Demographic factors and savings
In: Contributions to economic analysis 22
13106 Ergebnisse
In: Contributions to economic analysis 22
In: Revue économique, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 171
ISSN: 1950-6694
In: Social research: an international quarterly, Band 67, Heft 2, S. 599-620
ISSN: 0037-783X
The Remapping Asia project, to which this paper is a contribution, investigates broad spatial changes in the ways that East Asia's political and social life are organized and economies operate. Such changes are attributable to planned action of governments, firms, and other organized groups and to the unorganized but in some measure predictable behavior of myriad families and individuals. The project's particular interest is in processes of regionalization-both through the deliberate construction of political institutions and through the largely unplanned emergence of regional affiliations and identities. Demographic factors play a potentially significant part both in promoting and in impeding regional integration. Such factors include the existing population size relativities; the uneven onset, pace, and outcomes of demographic transition across the region, affecting population growth and age structure; the rapid urbanization that is underway and the emergence of urban-industrial corridors; and the rapid expansion of numbers of middle-class consumers coinciding with the persistence and sometimes strengthening of cultural identity, creating a complex layering of values and affiliations. These factors are explored from a comparative perspective, contrasting East Asia with other major world regions. Particular attention is paid to demographic aspects of the changing China-Japan relationship, a fundamental dynamic in the region, and to the tension between economy and culture as principles of regional organization.
The subject of the article is to analyze the changes in the grid of municipalities in the Russian Federation during the reform of local government under the influence of demographic factors. The research based on a systems approach to the investigation of the regions where there is interaction between demographic and government subsystem. The main research method was to analyze the legislation and regional statistics. Detailed analysis of the demographic situation in the Kirov Oblast, the impact of natural and the migration decrease on change in the territorial organization of local self-government in the region are analyzed. The prospects of development of the municipal division under the influence of population are defined. It is concluded that in the present time, the grid municipalities in depopulated regions of Russia are not stable and will continue to vary according to the dynamics of population. © 2015 The Journal of Economic Theory.
The subject of the article is to analyze the changes in the grid of municipalities in the Russian Federation during the reform of local government under the influence of demographic factors. The research based on a systems approach to the investigation of the regions where there is interaction between demographic and government subsystem. The main research method was to analyze the legislation and regional statistics. Detailed analysis of the demographic situation in the Kirov Oblast, the impact of natural and the migration decrease on change in the territorial organization of local self-government in the region are analyzed. The prospects of development of the municipal division under the influence of population are defined. It is concluded that in the present time, the grid municipalities in depopulated regions of Russia are not stable and will continue to vary according to the dynamics of population.
Life satisfaction is increasingly recognized as a significant dimension ofwellbeing. Thus the main b of the objective study will be to explore theassociation among income, family composition, health, and religion overlife satisfaction. In this effort, correlates of the life satisfaction for theSAARC countries Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh analyzed. Micro datafrom the World Values Survey (WVS) fourth wave (1999 to 2004) forPakistan, India and Bangladesh was utilized comprising a wide range ofinformation on political, social and cultural values of countries. Themultinomial logistic regression was employed to examine the effects ofvarious socioeconomic and demographic factors on life satisfaction.Health, income, shows significant positive factor in determining lifesatisfaction, however financial satisfaction is overpowered by religiousfaith especially in India and Pakistan. Employment had a positive impacton individual's satisfaction in Pakistan and India. Gender, education hasinsignificant impact on life satisfaction in three countries. Age hasinsignificant effect on life satisfaction in Pakistan, while showsinsignificant impact in India and Bangladesh. Preferences for democracyare associated with life satisfaction in India and Bangladesh.
In: Ukrainian society, Band 2012, Heft 3, S. 133-144
ISSN: 2518-735X
The article examines the socio-demographic characteristics of the rural population in the context of identifying factors of fight against rural poverty. Based on empirical analysis is proven that the increase of the educational level of rural population is the most effective method for fighting rural poverty.
This factor has a positive impact not only directly but also indirectly through the increase of social adaptability, self-confidence, increase of productive self employment, etc.
In: Economic Transition in China; Series on Chinese Economics Research, S. 357-393
In: CDC series on population and development 7
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: The Journal of social psychology, Band 76, Heft 2, S. 277-280
ISSN: 1940-1183
In: Central European economic journal, Band 10, Heft 57, S. 237-253
ISSN: 2543-6821
The main objective of the presented research is to verify the influence of demographic factors on retail customers' bank selection criteria in Poland. We compiled descriptive and inferential statistics and did factor analysis using Principal Component Analysis. Our dataset is based on a sample of 515 questionnaires that were gathered in the first quarter of 2022. The results proved that there are significant differences among various groups of respondents and their bank selection criteria. The highest number of differences appear in the case of demographic factors of age, and then income and gender. In general, the most important factors are the cost of service and mobile and online banking. The study has direct implications for all types of banks that operate in developing markets, especially in East-Central Europe, as having this knowledge can help to appropriately target customers using bank selection criteria that are valued by different groups of customers.
In: Stanovništvo: Population = Naselenie, Band 49, Heft 2, S. 91-113
ISSN: 2217-3986
The emergence of risky behavior is characteristic in adolescence. Of all
forms of risky behavior in adolescence, the use of psychoactive substances -
cigarettes, alcohol and illegal psychoactive substances particularly stand
out, because of the frequency and degree of prevalence of use, and because of
the impact that they have on youth development in this sensitive stage of
growing up. Unfortunately, today we are witnessing the fact that such
behavior in adolescents has gained an increasingly epidemic character mainly
due to the characteristics of the social context in which young people are
growing up. The main objective of this research, conducted in the framework
of the doctoral dissertation of the author, was determining relations between
relevant sociodemographic factors: gender, age, school success, financial
status and place of residence of respondents, with the appearance and
intensity of use of three types of psychoactive substances - cigarettes,
alcohol and illegal psychoactive substances among the general population of
adolescents. The sample represents non-clinical young population, and it
consists of 529 adolescents, students of the 2nd and 4th class of secondary
school (17 and 18 years old). The data was collected by using Scale use of
PAS (psychoactive substances) in adolescents, which was designed for the
purpose of this research, as well as using a set of questions intended for
the registration of socio-demographic variables. Respondents filled in
questionnaires in groups, during the school lessons. The data show a
relationship between the three studied socio-demographic variables with the
occurrence and degree of use of psychoactive substances in the adolescence
period, such as gender, age and school success of the respondents. As regards
gender of respondents associated with the occurrence and degree of alcohol
and illegal substance use in adolescents, male adolescents more likely use
alcohol and illegal psychoactive substances. Age of respondents associated
with the use of all three types of psychoactive substances in adolescence,
found that older adolescents were more likely to use cigarettes, alcohol and
illegal psychoactive substances. School success of the respondents is
associated with the occurrence and degree of use of all three tested
categories of psychoactive substances - cigarettes, alcohol and drugs, and
the obtained findings indicate that with the decline in school success, the
prevalence of all three types of psychoactive substances increases in
adolescence. Besides the theoretical significance, the applicability of the
findings is reflected in the field of primary prevention and health
protection of youth.
In: Journal of Inter-American Studies, Band 5, Heft 4, S. 533-543
ISSN: 2326-4047
The purpose of this paper is to examine public discussion in Central America of its rate of population growth, and to consider the related question of international migration into the region. These will then be considered within the setting of the problem of economic integration in Central America.The first of the published discussions to be considered is the writer's Reporte preliminar: Necesidades y recursos de El Salvador relacionados a diferentes tasas de crecimiento de población, published in San Salvador in 1956, and which will be hereafter cited as the 1956 Progress Report. The second is a study prepared under the auspices of the Economic Commission for Latin America of the United Nations on Los recursos humanos de Centroamérica, Panamá y México en 1950-1980 y sus relaciones con algunos aspectos del desarrollo económico. The third is a paper entitled La población salvadoreña, presented to the Primer Seminario Latino-Americano de Planificación de Familia in New York (June 4 to 15, 1962) by Drs. Roberto Pacheco and José Francisco Molina.