The Dating Dilemma
How we came to write this book -- Contents -- PREFACE -- introduction: THE ONE -- Worst nightmare -- Perfect love -- Opened eyes -- To date or not to date -- Age-old love -- Good loving -- Chat room -- chapter one: THE ROMANCE EVOLUTION -- Logical love -- Where is the love? -- The rise of romance -- Ye olde matrimony -- Let courtship commence -- Three, two, one - date! -- Romancipation? -- Dating God's way -- Chat room -- chapter two: FRAME IT -- The tale of two approaches -- Unfinished masterpiece -- Begin with the borders -- Be active -- Adam 4 Eve -- Isaac 4 Rebekah -- Jacob 4 Rachel -- Ruth 4 Boaz -- God's way = the best way -- Be selfless -- Nothing new in this Testament -- The big picture -- Chat room -- Being passive -- Being selfish -- chapter three: HIGH HOPES -- Overwhelming -- God's marriage mandate -- Faithfulness is fundamental -- Seek selflessness -- Practise permanence -- Put God first -- First steps -- Chat room -- our dating guidelines -- chapter four: DATE STRONGER -- Strength matters -- Life on hold -- 1. Check it out! -- Unrealistic expectations for a dating relationship -- Realistic expectations of a dating relationship -- 2. Fill up! -- 3. Stop obsessing! -- 4. Be quiet! -- A whole life -- Chat room -- chapter five: DATE DEEPER -- Nearly, but not yet -- Love triangles -- Delving deep -- 1. If you want to go deep, be exclusive -- 2. Go deep, don't sink! -- 3. Looking at your boy/girl, only -- 4. Not looking back in anger -- Keep the faith -- Chat room -- chapter six: DATE CLEARER -- A big let-down -- Let's get real -- 1. Check your blind spots -- 2. Be clear about compatibility -- The P test -- 3. Look with love -- 4. Be long-sighted -- I see you -- André's word for the guys -- Rachel's word for the girls -- Chat room -- chapter seven: DATE WIDER -- Happily ever after? -- Live wider -- Esther's legacy -- 1. Spend time apart