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2189690 Ergebnisse
Herennivs Modestinvs: Excvsationvm libri VI
In: Scriptores iuris Romani 9
Commentario breve al codice civile
In: Breviaria iuris 1
Ivlivs Pavlvs: Decretorvm libri tres; Imperialivm sententiarvm in cognitionibvs prolatarvm libri sex
In: Scriptores iuris romani 6
Aemilivs Macer: De officio praesidis, Ad legem XX hereditativm, De re militari, De appellationibvs
In: Scriptores ivris romani 7
Gli anni della breccia cristiana: la legislazione dell'imperatore Graziano
In: Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di diritto privato e storia del diritto$bsezione di diritto romano e diritti dell'antichità 59
Pensiero cristiano e produzione del ius: l'ultima età teodosiana
In: Syntéleia
In: Sezione Diritto 1
The European restructuring directive
In: Elgar corporate and insolvency law and practice
"This comprehensive book provides a clear analysis of the European Restructuring Directive, which aims to improve national frameworks governing business restructuring and insolvency as well as to provide debt relief for individuals. Gerard McCormack explores the key aspects of the Directive including the moratorium on litigation and enforcement claims against the financially-troubled business, the provision for new financing, the division of creditors into classes, the introduction of a restructuring plan and the rules for approval of the plan by a court or administrative authority. Key features include: a unique contextualisation of the Directive, situating it against the backdrop of earlier European initiatives identification of important parallels with the UK scheme of arrangement and the new UK restructuring plan procedure embodied in the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 a comparison of the Directive with Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law legislative guide on insolvency, and the World Bank's Insolvency and Creditor Rights and Doing Business projects. This important new book provides a detailed and practical analysis of the Directive and the implications for its transposition into national laws, making it an essential work for insolvency lawyers and practitioners, as well as EU policy makers. It will also be critical reading for academics and students of law, particularly those interested in commercial, insolvency, corporate and European law"--
Advanced introduction to comparative legal methods
In: Elgar advanced introductions
Societates publicanorum e societates vectigales nella Roma antica: prime esperienze storiche di amministrazione pubblica indiretta
In: Diritto e meta diritto 2
Traité de droit européen de l'environnement
In: Collection de droit de l'Union Européenne
In: Série traités 1
Mélanges en l'honneur de Pascal Ancel
In: Collection de la Faculté de Droit, d'Économie et de Finance de l'Université du Luxembourg