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150309 Ergebnisse
In: Globalization and Community v.23
In: Globalization and Community Ser. v.23
In the center of Mumbai, next to the city's newest and most expensive commercial developments, lies one of Asia's largest slums, where as many as one million squatters live in makeshift housing on one square mile of government land. This is the notorious Dharavi district, best known from the movie Slumdog Millionaire. In recent years, cities from Delhi to Rio de Janeiro have demolished similar slums, at times violently evicting their residents, to make way for development. But Dharavi and its residents have endured for a century, holding on to what is now some of Mumbai's most valuable land. I
In: Terrorism, Hot Spots and Conflict-Related Issues
MUMBAI, INDIA AND TERRORISM -- MUMBAI, INDIA AND TERRORISM -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 TERRORIST ATTACKS IN MUMBAI, INDIA, AND IMPLICATIONS FOR U.S. INTERESTS -- Summary -- Introduction -- Attack Overview -- U.S. Response -- Suspected/Accused Culprits -- Lashkar-e-Taiba -- Suspected Links with Pakistan's State Apparatus -- Indigenous Indian Suspects -- Possible Motives -- Background -- Domestic Indian Terrorism -- India-Pakistan Tensions -- The Kashmir Issue -- Implications for India-Pakistan Relations -- New Delhi's Response -- Islamabad's Response -- Outlook for Bilateral Relations
In: Cities and the urban imperative
In: Strategic comments: in depth analysis of strategic issues from the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Band 12, Heft 6, S. 1-2
ISSN: 1356-7888
In: Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance in Emerging Markets, S. 181-189
In: Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance in Emerging Markets, S. 145-180
In: Gender, place and culture: a journal of feminist geography, Band 27, Heft 7, S. 1063-1067
ISSN: 1360-0524
In: Environment and planning. C, Politics and space, Band 42, Heft 5, S. 866-880
ISSN: 2399-6552
This paper theorizes the transformative potential of women's night-time leisure in Mumbai's urban areas. To this end, I draw on instances from qualitative field-based research focused on Mumbai's call centers and surrounding areas of informal urban activity. For women working night shifts in this sector, leisure activities occur with the help of informal vendors who run food stalls on streets around call centers. These times and space of leisure, I argue, disrupt capitalist and caste-based patriarchal systems. I analyze such leisure as a "limen" (cf. Lugones, 2003 ), a form of liminality that disrupts systems of production and reproduction that constitute the everyday (cf. Lefebvre, 1991 ). I elaborate on the temporal attributes of the limen to show how it goes against the grain of "efficiency" that otherwise shapes women's routines. The fluid spatial nature of women's night-time leisure helps rework dichotomous understandings of the public and private realm, demonstrating possibilities for intimate interactions within the public domain. The limen and intimate interactions therein often occur between food vendors and women working night shifts, revealing an intersubjective dynamic that ephemerally disrupts societal hierarchies. As such, the limen reworks and challenges existing structures, and in doing so, holds significance for envisioning a politics of change.
In: Policing and Society, vol 21:4; pp. 420-431 (2011)
In: Policing and society: an international journal of research and policy, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 420-431
ISSN: 1477-2728
In: The world today, Band 65, Heft 1, S. 11-12
ISSN: 0043-9134