In: Springer Texts in Business and Economics; Foundations of Digital Government, S. 119-135
827558 Ergebnisse
In: Springer Texts in Business and Economics; Foundations of Digital Government, S. 119-135
In: Journal of e-government, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 113-125
ISSN: 1542-4057
Information technology has changed the way people practice their everyday activities. In this article, the application of IT for election is discussed. The requirements of e-voting systems are described and experiences of achieving e-voting in small scales are explained. Finally, the results are analyzed and a conclusion is made. Adapted from the source document. COPIES ARE AVAILABLE FROM: HAWORTH DOCUMENT DELIVERY CENTER, The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580
The problem of traditional-voting-system is time-consuming and security. This paper is with the devel- opment of an online voting system that is advance from the traditional voting system. We use an online voting system to promote awareness and make the election more comforta- ble and more secure by using people Aadhaar card that is stored in the government database. People can log in with their id and linked mobile numbers to participate in voting and choose their favorite candidates to cast vote. This will motivate people to participate in an election without going to the election center.
In: Journal of E-Government, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 113-125
In: Trames: a journal of the humanities and social sciences, Band 6, Heft 3, S. 234
ISSN: 1736-7514
Democracy is an important matter in most modern societies. One of the most importantActivities within a democracy is the election of representatives. It is also a very delicate processThat is the subject of various disturbances, such as inactive citizens, attempts of fraud etc. The purpose of this document is to describe the behavior of an E-Election App System, named E-Voting System (EVS). This system provides an online tool for the clients to vote. In this system there will be two main pages to be able to access: Admin page and Voting Page. From the Admin page administrator will be able to design the voting application. From the Voting page clients will be able to open their election pages and vote for the candidates. According to the login credentials, system will determine if the user is Administrator or the user and open the pages given access to the user credentials. During this tool's design Parlier Crypto Web Services was used.
Advances in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) have impacted the society in many ways. Be it education, healthcare, media or governance, the transformation is visible. As individual entities like education or healthcare systems have already implemented ICT to certain extent, e-governance is yet to make a significant progress even though several initiatives are undertaken. E-governance means activities like voting, administration, financial transaction etc., are enabled using automation systems. This paper discusses one part of the e-governance; e-voting. As evoting empowers government, there are lot of challenges in implementing the e-voting system considering security threats and confidentiality involved in it. Online voting (e-voting) needs to be deployed as more convenient, relatively secure and less resource consuming system. E-voting system should ensure convenience for people to be able to access the system from personal or public computer with security and confidentiality. The presence of e-voting system with all the necessary security measures and convenience can be a potential solution for low voter turnout at the polls. The presented work demonstrates an online e-voting prototype system called SecureV. The proposed model achieves specific tasks namely, maintaining the anonymity of the voter, encryption of the vote, integrity check and avoids second time voting.
Voting may seem like simple activity – cast ballots, then count them. Complexity arises, however, because voters must be registered,and votes must be recorded in secrecy, transferred securely and counted accurately. Votes can be lost at every stage of the process. Two simpleproblems are to blame, first registration database error and second poor design of system (ballot or machine). In case of Indian election,electronic voting machine like DRE is used from 2004 election. This machine has its own merits & demerits. Voter cast their vote by going tothe polling booth, where he or she has to press one button next to the candidate. But the voters which are 1000 and more kilometer away fromtheir constituency relay on slow postal system. So can we send our vote to particular EVM (booth) in particular constituency by using internet?This is the main theme of this paper Keyword:. Internet voting, e-voting, Global e-voting, local e-voting, multimodal e-voting, E-VS, Security
In: Leviathan: Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 147-155
ISSN: 0340-0425
World Affairs Online
Blockchain as a distributed system that confirms security and reliability have started a new era of a solid and consensus system.Blockchains focus on cryptocurrency is encouraging many other processes to follow the same reliable approach of security.Almost all procedures and operations are now invited to be electronically performed in the digital Ethereum network that has been presented. Moreover, this study proposed the use of an Ethereum network on a blockchain platform in the study when it was moved to a blockchain network to confirm transparency.An E-voting system sample has been tested by using an Ethereum network smart contracts inwhich solidity language and wallets were used. In the voting test, the Ethereum blockchain will be able to collect records in which voters can use their Ethereum wallets or android devices to submit their votes in a consensus node.The researchers studied the voting system taking Jordan as a case study.This study recommended the adaptation of e-voting to support transparency and voters trust to reduce corruption and unreliability in the voting processes. Moreover, the use of this system will allow a voter to vote from home in the time of the pandemic.
In: Zeitschrift für Hochschulrecht, Hochschulmanagement und Hochschulpolitik: zfhr ; das Fachmagazin für Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Privatuniversitäten und postsekundäre Bildungseinrichtungen, Band 9, Heft 3, S. 96-96
ISSN: 1613-7655
Security of e-projecting a surveying structure systems does not just depend on the democratic protocol1 or the software used yet concerns the whole system with every one of its components. To guarantee security a widely inclusive methodology, which considers all pieces of an especially complex system, ought to be chosen. The security of an election system can't be ensured unless every single element and its security related characteristics, interfaces to other elements, and their effect on the whole system are examined. This paper presents the E-Voting System Security Optimization method, which is based on such a methodology and was developed to evaluate the security of e-projecting a voting structure systems. This method brings up security defects, shows security advancement potential, and can be used to compare different election systems. The methodology differs from other approaches to the extent that it uses a comprehensive methodology, visualizes the security circumstance of an e-projecting a surveying structure system clearly, and shows its potential for improvement.
World Affairs Online
In: Leviathan: Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 147-155
ISSN: 1861-8588
International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Computer Engineering and Science (ICATCES'18), May 11-13, 2018 Safranbolu, Turkey ; As an instrument of democracy, voting is a critical issue. Although paper-based voting systems are still used commonly, e-voting systems have started to substitute under favor of improvements in the technology. This situation gives rise to need for secure, reliable, and transparent e-voting systems to make people trust. To do this, there are some security requirements that should be concerned and satisfied such as privacy, fairness, verifiability etc. This study has an educational intuition that analyzes those requirements, theoretical background information related to cryptographic schemes behind them and creates a place-based e-voting design which was implemented for kiosk voting. As a contribution, Paillier homomorphic cryptosystem is used in our system. Moreover, our study includes a detailed criticism for the implemented system in terms of chosen cryptosystems and design modules with security and e-voting requirements. ; 114 ; 119