In: Sozialismus - Theorie und Praxis: STP ; Digest der Sowjetpresse, Reden und Schriften sowjetischer Partei- und Staatsfunktionäre, Dokumente der KPdSU, Pressebeiträge, Neuerscheinungen in Auszügen, Übersichten und Rezensionen, Band 8, S. 24-31
ISSN: 0201-4319, 0132-1455
Einheitliche Gesetzmäßigkeiten und Prinzipien in der Gesellschaftsstruktur des Sozialismus sowie Ausprägungen und Ursachen von Deformationen. Ideologische Abhandlungen aus sowjetisch-realsozialistischer Sicht. BIOst/Hat
As part of the Metalworking Processes and Equipment Program, information was collected on deformation characteristics of metals and their effect on processing operations. The report presents the information collected from technical engineering reports on Government contracts and from general engineering and metallurgical publications. The objective is to help the nonspecialist in recognizing the implications of scientific findings and in applying them in specific operations. This report contains a series of articles covering the following subjects: Ductile Fracture; Application of High Pressure to the Forming of Brittle Metals; Superplasticity; Lubrication in Metal-Deformation Processes; Swaging; Adiabatic Conditions in Deformation Processing; Residual Stresses produced by Deformation. These subjects are treated in two ways: (1) generalized discussions of common processes point out why specific variables must be modified in order to deform certain types of metals satisfactorily; and (2) data on the more difficult-to-form metals are used to illustrate the principles, limitations, and effects of the processes. (Author). ; Research supported by the Technology Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. ; "June 10, 1967." ; Includes bibliographical references. ; As part of the Metalworking Processes and Equipment Program, information was collected on deformation characteristics of metals and their effect on processing operations. The report presents the information collected from technical engineering reports on Government contracts and from general engineering and metallurgical publications. The objective is to help the nonspecialist in recognizing the implications of scientific findings and in applying them in specific operations. This report contains a series of articles covering the following subjects: Ductile Fracture; Application of High Pressure to the Forming of Brittle Metals; Superplasticity; Lubrication in Metal-Deformation Processes; Swaging; Adiabatic Conditions in Deformation Processing; Residual Stresses produced by Deformation. These subjects are treated in two ways: (1) generalized discussions of common processes point out why specific variables must be modified in order to deform certain types of metals satisfactorily; and (2) data on the more difficult-to-form metals are used to illustrate the principles, limitations, and effects of the processes. (Author). ; Mode of access: Internet.
As part of the Metalworking Process and Equipment Program, a survey was conducted to collect and summarize information on deformation characteristics of metals and their effect on processing operations. This report presents information obtained from reports on Governmentsponsored work and from articles in technical publications. The report covers eight subjects: extrusion, forging, rolling, thermal mechanical variables affecting the properties of refractory metals and alloys, development of preferred orientations, anisotropy of strength and ductility, high-strain-rate deformation, and strain aging. In order to be useful to engineering students and production engineers the topics are treated in two ways. Generalized discussions of common processes point out why specific variables must be modified in order to deform certain types of metals satisfactorily. When practical, data on the more-difficultto-form metals are used to illustrate the principles, limitations, and effects of the processes. The objective is to help the non-specialist recognize the implications of specific findings and to apply them to specific operations. (Author). ; Research supported by the Technology Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. ; "August 14, 1964." ; Includes bibliographical references (pages 124-126). ; As part of the Metalworking Process and Equipment Program, a survey was conducted to collect and summarize information on deformation characteristics of metals and their effect on processing operations. This report presents information obtained from reports on Governmentsponsored work and from articles in technical publications. The report covers eight subjects: extrusion, forging, rolling, thermal mechanical variables affecting the properties of refractory metals and alloys, development of preferred orientations, anisotropy of strength and ductility, high-strain-rate deformation, and strain aging. In order to be useful to engineering students and production engineers the topics are treated in two ways. Generalized discussions of common processes point out why specific variables must be modified in order to deform certain types of metals satisfactorily. When practical, data on the more-difficultto-form metals are used to illustrate the principles, limitations, and effects of the processes. The objective is to help the non-specialist recognize the implications of specific findings and to apply them to specific operations. (Author). ; Mode of access: Internet.
We describe a construction of a star-product on a quantizable symplectic manifold (M, ധ) using a complex polarization F on M. In an effort to generalize this deformation method, we introduce the concept of a complex polarization on a regular Poisson manifold (M, Δ) which can be used to produce a tangential star-product on M.
Die postfordistische Produktionsweise ruft, so der Verfasser, eine paradoxe Situation hervor: Verrichten Arbeitskräfte gering qualifizierte, körperlich belastende, repetitive Arbeitstätigkeiten, dann sind sie zwar im Allgemeinen gegen Arbeitssucht resistent, müssen dafür aber die gesundheitsbeeinträchtigenden Folgen von körperlicher Schwerarbeit, einseitigen Belastungen der Muskulatur und des Bewegungsapparats, Lärm, Staub, Schmutz und extremen Temperaturschwankungen in Kauf nehmen. Verfügen die Beschäftigten dagegen über hohe Qualifikationen und günstige ergonomische Arbeitsbedingungen, dann laufen sie Gefahr, psychisch von ihrer Arbeit absorbiert und damit ein Opfer von Workaholismus zu werden. Wie dieses Problem in den Beziehungen zwischen Kapital und Arbeit politisiert werden kann, ist bisher unklar. Ob es der Einrichtung neuer spezifischer Kontrollorgane und Frühwarnsysteme in den Betrieben bedarf, ob der zum "Arbeiten ohne Ende" pervertierten "Vertrauensarbeitszeit" tarifvertraglich und durch Betriebsvereinbarungen ein Riegel vorgeschoben werden kann oder ob die klassische Arbeitsmedizin inhaltlich und institutionell erweitert werden muss, das alles sind ebenso ungeklärte wie dringend einer Lösung bedürftige Probleme. Sie relativieren und entwerten nicht die traditionellen Formen des Verschleißes von Arbeitskraft, sondern fügen dem eine neue Dimension hinzu. Subjektivität von Arbeit verweist damit auf eine neue arbeitspolitische Arena, in der auch der Kampf um eine Eindämmung von Arbeitssucht zu führen sein wird. (ICF2)