In: M.C. Mariani, I. Florescu, M.P. Beccar Varela, E. Ncheuguim, Study of memory effects in international market indices, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 389, Issue 8, 15 April 2010, Pages 1653-1664, ISSN 0378-4371
Larvicidas derivados de plantas têm sido indicados como estratégias biodegradáveis e de baixo custo para o controle do mosquito Aedes aegypti, transmissor da dengue, zika, chikungunya e febre amarela. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito dos extratos aquosos, etanólicos e hidroalcóolicos produzidos a partir do barbatimão (Stryphnodendron polyphyllum Mart.) como método alternativo no controle de larvas de Aedes aegypti bem como o potencial citotóxico e genotóxico. O material vegetal foi coletado em diferentes plantas na cidade de Bocaiúva-MG e os extratos a serem avaliados foram produzidos nas concentrações de 100, 75, 50, 25, 12,5% para extratos aquosos e 7200, 3600, 1800, 900, 700, 600, 400 e 200 ppm para extratos etanólicos e hidroalcóolicos. A toxicidade em organismos não-alvo foi avaliada por meio de ensaios com Artemia salina e Allium cepa. Testes fitoquímicos preliminares foram realizados para a caracterização dos metabólitos secundários foliares. Nos ensaios com A. salina, o extrato aquoso foliar (EAF) causou 100% de mortalidade das larvas nas primeiras 24 h em 3 das 4 doses testadas, já o extrato etanólico foliar (EEF), as concentrações letais foram CL50 ≥3094 ppm e CL90 ≥45156 ppm, enquanto para o extrato hidroalcoólico foliar (EHF), CL50≥1992 ppm e CL90≥37067 ppm. Os testes fitoquímicos preliminares indicaram forte presença de flavonoides, saponinas, taninos e moderada de alcaloides nas folhas. O EAF demonstrou 100% de mortalidade das larvas de Aedes aegypti em 48 h, enquanto os ensaios com Allium cepa evidenciaram citotoxicidade, mas sem genotoxicidade. Os extratos de S. polyphyllum apresentam-se como promissores larvicidas, embora sejam necessários mais estudos sobre sua toxicidade para organismos não-alvo. Palavras-chave: Extratos Vegetais. Cerrado. Índice Mitótico. Artemia salina. Fitoquímica.
Abstract Plant-derived larvicides have been indicated as biodegradable and low-cost strategies for controlling the mosquito Aedes aegypti, the vector of dengue, Zika, chikungunya, and yellow fever. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of aqueous, ethanolic, and hydroalcoholic extracts produced from barbatimão (Stryphnodendron polyphyllum Mart.) as an alternative method for controlling Aedes aegypti larvae, as well as their cytotoxic and genotoxic potential. Plant material was collected from various plants in the city of Bocaiúva, MG, and the extracts to be evaluated were produced at concentrations of 100, 75, 50, 25, and 12.5% for aqueous extracts, and 7200, 3600, 1800, 900, 700, 600, 400, and 200 ppm for ethanolic and hydroalcoholic extracts. Toxicity in non-target organisms was assessed using Artemia salina and Allium cepa assays. Preliminary phytochemical tests were conducted to characterize the secondary metabolites in the leaves. In the A. salina assays, the aqueous leaf extract (ALE) caused 100% mortality of the larvae within the first 24 hours at 3 of the 4 doses tested. The lethal concentrations for the ethanolic leaf extract (ELE) were CL50 ≥3094 ppm and CL90 ≥45156 ppm, while for the hydroalcoholic leaf extract (HLE), CL50 ≥1992 ppm and CL90 ≥37067 ppm. Preliminary phytochemical tests indicated a strong presence of flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and moderate amounts of alkaloids in the leaves. The ALE demonstrated 100% mortality of Aedes aegypti larvae within 48 hours, while the Allium cepa assays showed cytotoxicity but no genotoxicity. Thus, S. polyphyllum extracts show promise as larvicides, although further studies are needed to evaluate their toxicity to non-target organisms. Keywords: Vegetable Extracts. Scrubland. Mitotic index. Artemia salina. Phytochemical.
The report consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 covers global policy development with an emphasis on climate change. It discusses the historical trend where CCUS first started as a measure to boost oil production in the time of an oil crisis and is now being increasingly promoted as a measure to tackle climate change issues. It also covers the trend in increasing investment by governments as CCUS is often promoted as an economic development vehicle. Chapter 2 discusses the technologies required for CCUS for each segment: the separation and capture of CO2, transport, utilisation, and storage. It introduces and explains the technical outline and discusses their application in ASEAN and the East Asia region. Chapter 2 reveals that most technologies involved in CCUS are proven and can be applied to ASEAN and East Asia even though consideration must be made to account for the long-time storage of CO2 if CCUS is implemented as part of a carbon credit scheme. It also covers new technologies that have attracted attention, such as direct air capture which removes CO2 from the atmosphere, leading to negative emissions. Chapter 3 describes business model case studies of some early-start projects with a focus on the hub and cluster model. It introduces the advantages of such a business model and some of the pre-existing conditions that have contributed to the early-start projects. It also discusses its development potential in ASEAN and East Asia. Chapter 4 explores the view towards creating a regional CCUS network in ASEAN and East Asia and its expected function for further promoting CCUS development in the region. It introduces discussions held at the CCUS panel session at the 3rd EAEF by key stakeholders comprising representatives from ASEAN governments, academia, multilateral development banks, the private sector, international organisations, and financial institutions, and the outputs referring to the need for a regional platform to further facilitate regional collaboration and capacity building to develop a workable CCUS business case in ASEAN.
Máster Internacional en GESTIÓN PESQUERA SOSTENIBLE (4ª edición: 2011-2013) ; Lors de la dernière décennie et dans l'objectif de l'augmentation de la production halieutique et la création de l'emploie, différentes mesures incitatives moyennant des subventions de l'état, ont été entreprises par le gouvernement à travers différents plans de développement des activités de la pêche qui ont conduit, certes à l'augmentation et la modernisation de la flottille de pêche et la création de plusieurs postes d'emplois en amont et en aval de l'activité. En revanche, cette augmentation de la pression de pêche n'a pas été suivie par une maximisation de la production comme prévu. En effet, les captures sont en diminution et des signes de surexploitation des stocks de plusieurs espèces sont évidents, en particulier la sardine dont les captures ont enregistré une baisse dramatique soit à l'échelle nationale ou au niveau de la baie de Bou-Ismail. Cette situation, appelle à une intervention d'urgence et l'élaboration de plans d'aménagement pour éviter des effets plus graves et irréversible comme l'effondrement des stocks. Dans cette étude, qui se veut une petite contribution pour établir un état des lieux de la situation qui prévaut au sein des pêcheries algériennes, une analyse de l'impact de la pêche est traitée d'un point de vu écosystémique, dans la perspective de l'implantation d'une gestion basé sur l'approche écosystémique des pêches (AEP). Pour ce faire, une série d'indicateurs trophiques sont utilisé à savoir, le rapport entre les débarquements des poissons pélagiques et ceux des poissons démersaux (P/D), l'indice trophique marin des captures totales (MTI) et des captures des espèces de niveaux trophiques (TLs) moyens ou élevés (TL>3.25) (cutMTI) et l'indice de la pêche en équilibre (FiB). L'analyse a montré que ce soit au niveau national qu'à l'échelle de la baie, que les écosystèmes sont excessivement exploités et altérés par la surexploitation et probablement l'eutrophisation. Cette situation a été mise en évidence particulièrement, par la baisse du niveau trophique moyen des captures synonyme d'une pêche vers le bas de la chaine trophiques ou "Fishing Down Marine Food Web" (FDMW). ; Durante la última década, con el objetivo de incrementar la producción pesquera y la creación de trabajos, varios incentivos mediante subvenciones del Estado, se han llevado a cabo por el gobierno a través de varios planes de desarrollo de la actividad pesquera que condujeron por cierto, a un aumento y modernización de la flota pesquera y la creación de varios puestos de trabajo directos y indirectos. Sin embargo, este aumento de la presión de la pesca no ha sido seguido por la maximización de producción como previsto. En efecto, las capturas están disminuyendo y los signos de sobreexplotación de algunos stocks son evidentes principalmente los de la sardina cuyas capturas mostró una dramática caída a nivel nacional o en la Bahía de Bou-Ismail. Esta situación requiere una intervención urgente y el desarrollo de planes de gestión para evitar efectos más graves y irreversibles como el colapso. En este estudio, que pretende ser una pequeña contribución para establecer un inventario de la situación de las pesquerías de Argelia, un análisis del impacto de la pesca es tratado de un punto de vista ecosistémico en perspectiva de la implementación de una gestión basada en el enfoque ecosistémico de la pesca (EEP). Para ello, se utiliza una serie de indicadores tróficos a saber, la relación entre los desembarcos de peces pelágicos y los de demersales (P/D), el índice trófico marino de la captura total (MTI) y de las capturas de especies de medianos o altos niveles tróficos (TLs) (TL> 3,25) (cutMTI) y el índice de la pesca en equilibrio (FiB). El análisis ha mostrado que a nivel nacional o de la bahía, que los ecosistemas son excesivamente explotados y alterados por la sobreexplotación y posiblemente, la eutrofización. Esto se ha evidenciado particularmente por la disminución de nivel trófico medio de las capturas sinónimo de pesca hacia debajo de la cadena trófica o "Fishing Down Marine Food Web" (FDMW). ; During the last decade, with the aim of increasing fish production and the creation of employs, various incentives through government subsidies state, have been undertaken by the government through various development fishing activities plans that led certainly to increase and modernization of the fishing fleet and the creation of more employment. However, this increase in fishing pressure has not been followed by maximizing production set as goal. Indeed, catches are declining and signs of overexploitation of several stock are evident mainly sardine which catches showed a dramatic drop either national scale or at the Bay of Bou-Ismail. This situation calls for urgent intervention and the development of management plans to avoid more serious and irreversible effects as stocks collapses. In this study, which is intended as a little contribution to establish an overview of the situation in the Algerian fisheries, an analysis of the impact of fishing is treated in an ecosystem point of view in the perspective of implementing a management based on the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). To do this, a series of trophic indicators were used namely, the relationship between the landings of pelagic and demersal fishes (P/D), the Marine Trophic Index of the total catch (MTI) and catches of medium or high trophic level (TLs) species (TL> 3.25) (cutMTI) and the index of Fishing in Balance (FiB). The analysis showed that at national level or at the bay, ecosystems are excessively exploited and altered by overexploitation and presumably eutrophication. This has been evidenced particularly by the decline in trophic level of catches indicating the Fishing Down Marine Food Web (FDMW).