Data Privacy
In: Privacy and Identity Management for Life, S. 157-179
10586 Ergebnisse
In: Privacy and Identity Management for Life, S. 157-179
In: Encyclopaedia entry, in Elgar Encyclopaedia of Human Rights, Forthcoming
The panel focused on the effects of current data privacy legislation. The panel discussed topics such as the history of data privacy regulation, the relationship between privacy and security, and corporate and government compliance with global data privacy regulations.
In: Yale University Institute for Social and Policy Studies Working Paper 14-028; The Challenges of The Digital Era: Privacy, Information and More, ed. S. Yanisky-Ravid, New York: Fordham University Press, (forthcoming, 2017), chapter accepted, but book never published
In: Kaplan, B., Davidson, E.J., Demiris, G., Schreiber, R., Waldman, A.E., "Rethinking Health Data Privacy," Proceedings of the American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium, Washington, DC, November 2019
In: IASSIST quarterly: IQ, Band 47, Heft 3-4, S. 1-3
ISSN: 2331-4141
The letter to the Editor is in response to the manuscript by Hertzog et al. (2023) titled "Data management instruments to Protect the personal information of Children and Adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa." The letter elaborates on personal data protection, particularly the POPI Act's data management requirements; the DNA Act mandates specific measures to ensure the data integrity and security of the NFDD's information. In addition, it criminalises the misuse or compromise of the data's integrity within the NFDD. In addition, the DNA Act established the National Forensic Oversight and Ethical Board (NFOEB), which is responsible for overseeing ethical compliance, implementing the Act, and preserving data integrity within the NFDD. The NFOEB is also responsible for investigating any complaints regarding DNA forensics and the management of the NFDD.
In: Journal of International and Comparative Law, December 2020