Digitalization is a fundamental disruptive force triggered by FourthIndustrial Revolution and Internet of Things, which has changed theway we approach and think about business processes and activities.In this increasingly digital age, relationships between organizations(i.e. companies, governmental agencies, and others) and customersare being reshaped and new business models are being invented. Today,companies across industries need agility, speed, flexibility, andthe ability to pivot rapidly to pursue new business opportunities andkeep up with a fast-changing global business environment. Digitalizationemphasizes the importance of placing advanced technology atthe heart of all processes, products, and services. However, much ofthe promised value of digitalization for business and society has notyet been fully realized. Academia will play a vital role in developingthe required knowledge and skills at the individual, company, andsocial levels. LTU can contribute to digital transformation by upgradingteaching and research so that students and researchers learn,understand, and apply digitalization for business development, innovationmanagement, and social value creation.