labour review, Band 86, S. 35-44
ISSN: 0020-7780